Reviews from

in the past

Probably has the blandest level design out of the games in the series that I've played so far - which is really saying something - but if you're playing "properly" and constantly pinballing off enemies and making the bare minimum acquaintance with the floor you'll probably be having too much fun to really notice. Movement feels great!
Glad that they streamlined what they did - the crafting system in the previous games felt pretty superfluous, and this game having you simply buy upgrades works a lot better. Also mid-play dialogue boxes no longer obscure half the screen and what EX weapon is what is clearly labelled in the menu, so well done Inti!
It's short and sweet. The idea of a spinoff from a previous game's Bad Ending is an interesting one even if I couldn't give much of a toss for the actual story in these. Also I feel like I'm risking prison any time I look at 99% of the female characters in the series - wish they'd rein that in a bit, maybe stop it entirely. But yeah it's pretty fun!

So it being a Mega Man-inspired game, i finished Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX a day after it's release. The game can very easily be described as "short but sweet". I mean, it is a Gunvolt game so it wasn't really long to begin with but for the first time in the series, this game only has one ending. The gameplay is very quick and satisfying. While the Gunvolt series takes more inspiration from the Mega Man Zero games, Luminous Avenger is more reminiscent of the Mega Man X games. The main character, Copen, acquires EX Weapons by defeating each boss and each boss is weak to a certain EX Weapon. In terms of difficulty, while the main challenge of the series comes from trying to get the highest rank, on a base difficulty, i'd say this game is the hardest in the series because, especially early on, Copen doesn't have a lot of health. You can Prevade through attacks (Prevasion is an ability in every game where if you have enough EP (as Gunvolt) or Bullits (as Copen), you can nullify attacks. You can refill these meters at any time so you can really just Prevade through everything though you can't move if you do) but given that dashing into enemies to lock onto them uses up Bullits and you only have three (can be increased to five) and Prevasion uses up two......yeah, you might find yourself taking a bit of damage. The final boss also kicked my ass a few times. There are difficulty settings as well:

Fearless basically makes it so you lose all your points if you take a hit
Cautious gives you three hits before taking away all your points
Casual(?, i forgot the actual name) basically makes it so no matter how many hits you take, you'll keep your points

as well as optional equipment you can buy to make the game harder for you, like All or Nothing, which removes checkpoints or another part where your HP is always 100. You can even disable Prevasion if you want.

On the music front, the OST is decent with the vocal songs being bangers, as is the case for the series. There are three catagories for songs. Overdrive Songs, an Anthem Song and a Darkness song (i'll talk about those two later). Overdrive songs are triggered when you get 1000 points (and because you can lose these points if you aren't careful, you can also lose the song).

The game also has a story and it's nothing to write home about. It's mainly there to move the game along but it and the characters are nice to have around. Talking to the characters increases the chance of Lola's Anthem triggering, which basically revives you and gives you unlimited EX energy. You can still die and you won't gain any points but it's nice. Lola also has a Darkness form, activated by the EX Weapon Darkness Trigger. This also gives you unlimited EX energy and increases the power of everything but if you aren't locked onto enemies, you'll slowly take damage. The only way to deactivate the mode is to use an SP skill (by which i mean the only one) or trigger an event. The ending does leave me intrigued, though. Speaking of the story, the game does not take place in the same universe as the first two Gunvolt games so you could start here but i still wouldn't recommend it. Which brings us to....

The few flaws this game has. For starters, this game is definitely geared more towards the veterans of the series. Not only is it the hardest game in the series but the game doesn't really teach you anything. There is a manual (which i didn't look at because i've played this series before) but even aside from that, i actually don't know what most of the EX Weapons do and i just have to make assumptions based on what i see visually because there are no descriptions apart from names. The only EX Weapon that has any sort of description is Darkness Trigger. And speaking of EX Weapons, this game has the Mega Man 2 problem where one of the weapons is objectively the best one. Unless you're fighting a boss where a different weapon is more ideal for more damage, if you aren't using Orbital Edge, you're playing the game wrong.

So where does the latest entry in the Gunvolt series compare to with the rest of the series? Well, it's a great game but i don't think it's as good as Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. That game had a better story (not that this series is played for story) but also the best gameplay. You can either play as Gunvolt or as Copen and while i personally prefer the former, the latter has a more balanced selection of EX Weapons. So my ranking would be: Gunvolt 2 > Luminous Avenger > Gunvolt 1. While i wouldn't recommend starting with this game, for series veterans, it's an absolutely worthy addition to the series and Inti Creates' library.

