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Decent, altough he has "enhanced" versions of "Hitman Codename 47", which gets out the sensation of a new challenge that you have to figure out how to pass, but, yet, I reccomend you to play it, this game has parts that are important to understand what happened in the games before and later.

Hitman: Contracts is the third installment in the franchise and a complete refinement of what was built up from Codename 47 and Silent Assassin. The graphics just get even better and now look quite good in my opinion.
The game is very atmospheric and while the game lacks any important story, I would say that it's a really good game, the best so far. Despite the oddly low resolution cutscenes and the bad facial animations and stiff dialogue, the level design is fantastic and holds up extremely well. A very good game if you don't mind some small antiquated design.

É uma espécie de Hitman 2.5, considerando que funciona como uma coletânea de flashbacks do Agente 47, o que acabou sendo meio que uma desculpa dos desenvolvedores pra fazer, além dos mapas originais, alguns remakes de fases do primeiro jogo da franquia. Logo de cara, as mecânicas foram bastante aprimoradas em relação ao Hitman 2 (os disfarces realmente funcionam agora), além da ambientação ser de longe a mais sombria da série, tendo até alguns segredos um pouco macabros escondidos em alguns dos mapas. No geral, foi o Hitman que mais gostei tirando os da nova trilogia; as missões são quase todas excelentes e a trilha sonora impecável, feita pelo Jesper Kyd, ajuda a criar uma atmosfera mais pesada muito bem vinda na franquia.

Alright, the third hitman game throughout the franchise and all I can say is it was a blast. Although at first when I started the game I thought this one's gonna be baaad. Mainly because when I started the first mission Asylum Aftermath it had a weird graphical bug which was not enjoyable to look at all. Then it had a weird FPS bug, where i needed an extra app to limit my frames because couldn't walk properly. Made a guide on it.
The second mission I don't know if it had a bug or what happened but it kept blowing my cover randomly throughout the whole mission. Even if I was doing abosuletely nothing which was kind of frusturating.

The controls didn't differ from the Hitman 2 Silent Assassin that much. Barely anything differed. Tho' The level designs seemed sleecker which was nice.

First half of the hitman: contracts were new levels to explore, it was refreshing. And the next part of the game just had the levels Hitman: Codename 47, yes they are remastered, reworked, and there were a lot new things to do, but I knew the main point of the mission already and knew what I was doing.

I wouldn't say it's better than hitman 2 silent assassin, but it's surely better than the original game.

Hitman: Contracts 7.5/10

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I'd like to use the washroom

This is basically a Hitman 2.5. Running is not punishable by death, you have a sniper rifle case to carry your sniper around everywhere you want, the camera is always zoomed out. The icing on the cake is the horror atmosphere. Levels can be confusing, though.

This is probably the first one actually worth playing briefly, because it's the first one that consistently works. However, the story takes itself far too seriously and also most levels are too poorly lit to see what's going on.

The AI kinda sucks sometimes, still a good game though.

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I love the story and how it's presented. After hitting start, it seems 47 has finally met his last contract as he has been fatally wounded during one. As 47 bleeds out, his professional life flashes before his eyes. Sights and sounds remind him of previous jobs he has taken, slickly transitioning scenes between the present and past. This format enables it to have a great selection of missions as they are not confined to following a direct sequence of events which might have affected the pacing from filling in the gaps.

It allows them to go from the aftermath of Codename 47's final mission, to an S&M fetish party situated in a Romanian slaughterhouse to infiltrating a Russian airfield without any further explanation needed. Cresendoing to a full blown manhunt as his apartment is surrounded by the police, he turns the table ensuring his perfect track record is still intact as you complete the mission that nearly compromised him. The game story format also gives them a second chance to remake some of the missions with the biggest potential that were sadly limited to the first games underdeveloped engine.

The gameplay might not be massively revamped as Blood Money, but the correct minor adjustments were made. They worked out what works and doesn’t from Silent Assassin and further developed the series' gameplay identity. If it wasn't for Blood Money, this would easily be my favourite in the series.

