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in the past

Injustice 2's story is amazing and I had loads of fun with it, despite the fact it's basically just a movie with an occasional fight (there are over 2 and a half hours of cutscenes). I loved the fact that you could choose which character to use in scenarios where multiple people were teaming up, especially at a certain point in the final act.

As for the gameplay, it was fine. Not bad, but also not too much to praise. The special moves for some characters are really cool and well-animated; the animation throughout the game as a whole is just super impressive. Would definitely recommend this game to DC fans.

The story mode is fairly enjoyable.


mas tem o capuz nota 2.

i only played this so i can play as jason and have a power girl skin for supergirl so lol

só joguei o modo história e curti, sou péssimo em jogos de luta mas se eu fosse melhorzinho com toda certeza teria gostado mais

Actually a good campaign with really fun gameplay.

I am both bad at fighting games and hate the trend of just "Make Superman EVIL" that we have seen from superhero stories the last few years. But that doesn't stop this game from being very entertaining as a DC fan.

Some weird things with the story aside, this is another compelling fighting game from NetherRealm that I enjoyed a lot over the years. I played it a good bit with my brother on PlayStation and then beat the main story on Xbox, enjoying it a good bit both times.

This game took all the best bits of Injustice 1 and made them even better while also streamlining all the bloat. The introduction of predatory loot boxes and having to grind for moves knocks some points off, but the gameplay and story were excellent!

Lutas maneiras mas poderia ser melhor.

Literally just feels like Mortal Kombat but with DC characters. Kind of enjoyable but it gets old rather fast because you're using the same fatality over and over. You are also dependent on the stats on your gear which makes this game almost a little pay to win since you can get matched against someone with completly different stats and much much better gear than your gear (which is a pain in the ass if you're a new guy). Otherwise great set of characters and guest characters, enjoyable story and the same type of combat as Mortal Kombat. So if you like DC and Mortal Kombat please give this game a shot.

I was 12 years old when Injustice 2 came out, and it was the first time I'd ever been truly hyped for a game. I'd rush home from school every Thursday so that I could see the new character reveals, I'd watch in-depth analyses of each new trailer, and it was the first time I'd ever preordered a game, both so I could get Darkseid but also so I could play it as soon as possible. So this review is going to be tinged by a lot of nostalgia. Starting this game up for the first time since 2019 was legitimately one of the biggest waves of nostalgia I've ever been hit with. That being said, I'm a lot more critical of the games I play now than I was back then, and I've also read a lot more comics, so this review won't be one of blind adoration.

To get the biggest problem out of the way, I don't like the story of the Injustice games. Superman is my favourite superhero, and just saying that feels like an understatement. I genuinely don't know if I wouldn't be here today if I hadn't read All-Star Superman when I did. Above all else, Superman represents hope. The belief that people are good at their core and that tomorrow will be a better place than it is today. The whole "Evil Superman" trope one of my most hated elements of any fiction. It's boring. It's lazy. It's shallow. And when it's the Man of Tomorrow himself that's turned evil, it actively harms the way that casual fans see the character, making people think that Lois is the only thing keeping him human (don't even get me started on talking about how often Lois is fridged for these kinds of stories). And if we're being honest, I imagine that the billionaire with enough surveillance to make Big Brother jealous is far, far more likely to become a dictator than the embodiment of kindness himself.

The most frustrating thing, though, is that if you removed the "Injustice" stuff, I actually quite liked the story! The basic premise of "Grodd and the Society are up to some villainous chicanery, but it turns out that Grodd is working for Brainiac" is simple but it's pretty fun, and I enjoyed the character interactions between various Justice Leaguers. There's a part towards where Batman and Superman are working together and their interactions are more in line with the characters I actually like that made me feel like I was playing a Justice League fighting game, and the story already has enough Brainiac mind control/Poison Ivy pheromones/Scarecrow toxin to justify superheroes fighting each other! The character assassination of not just Superman but a dozen other characters, and the other edgelord bullshit that comes with the story is ultimately needless. Whenever the Injustice (derogatory) isn't showing up, the character interactions between the Leaguers are great (especially Green Arrow and Black Canary), and this has some of my favourite adaptations of both Supergirl and Brainiac, to the point where I imagine I will be picturing Laura Bailey and Jeffrey Combs' voices next time I read a comic with either character.

The gear system could be good if it wasn't tied to lootboxes. I have more gear for characters I've never played than I do for characters who I main because every time I open a lootbox and hope I'll get to customise the characters I like, it's always a gamble. I haven't seen a recent release with lootboxes and I'm so fucking glad they're gone.

So why am I giving Injustice 2 an 8/10 when I still have these problems? It's because, above all else, this is just a damn good fighting game. I'm not that big a fighting game fan and I had a ton of fun playing this. I'm not a professional games journalist so I can't really explain it well, but the controls are really good, it's really satisfying to string together combos or to use environmental interactions. The graphics look really good for a game from over five years ago and the voice acting is pretty good too. I've been playing this on my own the past few days, but I can't wait until I have some friends over so that I can play as Supergirl or Black Canary and obliterate them.

