Reviews from

in the past

Já fazia um tempo que eu queria jogar essa franquia, mas não conseguia instalar as traduções. Então, quando vi essa versão já traduzida por um preço justo, fui lá e comprei mesmo sem ter a certeza se iria gostar ou não. Já estava jogando Okami HD, então instalei esse jogo só para testar e ver se era traduzido mesmo. Acontece que era só para testar, mas eu nunca mais quis parar de jogar e foi assim que encontrei uma das minhas franquias favoritas.

The Walking Dead nunca foi apenas sobre zumbis, mas sim sobre até que ponto as pessoas são capazes de manter sua humanidade em um apocalipse, onde não há recursos para todos e onde quem dita as leis são os mais fortes. É uma jornada de decisões difíceis, onde muitas vezes você terá que colocar seu grupo acima de qualquer princípio para mantê-los vivos ou não; você escolhe. Será que vale mesmo a pena manter a humanidade? Independentemente da sua escolha, o jogo continua, e do ponto de vista do jogo, não existem escolhas erradas, visto que até mesmo o silêncio é uma resposta válida para as situações.

Enfim, estou avaliando a franquia como um todo e posso dizer que ela é cercada de personagens que merecem sobreviver e serem amados. No entanto, a terceira temporada não é tão boa quanto as outras. Para minha sorte, a 4ª temporada se apoia apenas nas coisas verdadeiramente boas da 3ª (na minha visão).

A última temporada foi um encerramento muito satisfatório. Entretanto, vai deixar muitas saudades e posso dizer, sem sombra de dúvidas, que isso aqui foi especial para mim. Talvez até tenha me feito perceber coisas da minha vida pessoal que eu nunca enxerguei.

Foi tão bom que agora me sinto órfão e estou revendo a série de tv para preencher esse vazio.

"O mundo que conhecemos se foi, mas manter nossa humanidade... Isso é uma escolha."

~ Velho Dale

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 1/10

Including every Walking Dead Telltale season in one package is a no-brainer. Fantastic narrative (except maybe season three, that was big doodoo), compelling characters, and hard decisions that affect your playthrough. THIS IS A YES MOMENT!

I wanted to play Michonne's dlc for the first time, so I tried it

If you're reading this to buy the bundle, I'd say It's worth it, you have all of them in one place, the story is amazing, indeed, and if you're into the "It's your choice" genre, you'll like it, trust me.

Obviously, It's much better with a discount, but you won't be losing your money if you buy it full price.

Thank you for this Telltale. One of my favorite games of all time,

Cry again in remastered graphics.

These games are why I am the way that I am.

this is a review of the collection itself, not the games contained within it. the games themselves range from good to extremely good.

the collection itself, however - not great. they added a half-baked "comic" filter that gives everything a gaudy black outline that makes it difficult to distinguish the detail in anything, and washes out the color with a nasty puke-green. on top of that, the subtitles are frequently wrong and sometimes leave out pretty big details. they also did absolutely nothing to remaster the older games, they're just as jank as they were back in the day.

low-effort cash grab, the only reason it has any stars is because the games contained within are super solid despite all the flaws

⬜Cada frame foi pintado por Da Vinci

⬜Historia MEEH
⬜Uma história legalzinha
⬜Uma história digna de prestar atenção
⬜Melhor que a vida real
✔️Feita pra arrancar lagrimas ( HISTORIA LINDA )

⬜Jogabilidade bacana
⬜Jogabilidade excelente

⬜Jogos da galinha pintadinha são mais complicados
✔️Fácil de entender
⬜Fácil de aprender, difícil de dominar
⬜É daqueles jogos que as pessoas ficam estudando
⬜Precisa de, no mínimo, 2 doutorados

⬜ Você Escolhe.
✔️Da pra zerar dormindo
⬜Jogando sozinho é quase um Darksouls, mas em grupo se torna muito mais tranquilo
⬜ Difícil
⬜Você vai precisar de 8 mãos pra jogar isso

Tempo de jogo
⬜Jogo pequeno
⬜ 100h+
⬜Você começa, seu neto termina
⬜Sem tempo determinado.