A much needed step up from its predecessors, Hitman: Contracts is a wonderful evolution of the core mechanics of H2:SA and a near perfect reinterpretation of Codename 47 with all the fat trimmed. The new levels aren't no slouch either, as they are the most mechanically complex levels in the series up to this point. Multiple ways to beat each level incentivizing replay-ability, and a much, MUCH more oppressive and grimy atmosphere finally gives the series a much needed coat of personality. Great game, highly recommend.

that one level i played where theres a ghost in the hotel scared the crap out of me when i first played this. that is until i realized you could shoot them

Um jogo que evolui tudo do seu predecessor, seja em gráficos ou em Gameplay, agora com um jogo mais bonito, um HUD mais limpo e organizado e um Gameplay mais diversificado.

Usamos agora a seringa para sedar, nos fazendo ter um Gameplay mais dinâmico e rápido do que o antigo sedativo com o paninho, o Agente 47 está mais rápido para se movimentar e as fases numa dificuldade que mesmo no profissional, são super acessíveis.

O jogo tem suas maiores críticas devido ao seu tamanho ser de apenas 12 fases, sendo em torno de 6 delas Remake do primeiro jogo, trazendo fases muito semelhantes por quase todas se passarem em noites chuvosas.

Apesar dessa falta de originalidade nas fases, a diversidade do Gameplay está lá, podendo concluir a fase de diversas maneiras, mas com um enredo fraquíssimo apenas para justificar as fases antigas sendo reprisadas pelo 47.

Um jogo que evolui o Gameplay e os Gráficos do Hitman 2, mas que é mais um experimento da desenvolvedora para evoluir esses aspectos em cenários que não os façam ter que gastar toda sua criatividade, ele é apenas um rascunho para o seu sucessor Blood Money, mas que ainda está bem atual em seu Gameplay, vale a pena a diversão.

Nota Final 7/10

Hitman 2.5
En cuanto a jugabilidad ha mejorado un poco, sobre todo en cuanto a los disfraces, el diseño del mapa me gusta mucho y la forma en la que están diseñadas las señales del mismo.
En cuanto a historia nisiquiera vale la pena hablar de ello, solo son misiones del primer juego rehechas y la historia de por medio es muy simple.

i like this one more than blood money

sue me. or hire an assassin.

this game is a step backwards for the series. cards on the table, i knew that this game was almost certainly not going to compare to silent assassin, and i tried to adjust my expectations knowing that. for me, SA was a meteoric high and i wasn't going to fool myself into thinking lightning would strike twice. still though, i was expecting this to at least be good. yet, this game really doesn't feel like a progression from SA. it feels like a regression that amplifies the preexisting problems that SA already had while also creating new ones. i feel there's a nonzero chance i'm being overly harsh on this game because of the high standards SA set for me, but that doesn't diminish my lack of enjoyment when it's all said and done.

it feels weird writing this and thinking "the aesthetics of this game should be addressed by the second paragraph", but there's an undeniable appeal the series has in presentation. hell, there's a reason some people still praise the 2015 hitman E3 trailer to this day despite it having exactly 0% gameplay. hitman is more than a sum of its parts type of game; it's not just about killing your targets and trying to avoid detection, but also doing it with flair. style isn't a gameplay mechanic or measured stat in the game, but it's a significant part of the experience. it's a shame then that so much of the dominant strategy of this game is just waiting for cycles. SA had moments where you had to wait for certain cycles to pass (i.e. that afghanistan bazaar level where you had to wait for colonel amin and he takes his sweet ass time), but most of the time you always had something you could be doing to advance your goal or you were waiting to activate a trap on your target. in contracts, i regularly had to wait on cycles to do silent assassin runs, and it takes me out of the experience and immersion knowing i'm just waiting on an AI routine most of the time. i know this point makes me sound like an impatient asshole, but it really does weigh on the experience when out of 12 levels, there's only 3 that i can recall doing silent assassin where waiting for at least 20 seconds did not occur.

