Reviews from

in the past

very depressing game (said positively) with strange systems and unexpected difficulty spikes.

A story that can hook you without telling you too much, every character is likeable and the combat, even if unbalanced as hell, is pretty fun. Make sure to use a guide if you're going for the best ending though, the game doesn't tell you shit.

Me quedé en el capítulo 4 al nivel 21 , habiendo jugado 15 ~ 16 horas
De primeras no tenía idea que hacer así que me fui a gamefaqs a ver una guía, la guía me explica un puñao de cosas que no entendía del juego, aparte de sugerir que personajes mandar o que equipo usar etc

La música me gusta , lo jugué con doblaje en inglés, y algunos personajes no me gustaron sus voces, aún así, bastante sorprendido de la cantidad de voces que tiene el juego.

El gameplay del combate y exploración de escenarios me gusta, no me gusta como va lo de el tiempo transcurra al entrar a una zona, teniendo límite de tiempo en cada capitulo, tiene sentido supongo , pero no sé si se podría haber implementado de una mejor forma haciendo que jugar sin guia no de tanto miedo.

EN RESUMEN: Lo quiero volver a jugar en algún momento y terminarlo, la siguiente vez en Japonés para ver si me gusta más las voces

There's so so much to adore about this game: the very genuine melancholic tone that I haven't seen much of in any other media, Lenneth, the excellent pixel art and the satisfying unique combat. There's some really hateable things too, however. for example, the special attack animations last so long I instinctively pull out my phone to check messages every time I do them, the difficulty and easiness spikes are sometimes so outrageous, it's almost funny. the pauses in-between character lines is so long, it breaks the pace and kinda ruins the immersion.

complexidade mecânica que parece desnecessária até o momento em que tudo demonstra ser a verdade do mundo em si, visto que todas as almas são só uma sequência de números pro exército, permitindo uma apreciação meio em retrospecto de todo o problema - lidar com a alma dos outros é um pesadelo logístico mesmo, e seria injusto a valquíria fazer isso só selecionando a espada no menu, sem fazer nem sequer uma continha, e ainda querer recriar o mundo talvez só de pirraça

Well I played this on stream because it was my first time playing it and I heard nothing but great things about it from a stream friend.

I gotta say I enjoyed this game from top to bottom! I love the setting and story. And there are quite a few characters to deal with that add to the story as well plus getting to know them and their plights. The battle system is something that I just enjoy a ton of! I think a few more games ought to adapt this. OR you know.... make the third Valkyrie Profile featuring the next Valkyrie. I'm just saying because I want that.

Great game but BE WARNED! You should use a guide to get ending A, it's the only ending that's remotely satisfying

No meio desta re visitada em valkyrie, tive á ingrata, desprazer de coletar mais de 20 personagens jogáveis, parecia estar jogando um gacha não pago.

Bom, isso não, é algo 100% ruim, os próprios personagens coletáveis, eles enriquecem a loré do jogo, mas 95% deles, não influência no plot principal do jogo, não têm importância, além que maioria tem backgroud porco e chato para um caralho. Já a história principal, ela tem pontos positivos por alguns personagens do elenco, sendo o principal dele Lezard, o adorador de buceta mais irritante, arrombado, filha da puta, desgraçado que conheci em um RPG.

O gênero RPG tem em sua proposta vivenciar ou ver jornada de um personagem em mundo fantasia, obviamente, tem que ser algo monótono de forma agradável, posso usar de exemplo, xenogears, final fantasy , chrono trigger, tales of series, stars occean, fire emble, YS series, estes RPGs, são algo de exemplo seguir de um bom RPG, JÁ A DESGRAÇA DO VALKYRIE, EU GASTEI TANTO TEMPO COLETANDO E VENDO PERSONAGEM COM BACKGROUD FODA-SE, QUE ESTAVA QUASE VEGETANDO. Mas Lezard, o filha da puta, deu o ponto de virada no enredo do jogo, me deixando interessado pela Lenneth e pelo Odin.

Falando no Odin, no decorre da trama que infelizmente vislumbrei, ele é um pau no cu, saco de lixo, e a Lenneth foi uma grata surpresa, mas ela devia arrumar homem melhor, tem péssimos gosto para escolher um, mas eu deixo, afinal ela é uma daquelas mulher, essas mulher é assim mesmo, o que me deixa incrédulo e assustado, é enorme porção de pontas soltas (porque estavam fazendo o segundo jogo da franquia de imediato para o PS2, e várias pontas soltas foram a forma mais filha da puta de tu ir comprar o segundo jogo) e poder tirado do cu na reta final do jogo (final fantasy 7 es tu?).

Loki, decepção, boss mais fácil que enfrentei em um jogo de RPG na minha vida, o dragão chad é muito melhor e uns dos mais desafiadores bosses de RPG feito, ele é bem mais palpável que este estrume chamado personagem.

Gameplay carregar demais, isso influenciou bastante para wu dar uma nota positiva. Nele tu pode cada turno aplicar qualquer tipo de combo, e os combos pode duplicar depedendo do equipamento que tu colocar, e as skills usadas, cada personagem tem sua pecualidade na gameplay , assim você pode diversificar bastante.