Áudio, músicas
⬜É melhor jogar no mudo
✔️Muito boa
⬜Mozart escreveu junto com Beethoven

✔️Nunca vi nenhum
⬜Pequenos bugs (Quase nada)
⬜Pode ficar irritante
⬜Jogo parece que foi feito pela Bugsoft

⬜ Crianças
✔️ Adolescentes
✔️ Adultos

Compensa Comprar?
⬜ Preço justo
⬜ Compre se tiver dinheiro sobrando
✔️Espere uma promoção
⬜ Caro demais não recomendo
⬜ Mais fácil você queimar seu dinheiro

Pay to win?
⬜ Armas coloridas dão um dano consideravelmente maior
⬜ Apenas cosméticos
✔️ Sem microtransações

I’ve been a fan of Telltale Games for quite some time now. And yet, for some reason, I hadn’t sat down & fully played through their take on The Walking Dead until after this compilation had come out. So I did just that ---- and from beginning to end, I was hooked. Telltale just has a knack for weaving poignant, intense narratives & point-and-click gameplay into something fantastic. And TWD is probably their magnum opus. Cannot recommend enough to fans of story-heavy games.

This game changed me as a person. It matured me in a way I didn't think a video game could. I still and probably will think about this game for a long, long, time. This is the type of game that when you finish it, gives you a weird empty feeling in your gut because you don't want the story to end and you want there to be more, it doesn't matter if it's one more episode or a whole season you just, want, more. And for a while, you're sad that there isn't anymore but then you accept it and it's kind of a nice feeling. A feeling of serenity, maybe, you are finally satisfied.

jogo me marcou tanto q eu to traumatizado até hoje, amo muito

Very very good, worthy companion to the comics

not bad nor incredible in my opinion,feel like first season is the best one

wish the performance of this specific version was better but if we're talking about each individual game, it's some of the finest storytelling in gaming.

las 50 horas mejor invertidas de mi vida. los personajes y la historia son tan entrañables que pese a sus defectos es un juego que todo el mundo debería experimentar al menos una vez en sus vidas. gracias por tanto telltale, os odio y os amo. de cierta manera crecí con clementine y ver la conclusión de su historia es triste pero hermoso.

I can't recommend this collection enough. While seasons 2 and 3 have their naysayers, I think they're pretty damn good and definitely worth playing, especially if you intend on experiencing the whole Walking Dead story. Personally, I loved all four main seasons of this series, and I thought Michonne was decent as a supplemental piece, although I wouldn't recommend it on its own.

Along with that, this collection comes with developer commentary for seasons 1-4. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work for whatever reason, so I can't say for sure how worthwhile it is (although I know the season 2 finale has a juicy cut content drop), but you can probably find them on YouTube if nothing else.

Anyway, I'm going to use this review to link to every review I made for each episode of each season, along with a link to my ranking of all the episodes as a whole. Each review includes some thoughts on the episodes, and the major choices I made (except S1E1, didn't have the idea to do that yet), why I made those choices, and the character relationship statuses seen at the end of season 3 and the end of each season 4 episode. This is probably gonna suck to type out, I really hope I don't fuck something up.

Oh - this should be obvious, but each review has spoilers for the episode!

Ranking of all episodes
Season 1, episode 1: A New Day
Season 1, episode 2: Starved For Help
Season 1, episode 3: Long Road Ahead
Season 1, episode 4: Around Every Corner
Season 1, episode 5: No Time Left
Season 1, DLC episode: 400 Days
Season 2, episode 1: All That Remains
Season 2, episode 2: A House Divided
Season 2, episode 3: In Harm's Way
Season 2, episode 4: Amid the Ruins
Season 2, episode 5: No Going Back
Season 3, episode 1: Ties That Bind - Part One
Season 3, episode 2: Ties That Bind - Part Two
Season 3, episode 3: Above the Law
Season 3, episode 4: Thicker Than Water
Season 3, episode 5: From the Gallows
Season 4, episode 1: Done Running
Season 4, episode 2: Suffer the Children
Season 4, episode 3: Broken Toys
Season 4, episode 4: Take Us Back
Michonne, episode 1: In Too Deep
Michonne, episode 2: Give No Shelter
Michonne, episode 3: What We Deserve