with regards to narrative aesthetics, the game's a miss for me. due to the framing device of "47 is on the verge of death and reliving his previous jobs in a dying dream sort of way", almost every level is dark, moody, and smothered in rain. i've seen the arguments that this fits 47's cloudy and hazy mental state, and sure, i get it, i just also feel as though we lose a lot of diversity and identity when they're all made in a relatively uniform aesthetic. this game also feels like a growing pain with regards to level design because there's a much greater emphasis on complex interiors, but a lot of these maps have either entirely wasted effort (did you know there's a police station in deadly cargo? or that you could poison tea in the slaying of a dragon?) or have a lot of wasted space (beldingford manor, rondevouz in rotterdam). i hate to say "make the levels smaller", but there's genuinely not a lot going on in a lot of these levels that justifies the scale of them. they feel big and aimless in a bad way rather than a "there's so many infiltration methods" way. and, sure, it's cute how they brought back the four triad missions from codename 47, but the first three are all small levels that exist only for build and are largely unnecessary. 47 is reminiscing, we can just skip to the lee hong assassination that he otherwise had to prep for and no one would mind.

compare that to SA, where you have a variety of environments and interiors to explore. you could go from the italian countryside to a classy and crowded dinner party to an ancient and largely vertical castle in japan to a subterranean bunker in india. contracts has some variety, yes, but considering we spend a third of the game in one location, it sticks out in a much worse way to me. i don't need hitman games to be globetrotting gallivanting, and i'd largely be fine if there was an entire game that just focused on one homogeneous group of targets (i.e the russian mafia, american politicians, upcoming witnesses to a trial, etc.). this game just lacks coherent theming that ties it all together for me and makes it more than its individual pieces, and that's probably the worst single flaw about the game. it feels like it has lost the style and panache i so greatly loved in SA.

i do have my fair share of gameplay nitpicks, and it was very tempting to air them all out for all to see in this review. i will name a few to make my point: guard AI is somehow worse in this game because where SA's was draconian, it was consistent, meanwhile contracts' is completely erratic and inconsistent to a fault; why do people take showers that last eternity in this game without any other routine for the AI to engage in; the inventory has a huge bug where sometimes 47 will grab the wrong item and this happens with a consistency of 5%; doors will open both inwards and outwards even if they are listed as opening only one way on the map; hunter and hunted requiring you to memorize and perfect the first 10 seconds of it is a gigantic pain in the ass and makes it my least favorite mission by far; etc. etc. still, these aren't the silver bullet for this game to me. i ultimately got less joy out of this game because it was doing less to engage with me and puzzle-solving the levels for silent assassin felt far less interesting and rewarding to me.

i don't have a neat way to tie this all up. this game felt exceptionally short to me despite being roughly 10 hours of gameplay for me. this game ends with a cliffhanger of "oh no we found out who the REAL bad guy is and you're gonna have to go after him next time 47!!!", so ending the entire reminiscence narrative with basically no plot resolution makes this game feel disposable. i haven't played the rest of the series, but i predict this game will end up in one of two fates. either i will replay this game in the future and find it to be a grower that had positives i neglected to appreciate, or i'll find myself doubling down on this opinion and end up dubbing this one of the least essential hitman experiences second only to codename 47 itself. that latter one feels much less likely, but the fact that it's still a possibility saddens me.

This game is actually really scary

é basicamente um remake das fases boas do primeiro hitman com outras fases meio mid, tb me deu 35 milhoes de problemas por jogar no pc

1&2 refined, and a little more forgiving. Definitely is a midpoint between the first two games and Hitman: Blood Money. It revisits some older levels and gives them a more grounded feel to them.

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görevler ve ambiyans olarak favorim olabilir. codename 47'deki 13 görev daha iyi hale getirilerek buraya da katılmış ve oldukça güzel olmuş. ayrıca ilk oyunun finalinden devam etmesi de benim için ilginçti fakat bu hikayenin sonu, son bölümün aksiyonuna pek yakışmamıştı biraz hayal kırıklığına uğramıştım.

