Reviews from

in the past

Cuando lo jugaba en una consola pirata tenía un loop con los primeros 3 jefes. Ahora me doy cuenta de que eso me ocultó de un mundo cruel de plataforma exacta y de trampas diseñadas para que no puedas terminar el juego.

El Dark Souls de los cavernícolas.

This ain't a bad game. It's just kinda generic. Also, it gets really hard towards the end for no reason.

I like the fast and reflexive gameplay. It really locks you into a certain zone and gives it a unique feeling compared to the sea of other 8-bit platformers. It is fucking hard though. It's also just a reskin of Wonder Boy, but I find this game's visuals much more charming, and the music is worlds better.

Like come on, it's not even a contest.

Played the hell out of this as a kid, even though I remember that I would've given about this score even back then. I was just in kid mode of replaying the same game over and over even though it was just OK. Haven't replayed since and don't want to! Nostalgia will remain.

Fun game that lacks diversity with lots of repetition. A good start to the series but is outclassed by most other games in the series.

While for the most part fun and challenging, I feel the stamina mechanic is either perfectly fine or incredibly annoying, no middle ground.
Oh, and the bosses were eh.

Extremely fun classic platformer. Goofy ass story and characters. So '80s. So Weekend at Bernie's.

A classic side-scroller by Hudson Soft.

This game was quite infamous for its unforgiving difficulty, with obstacle and enemy placements almost feel like unfair. There are even some levels giving less fruits to replenish your energy, eggs that contain an Eggplant that will eat away your energy very fast, and platforming that requires very precise jumps. Not to mention losing a life will make you restart at the last checkpoint unarmed.

Controlling the player character is quite tricky, too, as every jump and directional movements are greatly affected by your current momentum speed. It may take some time getting used to its mechanic.

Here's a tip: It's very important to collect the Hudson Bee item inside a hidden egg in the very first level since it gives you unlimited continues. When you get a game over and return to the title screen, press and hold any direction on the D-Pad and then press Start. The game will let you continue from the last stage you died in; Otherwise, you'll restart at the very first level, effectively losing any progress you've made.

I never beat this game as a kid, but few years ago I decided to finish it just so I can say I'm done with it. It's really THAT hard, but BOY it sure was satisfying to finally see the ending.

That was fun! I'm NOT playing it again soon.

Un juego muy divertido y carismático.

juego platinado en retro retroarchievements.

[Played on Retron 5 with original cartidge]

This game is pretty much identical to Wonder Boy, so my points from there apply here.

You enjoyment of Adventure Island depends entirely on how you approach it.

If you approach it as an arcade title, focusing on score and what you can accomplish on 1 credit, you'll likely enjoy yourself. If you approach it like other home NES titles, trying to reach the end, you'll hate this game. Levels ramp up in difficulty substantially around the halfway point, and you won't enjoy any of that challenge if you're trying to brute force your way to the end with the continue code. Usually I hate a game this hard with no (or in this case a secret) continue function, but I think hiding that continue function was a good choice. This game really is at its best when you're just pushing yourself to get better and better on one credit, popping the game in every once n a while to see how far you can go and how many points you can get.

An issue I have with the game are the controls. Higgins is extremely slippery and it can really take some getting used to trying to land jumps exactly how you want them (which is troublesome considering later levels really rely on you being at your top form in that regard). Also you have little to no jump correction. You can kind of control where you land in front of you, but you can't jump right and then arc your jump so you land to the left. You really need to commit to a jump. I really don't like this uncomfortable middle ground where you can kind of correct the jump but you still have to commit to the direction.

This game is definitely going to reward patience, which you wouldn't even expect considering the huger bar and the skateboard power up which forces you forward. I think this is where I got tripped up when I played this game for the first time. Everything about what I was seeing told me I had to keep moving forward without stopping, but really, if you stay away from those eggplants you can stop every now and then and more carefully assess your surroundings.

Oh and about those eggplants. In Wonder Boy, the eggs which contained eggplants were denoted by a spotted pattern. In Adventure Island, there's no indication. So, I kind of like Wonder Boy better.

If you want a quick arcade platforming experience to pop in for 10-20 minutes, give this a go. It's not one of the NES's all time best in that regard, but it's definitely not horrible if you play it this way. Otherwise, I'd just move on the the sequels.

6/10 - Ok

Just one area shy from becoming nine circles of hell.

It's a cute game, but it only works if you don't have a better game to play or if you're playing on an emulator with save states. Without a save system, this game gets annoying fast. As a child, I didn't have Super Mario Bros. 3, but I had a friend who owned this game and this was the next best thing available. I could never finish it, but it is fun.

Brutal platformer but part of my childhood and one of those games that started me as a gamer

Tbh, I loved this exactly as much as the original Super Mario Bros as a kid. I wish it were on Nintendo Switch Online.

savestate alarak zor bitirdim biraz kolay olsa güzel oyun

Jogo de arcade com a dificuldade trancada no máximo. Nunca passei nem da 3a fase desse jogo, por serem difíceis já de cara e por serem quilométricas
Adventure 2 e 3 mudam totalmente a fórmula para bem melhor, quanto ao primeiro, é só um exemplo de como os arcades eram pra tirar o dinheiro e a paciência dos jogadores

A game that tries to be Super Mario Bros without realizing what made Super Mario Bros great.

Evil, samey, kinda ugly title that would at least be basic fun if not for its awful difficulty in the later stages. Thankfully, its only saving grace - the timer-based gameplay - would be refined in its sequels.

Muito bom! Atemporal, porém muito difícil. Adventure Island foi um jogo que cai de paraquedas há anos. Apesar do meu cartucho ter uma linguagem asiática me diverti muito e só descobri o nome anos depois buscando emula-lo. Sinceramente nunca finalizei, não por ser ruim ou algo do tipo, na verdade pelo contrário a jogabilidade é ótima só me frustrei por ser um jogo muito difícil.

Eu o recomendaria para os que gostam do Mario do Nes é diversão garantida!

Após jogar Hudson Adventure, me sinto num vazio espiritual, um eterno mix de emoções, obrigada Tiewma, muito obrigada mesmo por me fazer jogar o jogo mais esquecível, irrelevante, fútil, idiota, inútil, da história!... <3

um dos melhores jogos que eu joguei no Dynavision, eu jogava MUITO e gostava bastante