This review contains spoilers

Unfortunately, I was super late to play this game in its entirety. And I came into this game with a decent amount of spoilers for it from watching PewDiePie play it. But despite all of that, I still had an amazing time playing this game, the storytelling is amazing and the characters are even better. I even have a signed picture of Kenny's voice actor, Gavin Hammon. And even though I knew all the outcomes I still cried at almost every single character death. This game is very well made and it is, in my opinion, the best telltale game.

I already reviewed the other seasons separate from this but this is my review of the series in total. This is an amazing series with some of the best story I've ever seen in any kind of media. The gameplay is very basic but still fun at times. Definitely had some lacking sections but at the end of the day this is one of the greatest series ever. I played through this with @Tarkzy who left alot more detailed review

People have had mixed opinions on this game series I've seen. But, I honestly have to say that Telltale's The Walking Dead is an incredible journey to go through. I had watched up to season 2 when I was younger, and ended up falling out of it as I grew older. However, I recently bought the definitive edition and sat down with a group of friends and played through the game together, making group decisions and reacting to every chilling moment.

The story is immaculate, the characters (mostly) are amazing and extremely fleshed out. Each main character within the different seasons are just amazing as well. Gameplay however doesn't pick up until season 3, which is when the game really started to get challenging to play and offered a variety of new gameplay features.

Nothing to say, only tears.

Eu amo esse jogo. Minha jornada com esse jogo começou com meu save no PSVita, e passou por 3 computadores até eu conseguir ver o final, e valeu muito a pena ter insistido em importar meu save porque essa é minha história, com minhas escolhas, e eu sei que nunca existiu outra versão dessa obra que foi exatamente igual a minha. A série não é perfeita, ela tem sim seus momentos ruins ou sem sentido, mas a primeira e última temporada são constantemente excelentes o bastante pra elevar ele pra outro patamar.

The Walking Dead is that kind of game that you beat and feel an emptiness in your soul because you know you will never be able to see more of this incredible story, but as the iron man said in end game.

"Part of the Journey is the End"

And The Walking Dead ends spectacularly for me!


Well... What about the history of this game that someone doesn't already know?
TWD in general starts and ends absurdly maybe with a little belly there in the middle cof cof season 3 cof cof, but in the overview of things Lee and Clementine are one of the most phenomenal characters I've seen in games the development they both have over the course of story made me apprehensive, made me stay on the edge of my chair, made me fear for their lives and finally made me fear for every choice I made wrong taken by the emotion of the moment.


Well The Walking Dead is not quite the example of a game whose gameplay shines or is the focus of the story, the game uses interactive point and click mechanics until its 3 game that perfectly matches what the game proposes to be, a game whose focus is the narrative and its choices and not the combat itself, making the gameplay just a crutch that complements the game itself, that until the final season where they took everything to another level, thus making the gameplay an essential part of the final season, elevating the setting to absurd levels.


- The port is kind of bug for the price charged on steam, texts disappearing or language simply changing languages ​​in the middle of conversations and to finish some enemies disappear in the execution animations, nothing that makes the game unpalatable, but when you remember that the game is 200 reais on steam BR you would expect at least a well polished port which is not the case here.
-Season 3 looks like an interactive visual novel it's so much text and more text that the gameplay just doesn't exist, I know that earlier I said that in TWD the focus is on the story and not the game itself, but the puzzle elements and "combat" " were essential to add that extra spice, but if you're into it like I am, forget all about it here because the closest you'll get to it is holding down E or Q for the entire third season.


If you are looking for something that escapes the saturation of the current gaming market, something that will make you cry, something that will make you feel part of the story, connected to that universe then The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series is the perfect game. for you because Telltale is to be congratulated with this story that will leave you crying like a baby.

