Reviews from

in the past

I found this years ago because someone made a meme editing Christopher Robin over a Touhou boss, Pooh over Reimu, and baseballs over the bullets.

They were correct. S i l l y o l d b e a r .

He haunts my waking moments... I see him in my dreams... he's permanently implanted himself within the dark recesses of my mind; unending and inescapable.

Christopher Robin can eat my shorts

I spent 4 hours on this game. 4 FUCKING HOURS. My bitch of a friend Jake told me to play the game for an insane twits . do you wannna what that twist was . IT WAS CHJRIRSOPHER ROBIN THE MAIN FUCKING CHARCACTER OF WINNIE THG EPOOH. I SPENT 4 HOURS OF MY LUFE. I have lost my sanity. All It htiunk about now is how Im going to recover the time I lost. I am so sad. I am so angry. I am crying as I write this. Never has a game made me feel so much emotion. If I had known the game was just difficult and had christopher robin In it I wouldnt have wasted 4 hours of my friday night. Please jst dont make the same mistake I did. I was emotionally abused and made fun of during it. This was like being a cancer patient and your buddy also got cancer but beats it in like a day and laughs at you and says hey that wasnt so hard and I'm on the hospital bed barely hanging on to my life. I want to flatline so badly but my inherent will to live and support from my peers (not Jake) keeps me going. Tomorrow I will not be. I just wont.

they killed flash so that this game could be sealed away like a demon-infused amulet

I've been to the deepest depths of hell and back. Start praying. Pray that God will spare you from that abyss. What waits for you at the bottom is a nightmare I wouldn't wish upon even the worst humans on earth. As the years pass I try my best to forget his face, his name but he always finds his way into my head. The demons whisper it in my dreams. "Christopher Robin."

It took me 2 years to beat this fucking game. And yes, this is the hardest game I’ve ever played. Dark Souls can’t hold a candle to this motherfucking game.

Owl materialized out of my computer and fucked my wife, just as Shadow did before him. Tigger pulled out an AK-47 and killed my son. And Christopher Robin is the devil himself. I will never escape this game. Do not attempt to play it.

"fuck them kids" - someone at disney/yahoogames, probably

Usually when a game becomes a meme it's for one of two reasons: Either it's "so bad it's good" such as something like Shadow the Hedgehog or because it's "YouTuber bait" like Surgeon Simulator. Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby is neither of these. This unassuming children's web game has neither any major deficiencies in its core design nor is it attempting to be intentionally funny. The humor that the gaming community has collectively found, of course, is the insane difficulty curve, no, difficulty brick wall that is the devil himself, Christopher Robin. If this was themed as a hardcore baseball simulator that would be one thing, but to foist this monster, this malevolent beast of absolute pitching savagery upon children under the guise of just being a fun hang out sesh with your favorite unemployed bear is simply unconscionable.

We will never know what the designers meant by this. We will never know if the original architects of the game were acting with utter disdain towards children, or if they perhaps had much too faith in the youth's determination to overcome this challenge, or if they simply playtested it once, got it first try, and then said, "eh, it's probably fine." But whatever the case, Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby has made its mark upon gaming history as the only pure inside joke game the gaming community at large has ever enjoyed together. What a piece of shit. But also, what a treasure.