Reviews from

in the past

Apresentação tão absurda que o jogo fede à óleo queimando. Highfleet é em muitas partes um jogo que combina inúmeras taras minhas: uma campanha gerida no macro (fundos de campanha, interceptar rádio, sinais de radar, moral das tropas, aliados e inimigos, armas nucleares, fé, nacionalismo) e micro (construir navinhas feras e sentar chumbo na nave dos outros); combate tenso, cinestésico, prazeroso, um amálgamo simulacionista de equações diferenciais - resistência do ar, calor, empuxo - que te poupam os detalhes, produzindo em cada batalha um show pra rivalizar qualquer Top Gun; um senso estético eletrizante, com menus diegéticos até dizer chega, screen shake que te faz tremer no assento - um jogo dessa qualidade de produção passar tão batido assim é um crime.

O problema? É difícil para dedéu. O jogo te cobra, até no Easy (que me forcei a mudar depois de falhar umas 4-5x no comecinho), a entender todos os seus sistemas impecavelmente, e não cometer erros - um erro logístico simples, como decolar sem combustível o suficiente ou interpretar errado um sinal no radar, pode ser o reset de uma campanha de horas. Acho que a estrutura de roguelike, mesmo com save states pontuais, acabou ferindo os fortes do jogo bem mais do que produziu tensão. Entendo que queriam manter essa estrutura para te forçar a tomar as decisões difíceis que se toma numa guerra, que vêm naturalmente quando você está encurralado e machucado. Porém, para mim, depois de 10 horas de campanha descobrir que estava em um softlock no final, já que eu devia ter me preparado muito mais para uma guerra nuclear sem precedentes, e então ter que repetir algumas boas horas de conteúdo maçante (guerra vira rotina e rotina é chato) para poder estar num ponto mais decente para completar o jogo foi uma experiência bem desagradável, além de ter me desligado de todo o bafafá narrativo de estar em uma guerra de reconquista e tal.

Так, не из праха выходит горе,
И не из земли вырастает беда;
Но человек рождается на страдание,
как искры,
чтоб устремляться вверх.

I really like this game but I am not good at it. Very fun game, satisfying combat but it's hard. You also get to do puzzles to find guys. The setting and writing and music is nice too.

This is the most unique looking and game in general I have ever played. wow.

Si Irak y Ucrania se fusionasen.
Está muy muy divertido, cada botón, opción, movimiento o tecla es un botón real en el panel de mando de tu nave, es muy inmersivo, el diseño de sonido es un 10, abrir o cerrar menús es abrir cajones o mover palancas, y tienes que hacer cálculos físicos y aproximaciones de velocidades o direcciones de naves, y eso me pone tontísima.
Droppeado porque es un juego muy dificil donde te puedes bloquear en una situación en la que tienes pocas naves, combustible y munición, todo mientras te has tirado un pedo demasiado fuerte y medio imperio ha mandado 37 misiles termonucleares directamente a tu posición exacta y te quedas reiniciando un guardado agarrandote penosamente a la posibilidad de sobrevivir y negandote a reiniciar la partida y perder 20 horas de tu vida.

FF12 meets Dune by way of the Pacific Front, with a healthy dose of late-Tsarist aesthetic.

In a game mixing strategy and side-scrolling shoot-em-up, you lead the last remnants of the once-grand Romani Empire's airship fleet on a desperate battle to regain control of the troubled Republic of Gerat - meeting with local allies, dodging Gathering strike fleets, taking Cities, and eventually making your way to Khiva.

To make your way there successfully, you have to take charge of a motley group of ships, beginning with the remnants of the Romani fleet and expanding with every local leader you meet or mercenary you hire. You may be The Empire, but you're on the back-foot here - if you stay in one place too long, you'll be reported and destroyed, and the threat of strike fleets hovers over you like a ghost.

You have countermeasures, though - through a sort-of minigame, you can decode communications. If you choose to use aircraft, and you're good at it, you can carpet-bomb strike fleets before they know who they're facing - cruise missiles are an option, too. You can go into the open desert, and see if you find anything there. Mostly, though, you'll be behind enemy territory, outgunned, outnumbered, and with little support.

Giving away most details of the plot would be spoilery, but i did quite enjoy the experience of winning over a motley crew to your side - done through a slightly-opaque card minigame, but everyone you can recruit tends to be a bit more interesting. I would have liked more "Fluff" events to flesh them out a bit more - give you more of a reason to care about them rather than the game telling you that you gotta. The one thing that knocks half a star off is that, pending future updates, the ending feels a bit unsatisfying.

The UI is immersive to a fault, and is wonderfully appointed in the bakelite dials and CRT screens of a Soviet cruiser. The ship design interface is fun, but I'd like if, for example, your designed ships showed up naturally. Updates have made most of the more visually confusing features toggles, so that aspect of many early reviews has been looked into.

For all those reasons above, the unique aesthetic, and the general feeling of being up at 2am, down 3 cruisers, and high-tailing it to Khiva as 3 strike groups tail you, I think Highfleet is one of my favorite games.

Really cool game, absolutely dripping with atmosphere and vibe. It's like if WWI was written by Frank Herbert and made into a game by the makers of Missile Command.

The game is difficult, frustrating, and quite fun. There is so much more depth than I had the constitution to explore. I wish there was an easy mode honestly but I respect this game so much for being what it is and compromising its vision.

I have to give it another shot, with a thinking brain this time

Seems very well made! Not sure I'll find the patietience in me to learn it, though.

I like flying bricks and 100mm Autocannons.

Great game. Love the lore and its general vibe. Learning curve isn't too steep.