You can really tell this game had a tight budget, the UI is so jarring as a result. I hate the voice acting and the artstyle of the character art, but the gameplay once you get the hang of it is actually quite fun. Unfortunately it just gets repetitive as you have to fight all but the final boss twice, but the core gameplay is decent if not overly simple. Doubt I will play another Gunvolt game but it was ok

This game just makes me angry.
A full spinoff game based on what was easily the best part of GV2 was such a good idea but the result is just not it and probably the most unpolished game in the franchise (I didn't play IX2 don't force me).
Copen's gameplay is still fun to its core but some new powers just don't feel as good as the ones in GV2 (especially Anchor Nexus which is the one you're supposed to be using almost all the time and which straight up trades what made Copen's gameplay fun in the first place for an auto target system that only requires you to press a single button).
The medals/loot/craft system which rewarded you for knowing the levels and completing them as efficiently as possible has been replaced by a simple shop which encourages you to just stop in your track to pick up coins like a dumbass (I am so fucking mad) and it's not just this, some enemies seem designed to stop your momentum and make you wait before destroying them (which should be illegal in a game like this), I don't know maybe it's because the levels are shorter too.
The writing which used to be at least alright got pretty boring this time around except for the very end.
The game also randomly sexualizes the little girl for no reason and I do not like this at all.
The UI (yes I'm ranting about the UI) isn't pixel art like the rest of the game anymore making it look very visually incoherent which wouldn't bother that much if it wasn't so bland.
Seriously even the damn title screen, the very first thing you are going to see after buying the game, is a comical case of empty "I'm not paid enough for this !" white screen of shame.

I'm nitpicking a lot, the core gameplay is still pretty solid,
it's not that bad but for me it lacks so many things that made GV2 a great video game, and it certainly pisses me off.


Qué gran manera de terminar el año.

Inti made the "ApeX of 2D action" like 3 different times in their existence. They're allowed to say that in marketing. Newtype action game. Set your jukebox track to "Inner Alarm" and play on gutless (if you aren't confident enough) for the first boss rush stage. It will nail the tone trust me

Eu zerei o jogo em praticamente um dia mas o final boss é um desgraçado, e isso me fez voltar nele depois de um dia.

Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX

Baita nome grandinho hein, infelizmente o jogo não é tão grande assim mas não é algo que vai afetar sua experiência.
Avenger iX (pra não ficar falando o nome todo) é o tipo de jogo que tu pega quando tu não quer jogar algo super longo ou coisa do tipo e só quer se divertir, é um jogo rápido e divertido mas como estamos falando da inti creates você deve saber o nível de dificuldade não é mesmo? pode se preparar muito bem porque chefes são difíceis, welp ao menos se você estiver jogando sem usar a fraqueza deles.


Sobre a historia de Avenger iX é algo meio Difícil de explicar já que a serie Chronicles é um universo alternativo que se passa depois do Gunvolt 1, Copen e Lola estão a procura da fonte do "efeito borboleta" e se deparam com soldados atacando civis, Copen decide ir ajuda e você toma controle sobre ele. Você mata uns soldados e robôs e um robô maior até se encontrar com um grupo de crianças e aceita proteger elas se ele fizesse o esconderijo delas de base, e dai você pode escolher entre 3 missões pra ir.

Copen não é mais racista

Out of all the Gunvolt games I've played it is the weakest one in the series but it's not overall bad. This game does feel a good entry for new players like the first game since this is Copen's first standalone game

this game lets me go weeeeee and blast banger J-Pop music overall 10/10

S+ ranks in every main game stage 😎 Extremely excellent. Great action, a nice concise main game, very cool story payoffs. It's the kindest Gunvolt which I love -- the bosses are easier like Gunvolt 1, but with the gentler ranking of Gunvolt 2, plus it's very easy to feel awesome playing as Copen. I like playing on Fearless and taking on stages in three chunks (first half, second half, boss) without taking damage in each chunk, and this game was perfectly balanced for that. I'm choosing to just accept that every modern mega man game is gonna have one actual fortress stage plus a boss rush instead of a proper fortress, if I don't I'll just be grouchy forever.

I really wanted to rank this game higher than this but I honestly couldn't, the game is very good as far as being 2D platformer in the same vein as Mega Man X, the controls are smooth, the story is okay, it's nothing deep really and if you've played the past Gunvolt series games you'll see the same pattern of storytelling. The music is very much amazing just as the prior games were as well.