Really good gameplay and atmosphere, the second half of the game is kinda mid tho

what a game, improves on so much compared to Hitman 2 and then just spoils you with amazing missions, a few missions are kinda bad as always but whichever ones are there are absolutely bonkers good or at the very least slightly bad. But not horrible like some Hitman 2 missions. The most amount of "good" missions in the original series imo, the remakes were great and fun as well though since they are remakes of some poor missions they're great remakes and not great by themselves (except for the last one I liked it). An easy 9/10 though I'd find it a bit difficult to give it 9.5/10 due to its buggy and weird nature. Really like how its disguise system is better and then gets damn near perfected in Blood Money. People who praise Dark Souls 2 for laying the foundations for the later amazing games should look at this first, an awesome game in its own right though with some flaws, and lays solid foundations for the next games to build on. Had an absolute blas

nothing beats its atmosphere and soundtrack

Pretty forgettable overall but did incorporate some much needed QOL improvements that Blood Money would expand upon

After playing this game, I can't help but feel that it pales in comparison to its predecessor. This game has less content, a very weak story, and no meaningful changes to the gameplay formula, yet it still isn't a bad game.

This game consists of contracts, both new and remade from the first game, Codename 47. This makes sense because the first game was not released on consoles, so it would seem the devs wanted to retell some of the story in this game as an introductory point for new players. Except that point would be refuted by the presence of time-jumps and a lack of narrative for the contracts. The actual overlying narrative consists of 47 remembering past contracts while unconscious or something, so I was a bit disappointed.

Aside from two missions which have identical maps, the missions and maps were very well designed. Locations were varied, and the ways you could kill your targets would be unique for each level. Jesper Kyd's turn to a more gloomy and atmospheric soundtrack, as opposed to the grand orchestral soundtrack of Hitman 2, gives this game a more dark vibe, never glorifying what it is that Agent 47 is doing. Like always, completing a Hitman level with a decent rating and without any help seems like one of the most satisfying things you could do. In terms of what new stuff was added, syringes which allowed faster knockout times were added, dead npcs would show up on the map, you could conceal weapons in certain things, and probably some more insignificant things.

The absolute worst part of this game is the almost two hours I spent figuring out how to run it. Hitman Contracts is a technical disaster. Just look up this game's issues and you'll see that the devs didn't make sure that this game was as stable as Hitman 2 or even Codename 47 for that matter.

I wish I could give this game a 'meh' rating, as the technical issues alone detracted from my experience severely. I am happy that it wasn't officially called Hitman 3, because this game just doesn't have the scope to back that up. This game's 9 month production time is evident in its shorter length, somewhat absent story, and unchanged gameplay, yet Hitman: Contracts remains a solid gameplay experience that provides fun and satisfaction. Treat this game more like a slight detour from the main Hitman series, as it provides more of the gameplay and almost none of the story.

hitman contracts is an oddball entry in the franchise, it comes right after the sleeper hit that was silent assassin and before the perfection that is blood money. despite this, it is probably my favorite entry in the series. its got the atmosphere and tone of the aforementioned blood money but with a slightly refined but still jank version of hitman 2's gameplay.

its similarities to its successor are pretty noteworthy, because contracts originally was blood money! in fact, the las vegas missions of the sequel were touted as being for this game.

I knew before I played Contracts that it had a lot of missions in it that were from the original game, Codename 47. So, I naturally presumed that this game was a remake, and it was going to retell the first's game story, but hopefully better. Also, I thought that the game would end explaining or setting up the events for Hitman 2, but I'm going to spoil that and tell you it doesn't. After watching the credits roll, I was left feeling very confused and I came to the conclusion that this game's story is a mess!