The feminist part of my brain acknowledges that the designs of women in this game are objectifying and oversexualised, but unfortunately the lesbian part sees that Poison Ivy kiss move and goes hfibsibfeisbfwbfibnnmm.

they need to implement a better way of earning gear

Not something I'd go out of my way to buy but got it with PS+. Was fun for a little bit.

acho a história desse jogo mediana, a gameplay é um tanto esquisita principalmente por vc defender indo pra trás, o port pra pc é mais ou menos e as lootboxes estragam a progressão, mas no geral é um jogo divertido

Injustice 2 (2017): Un Mortal Kombat simplificado. No es malo, se deja jugar, pero sin ser fan de DC, hay opciones mejores en este género. La historia, aún desconociendo a la mitad de personajes, se me hizo agradable, así que algo hará bien. Micropagos intrusivos, eso sí (5,50)

“Look carefully at the ‘I Really Wish I Was Playing Mortal Kombat Right Now!’ button.”

NetherRealm really knocks it out of the park with their story. I didn't realize until this and MK11 how much fighting game story modes had improved during my ten year hiatus, but it turns out that's mostly a NetherRealm thing.

The format of playing most of the characters one at a time in little 3 or 4 fight increments as it progresses through different parts of the story really is something every fighting game series needs to steal.

I'm hoping for an arcade stick for Christmas and if that comes to pass, odds are good I'll pick up the Legendary Edition of this on sale just for the DLC characters even though the standard version is still included with GamePass.

I got the "Legendary Edition" of this game with a very generous discount on a sale, coming with all DLC content except for the "God" and "Demon" shaders for character customization (a weird omission). Honestly, I'm very glad I didn't pay full price (getting the game and every DLC becomes insanely expensive).

At first glance this is an awesome game. It plays well, has a nice roster, great graphics, and even what seems like a really cool character customization system. The game plays much more fluidly than the first one, and looks gorgeous and colorful (which Gods Among Us most certainly wasn't), so for the first few minutes it's a pretty good experience. But the hole goes deeper...

My problems actually started at the tutorial. Yes, the tutorial. For some reason, this game's tutorial is insanely, ridiculously hard. There's a section on "block pressure" that I still haven't finished and probably never will. Who playtested this? I've never had difficulty with any other NRS tutorial (including Mortal Kombat 11, which I've also seen its tutorial get criticized but I could finish it just fine).

The roster is interesting, even if you take only the base characters into account. The abundance of Batman representatives is often criticized, but the likes of Firestorm, Blue Beetle and Gorilla Grodd are certainly inspired picks, for example, although the absence of iconic characters like Shazam and Lex Luthor (for story reasons - attesting that story modes in fighting games were a mistake) is felt. Arena selection is very scarce, leading to a bit of repetitiveness, with only 12 stages (8 of them have transitions raising the actual total to 20) - compare with the first Injustice, which had 15 stages, all but two having transitions making for a total of 29 arenas to fight. Only places visited in the story mode are present in the Injustice 2 stage selection (unlike the first game where some areas were there purely for versus mode enjoyment), and due to circumstances in the story, iconic locations like the Justice League Watchtower, Themyscira and the Hall of Justice are absent, further showing how story mode hampers this game.

And what about the gameplay itself? Well, as I mentioned, at first glance it seems alright. Fighting works well. Then you notice how bad the issue with move balancing is - it's more notable with zoning (this game has a huge zoning problem), but there's overall A LOT of very spammable moves that you see often not only in online, but the AI gets in on the action too! It makes fights very boring unless you're on versus mode with either a good, fair player or AI in very specific difficulties. In fact, the opponent AI in this game borders on bullshit. A big chunk of this game's grinding (more on that later on) is done in the Multiverse mode, which is basically a differentiated arcade mode that changes every few hours. The AI in Multiverse is ridiculous, making the experience very frustrating. There are also modifiers with baffling effects, like spinning the screen around or randomly turning the game upside down - these two were notable for me because they made me legitimately nauseous. You can put your own friendly AI (which is adjustable) to go through Multiverse for you, which makes things way easier, but what's the point of playing a video game if you have to sit through an AI doing things for you?

