Reviews from

in the past

So many mechanics and minigames! Worth a look on emulation or if you nab it cheap on PSN. #100RPGs

One of my favorite RPGs growing up, I'd like to get back to it one day

Very cool game, slightly too long and repetitive but still good.

It's my favorite childhood game, as charming as it was fun. Love it.

This game was our childhood, and despite amnesia we still remember the month before Christmas, reading the back of the box in the car, knowing that the next month of not being able to play it would kill us. But it didn't, and when we finally got it? It stuck with us.

As a child, this game had it all: unique designs, loveable characters, repetitive dungeon grinding gameplay, photography, crafting, and even a town builder system that let you Walk Around It in 3D??? That was always the coolest back then. We forgot a lot of details over the years, but we'll always remember crying at a particular mid-game reveal.

But to access the final boss, we needed information we forgot. And we didn't have internet back then. We never finished it.

Playing it two decades later, I don't think we would have ever succeeded as a kid. Without spoilers, the end bosses are Brutal, and if we hadn't ground the whole game for very good weapons it may have been abandoned a third time.

But we did it. And it feels like a weight off our chest, something off the bucket list. It was slower than we remembered, but a child's view of the world is so much more magnificent. Despite that, it was a wonderfully charming game that we would highly recommend to anyone who loves a good retro rpg.

4 stars for the actual game, 1 for how much it impacted our life. ✹

Character It's somewhere between Flotsam, Elena, & Mayor Need, but I love them all. đŸ„č Bonus shout-out to our childhood love for Monica.
Moment - The motherly discovery. Also Paznos, but that was a lot cooler as a child; as an adult you can't help but realise how clunky the cutscenes are.
Music - Kazarov Stonehenge hits different, and to this day we feel such strong emotions listening to it.

One of my favorite games I have ever played. It's a long RPG with plenty of nuances and differences from typical RPG's, but has the same familiar flavor. The story is long and amazing, the gameplay may be a little dated now, but it makes up for it with all sorts of extra content: village building mechanics, mini game golfing, and monster capturing and training. I always pray the developer Level-5 will release Dark Cloud 3, but I'm glad I have played through 2 plenty if times.

The metal collecting gives me Vietnam War Flashbacks.

mahusay na laro ang pinakamahusay na nilalaro ko araw-araw
napakasaya ng gameplay at napakaganda ng kwento

This game was filled to the brim with so many different types of mechanics. You had your city building portion of the game, golf mini-game, fish racing, there was a little too much to be honest. But it all helped the world in the game to feel alive.

My only gripes with this game would be the repetitive combat and the overall grindy nature of this game.

A slight upgrade from the first one but the characters are considerably less interesting. Photography game captured my interest since I liked Pokemon Snap.

This game is so much. All the ideas from the first are brought over, but with better combat, item crafting via combining photos of different objects that you take, time travel mechanics that are added to the city building mode... and a golf minigame that's set inside the randomized dungeons. I've never finished this game but it's pretty great.

I wanna come back to it but the dungeon crawling was weird

Hey woah this is kinda raw hold on there Level-5

- One of my favourite RPG's of all time, has really fun mechanics with the weapon building, village construction, and character development (monster medals, robot).
- It has an Anime plot but it kept me engaged enough with some twists and turns but it never gets too deep.
- The ost is memorable, i am able to remember some songs even though i have not played this in a decent while.
- The ending is a bit weird but that doesn't detract from how fun it is to get there anyways.

Muy muy bueno sinceramente de lo mejor que he jugado Ășltimamente y aunque tenga claros problemas (colocar las cosas bien al reconstruir pueblos, la curva de dificultad inicial etc.) no hacen imposible jugar el juego y practicamente todos desaparecen a las 3-4 horas de juego. Hacia lo mismo unos 7-8 años que no era capaz de grindear materiales/experiencia/armas en ningĂșn juego porque se me hacia pesado e insufrible y este juego ha conseguido no solo que lo haga si no que encima lo disfrute y lo abuse por mi propia cuenta de lo mucho que me ha gustado, recomendadisimo

Juego muchisimo mas largo que su predecesor.
Arregla varios sistemas y agrega muchĂ­simas cosas.
Lo unico que me disgusta es como se alargan mas de lo necesario las mazmorras despues de la segunda.

También conocido como Dark Chronicle, fue un RPG de aventura donde explorabas diferentes escenarios, divididos en "mazmorras". Con una historia bastante interesante para lo "infantil" que parecía. Tenía mecånicas muy variadas y podías evolucionar las armas metiéndole materiales, cada arma tenía varias ramas.

TambiĂ©n podĂ­as reconstruir aldeas para que los aldeanos pudieran volver a vivir allĂ­. Tengo que rejugarlo algĂșn dĂ­a.

I was more enamored of this sequel to Dark Cloud than the original, but I never completed this one either. Looking to play them on PS4 some time in the near future, but then the backlog is so damn colossal that who knows when that will really happen.

All I remember is that I really enjoyed what I played of this. I think another game came out that I wanted to play more or something but I never went back to finish this one.

No me mola el género pero tenia pinta de estar guapo