Reviews from

in the past

Just... Momiji inubashiri is in this game.

Stages and Patterns are cool in this game, but the Bombs = Power mechanic I'm not a fan of. Best mechanic that this game introduced is the Faith Gauge by far which makes it fun to destroy enemies and collect faith. Cast is cool as usual, my favorite out of this one is Nitori, Aya, and Momoji.

I find the hitbox to be a lot stricter in this one. In any other Touhou, a bullet could be kissing the tip of your dick and the game would just let it pass. Not in this one though.

Personally one of my favorites, but hell is very flawed

A pretty solid Touhou game, a nice cast of characters, excellent soundtrack and fun gameplay.

Bombs are tied to power in this game, which is... an odd change but honestly not one I'm too bothered with.

Sanae and Aya were the absolute bain of my Lunatic 1CC. Other than that, it has such a great chilling ambient and music...


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getting through this one took a lot of tries but getting to stage 6 with all the pillars + kanako's theme mmuah so worth it

Sidebar: I wonder what ZUN is trying to say, if anything, about the material nature of having a parental support structure when writing about the Moriya and Hakurei shrines. It is common to interpret Kanako and Suwako as Sanae's mothers. On the other hand, Reimu's god is distant to the point of irrelevance, and coincidentally she has no mothers. Obviously Reimu DOES have people that support her, but having a family name that is both as old as the ground itself, and also has influence in the modern world, means Sanae has access to things Reimu can not. Same as actual people.

Anyways, there's nothing that incredible in this one, but all together it hits this vibe that really works for me. Its a mountain worth climbing at least once, even if Kanako kicks you all the way back down the first chance she gets. 3.5 stars

My first and only bullet hell. It's fun to see improvement, but my hand won't stop hurting…

As Touhou as a Touhou game can get. Great music, great bosses, bad stages for the most part, and poo poo scoring.
LNB is a recommended challenge for this one since bombs trivialize the 1CC a bit much.

it's like a soft reboot, but it's awesome regardless. i love being able to go to the point of collection line no matter the power, and power bombs.. so based.

Der Anfang einer neuen Ära.
nachdem Teil 8 es mit der Kompläxität übertrieben hat, ging man hier ein paar Schritte zurück und liefert nach Teil 2 das mechanisch simpelste Spiel der Reihe.
Mit der Bewertung tue ich mich etwas schwer. An sich ist es ein gutes Spiel, nur habe gefällt mir die Mechanik mit den Bomben nicht und zum anderen habe ich ein etwas frustrierendes Erlebnis mit dem Spiel, da man auf Easy IMMER das schlechte Ende bekommt, egal ob man Continues benutzt hat oder nicht. Glücklicherweise ist das das letzte Spiel, dass einen so für das Spiel auf Easy bestraft. In den nachfolgenden Teilen bekommt man lediglich nicht die Extra Stage, auf die ich eh verzichten kann, da ich die nicht spiele, da ich zu schlecht bin.
Insgesamt gutes Spiel, jedoch Punktabzug wegen persönlichen Ansichten und Erlebnissen.

Solid game, but nothing special about it compared to the other touhou games, at least in my opinion.

Nesse jogo eu aprendi que as coisas mais preocupantes nesse mundo são cachoeiras, sapos e pilares gigantes. Sanae

1cc normal
reinicio da serie com novo enguine
bom jogo na media e por algum motivo mais polido até mesmo que os jogos seguintes da serie
hino de touhou:

Another one of my fav touhou games visually!!! This one took me a minute to beat ADMITTEDLY (kanakos nonspells.....what the fawk....) so im havjng a hard time finding nice things to say without getting war flashbacks but this game is really good i promise!!!!!!!! It felt VERY fast paced in comparison to other games in the series which i think contrasts really well with how serene the game is in terms of backgrounds & music, a lot of the danmaku is visually pleasing too while still being difficult man i dont know how he does it. Ive seen people complain about how you can only play 2 different characters but You get to pick which shot type you want bro come on is that not cool....Just close your eyes and pretend its youmu or something idgaf. The only thing i can agree with is how weird the bomb system is (instead of collecting spell pieces it takes away a full point from your shot power) like there was no reason for that Mr zun and u know that...Anyways this game is TOO GOOD other than that i would recommend it as your second game instead of first solely because thjs game has weird ass mechanics and if you want a good normal touhou game to start with you should play pcb (i am booed off the stage)

While I don't think i like this one as much as Imperishable Night, I think Mountain of Faith is a solid Touhou experience. I like the new characters it adds and its ost and atmosphere is one of the best. I'm not the biggest fan of the overpowered bombs by how much power you get compared to older games giving you a set amount but it is just a minor nitpick. My second favorite Touhou so far.

i beat this in a university library

if this is the easiest touhou then call me hugh glass because god damn i am not faring well here

this game made me smoke too much weed

No gimmicks, aesthetically beautiful (I love the whole Autumn vibe), and the status-quo shake was much needed in the Windows-era. An absolute classic.

Also this game introduced Sanae Kochiya, the best Windows-era character.