The opening cut scene of the game shows 47 having been shot and collapsing into a hotel room and it then goes into a flashback. These flashbacks are the playable missions throughout the game. So, it goes like this, you play though 47's flashbacks and once the mission is completed than you're shown a cutscence of what's happening to 47 in the present day. Well, you'd think these flashbacks would help fill in part of the mystery and that they would lead into the answer on what happened to 47, but they don't at all. None of the missions are ever connected to one another and aren't connected to the story in anyway. You're never shown what actually happened to 47. At the end of the game, you're told that while on a mission someone got the drop on him, but you don't even get the satisfaction of playing through a mission that shows the actual event. It just feels incredibly lazy! In the very first mission you start off in the asylum which is the final level in Hitman: Codename 47 and if you didn't play the original you won't even know how he got there or why. So much of this game is never explained and a lot of times just doesn't make sense.

It doesn't help either that there are now no briefings in between missions. You can pause the game and it will show you a list of objectives which are told to you by Diana Burnwood. However, there are no videos, no photos, or overlay of the level's map to assist you on your missions. The cutscenes that lead into the next mission gives you a clue on the location, but the targets themselves are never mentioned in these scenes and because they aren't tied into the story at all, the targets themselves just feel insignificant.

Out of the first three Hitman titles, Contracts has a much more dark and grim tone than the previous two. I know some fans like the atmosphere and tone in this game, but I couldn't disagree more on that. I don't hate it per say, I just find it a little over the top and somewhat try-hard. The mission The Meat King is a perfect example of this and the whole level gives off this vibe of "Hey look at how kewl our level is guys with all this unnecessary blood everywhere, gimp suits and ball gags, kewl right?!". I know it takes place in a meat factory, but how it's designed to be so edgy seems like it's written straight out of someone's bad fanfiction. It wouldn't have been bad if was just a few levels that were like this, but the game as a whole just takes itself way too seriously.

The gameplay in Contracts feels very similar to that of Hitman 2, but with some refinement. I say that because I was able to actually play the game without having to cheat which is the first out of the original 3 that I've played so far. A huge part of that is because unlike Silent Assassin, the disguises actually work the way they are supposed to in this game. I could now walk around the levels as long as I didn't stay too close or run around enemy NPCs. Another nice improvement was the inventory system which actually paused the game to let you cycle through items and weapons which made it a lot less stressful because you didn't have to worry about getting caught or dying. Sadly, the map is still the same as the second game where it doesn't pause while checking for points of interest or exits, so make sure you're not around enemies when checking it.

Saves work the same way in Contracts as the previous game, which is seven for normal, three for expert, and zero for professional. Crouching still feels very sluggish in this game and it feels like it takes forever to get anywhere while moving which you'll have to do to get to certain enemies to targets. Don't even bother walking up behind an NPC or enemy because they'll automatically shoot you or call the guards so crawling is pretty much your only option. Another thing I didn't like in this game is that once you knocked out an enemy or civilian, they'd regain consciousness after a short while and then they'd go inform the guards thus blowing your cover. Some of the levels did provide you with ways to keep that from happening like closing trailer doors on a truck while they were knocked out inside or hiding them in the sewers because apparently, they can't use ladders. Most levels don't provide you with any way to hide the NPCs though, so you're left with no other option than to use another disguise or hope the guards don't notice you, but good luck with that.

Some of the levels are straightforward and others have more variety in the ways you can accomplish your objectives. In Contracts, the devs added a few more items for the player to use like laxatives or being able to hide a weapon in a turkey adding a little bit more creativity depending on the mission. While I'm glad they cut the levels from Columbia that were in the original game, I don't really get why they felt the need to keep all four levels from China. They really should have re-written it and condensed it into one or two missions.


After finishing Hitman: Contracts I've realized there are some of elements in this game that just don't flow together. It feels like the developers couldn't decide if the game was a remake of Codename 47 or a standalone title. It's like some weird hybrid and if I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not really sure what they are going for in either tone or story. Even though I like this game and I'll probably replay it sometime in the future, I think it's a step back from Silent Assassin.

+ unlockable weapons
+ decent voice acting
+ inventory system has been improved
+ game has more variety in eliminating targets on certain levels

-Convoluted story
-too serious in tone and atmosphere
-enemies wake up after a while after being knocked out
-too many levels in China

not as bad as i thought it would be given this is generally considered one of the worst hitman but idk just kinda on the level of absolution