First Season - 10/10
DLC 400 Days - 5/10
Second Season - 7/10
Michonne DLC - 7/10
Third Season - 4/10
Final Season - 10/10

The Telltale Definitive Series - 9/10

After so many releases on so many consoles and a whole collection that was awful from head to toe from 720p to 30fps and buggy as hell (Telltale Complete Collection), this is the one, this is finally the one collection and version of every single Season you can be proud of to own and replay this masterpiece series with. Native 4K on Xbox One X and Series X, 60fps too, beautiful Auto HDR, Quick Resume support and besides some small buggs and hickups, it's everything I've ever wanted.

this game will make you rethink how to talk to people, very good story

"This game series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play."

Wether you like these telltale games and the content they have provided for many years, the impact these few words have left on point and click games is undeniable and for me, it all started here: The Walking Dead.

Consider this a general review of the 4 seasons as a whole, I'm going to conveniently leave out Walking Dead Michonne as it felt like more of a convenience in this package to justify the "definitive" title than anything else. These games are really mostly held up by their story and characters, so there's no real point nitpicking the mechanics, or lack thereof, except with the final season, but we'll get to that later.

It's no point beating a dead horse, and in the same vein it feels redundant to repeat what's already been said a million times, but Season 1 is truly a masterclass in tone and narrative design. There's a reason it propelled these kind of games to such stellar popularity, and there's a reason all the characters are still talked about today. I truly believe all the praise is warranted for how boldly the game carries itself and the hopeless tone that is illustrated throughout. Every episode is dynamic, all the choices are brutal and the consequences are almost always dire. It could have been a perfectly self contained gaming jewel, and a real homage to Kirkman's work.

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I thought Season 2 did quite a good job continuing the story, it was almost always engaging and you can tell a lot of passion and energy went into making it a worthwhile successor. Making Clementine the playable character seemed like a logical choice and it really highlighted her growth and arc. It reinforces the foundation of the story and it turn, the game is engaging.

Enter season 3: a new frontier, and things start getting different. Be careful what you wish for is a common saying for good reason, and I think it can be applied here as well. For a game series relying so strongly on it's narrative aspect, it was inevitable that with success and popularity would come high demand and expectations, and I understand the bold(er) story decisions but I also see the flaws in story and game structure. Sure, it felt like these "decisions" that were once the staple of this series were more convoluted than important, but I was still invested and excited to see what happened next, despite a drop in quality and serious community backlash.

The final nail is (no pun intended) the final season, this is were The Walking Dead suffers it's biggest identity crisis in a desperate bid to "make things right". Fix all the things diehard fans didn't like about the direction of season 3, bring back the nostalgia and that unique feeling of stress and tragedy that the first two seasons portrayed so well, as well as modernize the gameplay to make the final story all the more dynamic. What happened instead was a product that feels like it wants to be 3 things at once, but instead only manages to do a couple things halfway. A whole episode chopped off, a plethora of plot contrivances, and half baked third person segments I just didn't see the point for. There's still an admirable level of heart that went into this send off, but I did feel like this wasn't the best direction.

It's almost ironic that a franchise based on surviving in a decaying would, in it's own way, decay into the lesser sum of it's parts, without the original magic that took pop culture by storm. For what it's worth, the graphic overhauls in this collection make it the best way to experience the full story in one package, and the story is still compelling enough to completely lose yourself in for a week.

Loses some steam, but I would still definitely recommend this to anyone who's lucky enough to experience this story for the first time.

It's probably best way to get into whole series.

One of the best games that has ever been my pleasure to play I never knew a game could make you this emotional until I played this game it was one of the most beautiful story’s I have ever witnessed.

há alguns bugs em relação a tradução da season 2 (coisas em inglês, espanhol e sem tradução na área de escolhas da história) e na season 3. porém isso não afeta a jogabilidade e muito menos a história, comprei esse jogo na promoção (60 reais) e foi uma das melhores promoções esperadas pra mim

se eu pudesse, apagaria minha memória e rejogava essa obra prima