Customization is a big selling point of this game that NRS emphasized and it's what the grinding is directed at. You can customize each character's body parts as well as one special item that's specific to each character. Boy, is it a grind. You get gear from lootboxes (called Mother Boxes in this game - nothing in common with the actual Mother Box items from the comics except for the name) or after some matches, and it is all completely randomized. You can get repeated gear, you can fill up your inventory if you're not careful, you can spend years grinding without finding a piece you want. Gear is divided into common, rare, "epic" and "legendary", but aside from the legendary gear, it doesn't matter much in practice - I spent months grinding for a single "common" head piece for Black Adam. Legendary gear is another problem altogether: there's only one for each character, and you unlock them in the Legendary Multiverses, which as a concept is fine, but each stage of these multiverses has ABSURD requirements like playing 3000 minutes with the character, finishing 200 multiverse events with them, finishing 100 matches with a certain combo etc. It's another tedious grind that reeks of artificial longevity, but works more as a turn-off for the game because of how tedious it is. There are also shaders, which are color palettes you can equip on your loadout. One shader for each character is obtained by playing through arcade mode (a "simulator" in the Multiverse mode), and another one is either a story mode reward or, for characters who don't have a story chapter, a random reward. The rest of them are either random rewards or you can buy them with source crystals. Source crystals are a kind of currency in the game that you can get either by leveling up your profile (which takes longer the more you play the game), playing through story mode for the first time, finishing the tutorial and in Guild mode (a mode where you join a group to finish special Multiverse events together). Oh, and you can also buy source crystals with real money if you don't want to grind - hooray for microtransactions in fully-priced games, right? Needless to say it's another grind, moreso because shaders can be VERY rare drops.

But gear isn't only cosmetic! They actually affect stats. This fighting game has these RPG-like elements with stat-changing gear and character levels (more grinding). This means not only that you can't just equip what you think looks cooler on your character without risking getting terrible stats, but whether you'll have difficulty or not fighting an opponent because they have better attack or defense boils down to whether you're lucky enough to get good gear in this game's busted RNG. In versus mode you can turn "competitive mode" on to disable stat changes, making your gear purely cosmetic and prevent it from upsetting balance, but that will also disable any custom abilities you might have equipped on your character, such as Robin's "Staff of Grayson" which gives him Nightwing's moveset from the previous game. So no matter what, you're bound to get screwed over!

Story mode is decent, all things considered. There's some really good parts, some really bad ones and some okay moments. I might not like some of the paths taken for the story (I particularly despise "evil Superman" depictions, but I actually give this one a pass since this game takes place in the aftermath of the "bad universe" from the previous one) and find the ending (both of them) ridiculous, but I can't deny NRS made a good job on selling the story. The voice acting (both in the original and Brazilian dubs) is on point and so are the visuals. It really feels like you're watching a big Justice League story unfold. Doesn't keep me from thinking the resources, time, effort and budget spent on cutscenes should go towards more substantial base game content, but I won't have the audacity to say the story mode is actually bad.

All in all, despite me going hard on it, Injustice 2 is a good game, and I can even say I like it - I just think it makes you suffer too much through baffling mechanics so you can even begin to have fun with it. But if you only care about pure fighting and nothing else, and have nice people to play with, Injustice 2 won't disappoint. Just make sure to get the Legendary Edition on a sale, because a gigantic amount of the game's full content is DLC that will weigh on your wallet if you try to get all of it at full price.

Improves on the first one in every aspect.

The best way to play the Injustice games, the story is fantastic and the fighting is smooth not really changing much from the original game, but it feels a lot better graphically and as a whole it makes the entire game flow better. Story is just as good and there's a lot of fun characters to try and play. Worth your time still if you're interested in it, it's on Xbox Gamepass right now though I originally played it on the Xbox One.

Fun game love the ability to play superheroes sadly some of the ultimate moves really are lame

Getting loot is very addicting but as a fighting game it is not great.

the game is very cool, the story I found a little weak, but the gameplay is very fun, but the loot box system loses some good points, combined with the character level system that unbalances the multiplayer, A FIGHTING GAME DOESN'T NEED TO BE AN RPG

It improves gameplay but worsens the story; overall, it stays at a similar level to the first one.

Back + 3, Forward jump + 2, Forward, Down 3, Down + Back + 2 (burn), Back + Forward + 2 (burn), Forward 2, 2. that's the input for my favorite black canary combo. this game whips ass

I had big expectations for this game, I even bought the Ultimate Edition because of how hyped I was. But man, this was a big disappointment for me. Let me make one thing clear, I love the cast of characters of this instalment, and ho they are represented in their moves and animations. I also thoroughly enjoy the gameplay. It's basically the same from the first game, but it's obvious it has been more polished.
Now, I have a big problem with the customization in this game. The variety is great, don't get me wrong, but the fact that every piece of armour modifies the stats of the character is absurd. Moreover, it gives an unfair advantage to those people that are willing to buy boxes in order to have more gear. It is a flawed system, and I'm happy that they changed it for MK11.
The narrative in this game is nothing spectacular. When you have all the DC characters at your disposal without the limitations of a film, you may think it's going to be epic in scale. But no, they stick to their formula of having chapters with a character fighting four times in a row, which destroys the pacing of the story.
All in all, this fighting game had so much potential, but its customization system is awful and unfair, and the story is overall underwhelming.

After playing this God forsaken game for upwards of 70 hours, or rather having the A.I. play the game for me, just to get a single Catwoman ability, I have truly lost sight of why I started to play in the first place. All combo strings become monotonous mesh after a while, and my fingers cramp at the thought of the amount of pain-staking hours these sweaty ass ranked players have played to take me to 0 without me being able to respond. I like DC but not this much. Maybe one day I will finally get Cat Call and life will be fine.