Reviews from

in the past

Yakuza 4 introduces a bunch of new gameplay styles to the series along with having a lot of fun side content and enjoyable characters, although the story becomes more of a mess the longer it goes on.
Its another good step forward for the franchise and one of the better games in the series, despite its flaws.

the first good Yakuza game

Not the best Yakuza game but it has a lot of merits. The gameplay is super fun, the music is great and the new characters are cool.
Kiryu in this game is my favorite version of him combat wise since it's just 3's Kiryu but improved where it was needed, plus he gets what's probably the best long battle in the series, the Kamurocho Hills one.
The story is funny but i admit it's way too stupid at times, i'm mainly referring to both the cutscenes on top of big towers.
Edit: check out tehsnakerer's video on Yakuza 4, it really made me appreciate the story more cause he noticed a lot of details and subtext i didn't.

Não curti tanto quanto os outros que joguei antes. O gameplay parecia mais travado, os gráficos não eram aquela coisa e a história é muito bullshit.

Huge improvement over 3, 4 aims to go bigger. It gives you two new fantastic characters to play as and Tanimura. The story is more ambitious with more parties yet it feels just the right length. I adore Akiyama's style alongside Kiryu's, and Saejima's and Tanimura's exist. There are some tough fights, some fun like the persistent prison guard and some of the worst in the series like Munakata. The side stories are much better written than 3, and Yakuza 4 is just an excellent game overall I recommend to anyone looking for a sushi showdown.

Akiyama is the best thing that ever happened to this series.

very good, gameplay is great and fun, upgrading system is cool(orb system is pretty cool, if a little grindy at the end) and the ost is fantastic. only issue is the story but everything else carries it.

A big improvement over 3. Still not in great territory, a few of these story bits could've spent a little more time in the oven, and the twists are absolutely ridiculous. Campiest Yakuza yet. Great gameplay though.

Pretty fucking close to perfect for this franchise. Great combat, great story, incredibly cinematic, I want to kiss all the men in it, it has everything. Tanimuras introduction is so raw.

An improvement from Yakuza 3, there's this little minigame where you get to survive until your health is at 0 called the Underground Battle King for all 4 of the playable characters.

Bit of a mess storywise but the finale is unbelievably raw so who cares. Fantastic soundtrack and combat is much improved from yakuza 3

Best kind of confusing, new characters rock.

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Possibly my least favourite yet and it's still 4 stars for 4.

Akiyama is an absolute delight, and his oddball way of conducting business seems to point forward to 5 et al.

Saejima grew on me and warmed up for me after a disastrous opening featuring one of the most bullshit set pieces ever set to game (you know, the one wherein a level 1 fighter, slow as molasses, has to do an unskippable quicktime event into 4 fights with the same superfast boss, interspersed with a section of breaking down doors and running whilst under sniper fire and while people throw bombs at you--hey, how'd that bit run on the PS3?)

So trashman grew on me, but I like to pretend that POST-PRISON LUST scene near the beginning where he nearly rapes Haruka didn't happen, Haruka who still looks about 9 although I suppose she's meant to be a teenager.

After that, the game became pretty damn easy--especially random encounters. It also introduced 'Boy-Band Lookin Asswipe' Tanimura, the one character who did not grow on me whatsoever, no matter how many waterworks they tried to trigger. His 'Russian Roulette' substory, featuring full cutscenes, was a highlight, though.

Kiryu was there. Everyone fought a boss. It ended. Kind of a 'that's it?' moment.

Still. It's fuckin' 龍が如く。It’s fuckin' Yakuza. Always the same, always different. Always good. Like the blues.

I can barely remember this game but it was cool

Man remember when they had to entirely change Tanimura's face and VA hopefully we never have that issue again in the Ryu Ga Gotoku franchise

The three new dudes all have interesting combat styles, I've been told I'm a lunatic for liking Saejima's. I guess in 4 he's not nearly as unrelenting as he is in 5 (where his strength gets. A little silly.). Akiyama really just wants to be left the hell alone and I can appreciate that the more bullshit happens in this universe. I already knew one of the big twists about 4 going in - you know the fucking one - and I don't think it it takes away too much from the plot. It's idiotic but it like. Doesn't negate [redacted]'s role in it or immediately take away the hurt from it all. Toughest final boss of the goddamn franchise bar none, armor the team twink is all I'm gonna say.

Yakuza 4 is a modern retelling of Frankenstein's Monster. Dr. Victor Frankenstein (played by Toshihiro Nagoshi) creates a monster (Shun Akiyama) so powerful, the village (everyone developing Yakuza after Yakuza 4) had to destroy him to restore the natural balance. The moral of the story being that the greatest sin committed was not trying to create unnatural life, but harboring nothing but hatred for it, making no attempt to understand it, and seeking it's destruction.

The game is pretty good, too. The story is dumb. I love it.

Johnny Here:

Yakuza is my favorite game series, and Yakuza 4 is my favorite game in the series. Akiyama is fun to play as and all, but there's one reason why this game rules: Taiga Saejima. By far my favorite character (Sorry Kiryu), Saejima's story is probably also my favorite, out of the games I've played (Still need to finish 0,5-7)

The transition from Kiryu, to Multiple protagonists, was handled quite well, also.

I'll definitely play the remaster, after I finish the other games. Easy 5 stars for me.

Changing my review so it's like...kind of a review.
So like...this game is really cool,but also my god the plot becomes a mess towards the end (series staple).
Saejima's part is also just....ugghhhhhhh
Good character but my god exploring kamurocho with him is such a pain.
Kiryu has like no reason to be here lol but hey we get an amazing long battle with him so I'm not complaining.
Akiyama and Tanimura carry the game and the ost got that real nice noir feel to it.
Unlike 3 where there's WAY TOO MANY substories they went with a quality over quantity aproach this time and IT SHOWS.
Overall really solid game and one of the best games in the franchise.
Wish it had more bosses tho :(

1/4th of this game is incredible.

My personal favorite entry in the series, this game is everything I wanted a yakuza game to be.

(I played remastered on PC with the mods to make it resemble the PS3 version I just don't like the new Tanimura actor I'm sorry)
Pretty good! Honestly even with a fresher mind I can definitely stand by it being one of my favorite entries in the series due to how many risks it took while still trying to maintain the formula that worked up to this entry. I love the new playable characters (especially Akiyama and Tanimura) and it is especially nice playing this one with the retrospective knowledge of how the series would move towards making Kiryu less of a proper primary antagonist and moreso a force of nature that the world molds. Amazing game!!!