As dangeons são ótimos, mas tem umas partes que é irritante de se locomover ppr contar do controle, mas fora isso nada demais.

Trilha sonora só tem uma que se destaca, resto é bem ok.


I love this game. The atmosphere of Valkyire Profile is incredible. Right at the beginning, you get the certainty that the world will end and a corresponding countdown, which already creates a certain depressive mood.

Then there's Platina's story and the smaller stories of the Einherjar that you can recruit, all of which are at least interesting with some extremely tragic back stories. This is a game I think I will return to in the darker times of my life. The music is very experimental and you either hate it or love it....I love it :D The main story stays in the background for a long time, but gets really good in the middle and towards the end and, as I said, the small stories of the Einherjar are more in the foreground.

The platforming in the dungeons can be annoying, but otherwise I have few complaints. Fighting is fun and the pacing is also good. I only realized in chapter 4 that there was a map :D YES, I did the entire tower of Lezard without a fucking map.... what else can I say, it's a masterpiece :)

Usa a versão original japonesa de PS1 como base, então não ter os QoLs nos menus da versão americana é uma merda. Em compensação, as novas cenas em CG são lindíssimas, prefiro mais do que as cutscenes originais.

É só um port piroquinha que acompanhou o lançamento de VP2 no mesmo ano e ele não modifica quase nada (os mesmos glitches continuam aqui por sinal), mas assim... 2006 né, bora botar skip nas cutscenes, ver a cutscene inicial pela quarta vez é pedir pra ficar louco, principalmente pra um jogo que tem alto fator replay. VP1 só foi ter skip de cutscene na versão mobile, é putaria.

Very cool game, especially for its time. The plot, setting and tone are rarely ever seen in a JRPG and they're handled pretty tastefully. The story is decently written and greatly enhanced by its freshness. The character stories are a bit of a mixed bag with some clearly having more effort put into them than others but they're generally well-done and do a good enough job endearing you to the characters for the amount of time spent on them. I think I would've preferred getting less party members in exchange for more depth but the wide selection has its own appeal. The voice acting isn't great most of the time but it adds a lot of soul given how rare it is to get so much voice acting from an old PS1 JRPG. The progression of the game is very simple but liberating in a way. Getting to choose which artifacts you keep to exchange evaluation with key items, choosing which characters to send to odin every chapter, picking from a large cast of characters for a varied party, it all comes together very well. You're technically locked to just a few new areas per chapter but just giving you the choice to fly to any of them at any point during the chapter feels much less restrictive. It also helps that you never spend too long in one place besides Lezard's tower so it feels well-paced. Speaking of Lezard he was a joy to watch in action and I would've greatly preferred him as the primary antagonist over Loki but I suppose it would also feel weak to not give the god side of the plot any noteworthy events. The visuals still look great to this day thanks to the good spritework and backgrounds and the music is stellar and super memorable. Combat, while unique, can be pretty repetitive and difficulty is weirdly inconsistent. 70% of the game is a cakewalk but there's sudden spikes in difficulty like Lezard's tower and Bloodbane which makes for a rather annoying experience. Having to follow a guide to get the good ending is also pretty lame.

really glad i played this game, enjoyed it the whole way through and sobbed during the ending…

Very cool combat I love my wife lenneth a lot. lezzard is the most (thats literally me) character i have ever seen.

Valkyrie profile lenneth so far good wish there was a option to play the game with Japanese dub cuz the English dub cuz these "im voice acting on a video game so I shouldn't take it too seriously." Vibes but I heard it improves later on so I guess I gotta get used too it. Also while the combat system is fun combo based turn based system reminding me of Radiant Historia is dope because it emphasis strategy with combo routes but the animations being so damn slow without a speed up button discouraged me a bit into doing them and just fighting enemies in general. But story premise dope , character work nice so far , love how good the sprite animation is genuinely impressive and the OST has been good so far.

Combat, style and tone were all cool but I can't manage to make myself click with it and I'm also not a fan of the dungeons

Possibly my favorite turn-based RPG gameplay. Great story, great art, great OST. I know I will appreciate it even more when I replay it on hard and go for the true ending, and as I get even further into my first playthrough now that I have a better handle on it (it doesn't explain everything to u)

Prerendered backgrounds my beloved

Fun combat and interesting story, but it's one of those rpgs where if you don't do VERY specific things you get a terrible lame ending.

Greatest JRPG ever made, bar none. There was nothing like it, there is nothing like it, and there will never be anything like it (unfortunately). The structure of the story is really cool, being able to progress and explore at (more or less) your own pace. Einherjar stories, as short as they are, are riveting, with some of them connecting to one another, and others playing integral parts in the events that unfold as you play the game. I love the overarching story as well. The gameplay is amazing too, for the first half at least, but then you figure out how to break it over your knee, but it's still fun and quite satisfying to obliterate everything you see. The dungeon design is easily some of the best I've ever seen in a JRPG, and the post-game dungeon is ICONIC. Motoi Sakuraba did a really good job on this soundtrack as well.

It is absolutely a MUST play if you're a JRPG fan. Play Valkyrie Profile.