Where this game falls short at is...well...exactly that...this game is short, about 4 to 6 hours long, and for a 2D platformer that's not bad, but the story also doesn't do anything to help how short it feels, nothing is sat on very long and it's obvious there is to be a sequel, but to me it feels like the sequel is gonna be the other half of the game. To add to the game's lack of length, it's not difficult to say the least, boss patterns were easy to get after dying once and the only challenge came from the end.

All in all, if you love the Azure Gunvolt games or Mega Man X/Zero series then definitely play this, just make sure you get it on sale or for cheap, the game really feels shorter than it is.

Gunvolt games have always been very polarizing, because how you play offers very different experiences. If you play it like a Mega Man game, and just attempt to beat it normally from start to finish, it's just alright. But it all changes when you play as the developers obviously intended; for score. Holy FUCK this game is so much fun to play when you play for score. And when you turn off prevasion and turn on heaven or hell? That's when the kino starts. Compared to the other Gunvolt games, I think this one is the best, as Copen is objectively more fun than Gunvolt, and his gameplay has been refined from his GV2 incarnation. Though there is less content in this game than GV2, the quality more than makes up for it.

Also fuck Blade, insane DLC boss.

the adept community has forgiven copen

Apesar de achar a gameplay do Copen mais ágil e divertida que do Gunvolt, também acho que foi mal aproveitada no game em geral. Fases muito paradas em alguns momentos e de todos os Boss presentes somente dois em específico são realmente desafiadoras (no meio do enredo e ao final).
Claro que não tira a diversão do game, mas poderiam trazer mais ideias para esse spin-off mais bem adaptadas e elaboradas para o personagem principal.

the sad thing about gunvolt as a series is that while the gameplay gets better with every entry they also crank up the epsteincore and it makes me uncomfortable. it's still gunvolt 2 copen gameplay basically unchanged which is good, and there's no gunvolt, which honestly just makes it better, and there's some actual poignant moments in the narrative so this is still definitely the best in the series by a long shot. sucks that this was otherwise clearly a budget title because so many of the assets are just ripped from gunvolt 1 and 2 and the ui is noticeably barebones. if I had to recommend any gunvolt game it's this one at the very least

I'm a fan of Gunvolt 1, and I wasn't expecting to think this game was as good as it ended up being. Copen controls really well, it's fun to dash around with him and the "bullit" system is much more engaging than anything in the original game. It's a fast paced, high octane platform shooter with a genuinely intriguing little plot. What's not to love?

Wow. I forgot how much I liked this franchise back when the first two games were coming out. Also, an alternate timeline where Gunvolt 1's bad ending happened is so cool.

Copen gameplay which is godlike but also this game hits for no reason

Copen without the racism? Unreal

I didn't like this one, either. While literally a competent game as it pertains to graphics and sound, the level design in this game is even worse to me than it was in Gunvolt 2 at times. I was expected more closed off levels based around Copen's ability to pinball and that did not happen anywhere close as much to as much I wanted. The special weapons are generally lacking from 2 too, feeling even more situational somehow. I don't even want to talk about the story at all, because it sucks. It's just bad. I don't hate the game-- there's definitely some good sections and setpieces (the radio tower comes to mind) but it's lacking. Maybe one day I'll return to the series to score attack some of the levels, but this is the one I want to do it with the least. Unfortunate.

hes not racist anymore so proud of him

Fue el primer juego con el que estrene mi switch lite hace ya varios años. No sé qué tan raro es que comenzara con la saga con esta entrega, pero tampoco me quejo, ya que lo disfrute y ame a Copen como protagonista y genuinamente considero que el tema principal de Copen en esta entrega es el mejor.

Habiendo jugado después el resto de la saga me doy cuenta del gran salto tanto "gráficamente" como en jugabilidad que tuvo a comparación de los de Gunvolt. Mi único problema sería su corta duración, pero meh, eso hace que sea un juego que te puedas terminar en una madrugada.

If you liked how Copen played in ASG2 then this game is right up your alley, with level design that compliments his playstyle more so it's a lot less broken but still very satisfying to pull off big combos. The music is great and the story is surprisingly gripping, especially by the end. It's just fun to see a more mellowed out Copen after all his angst and adept racism he spouts in ASG2.