Reviews from

in the past

i bought the gangmant style dlc for this game for $0.99

It's 9am, I've got the house to myself for a couple of hours. I hastily close all the curtains and slip the Just Dance 4 disk into my console. I pray that no one walks in on me dancing to Umbrella by Rihanna 3 times in a row on my own just to unlock some dumb video game points. As the song goes on, I start to get into the rhythm of the song and put a bit more effort into my moves. Maybe I am having fun, I think to myself. I start to build up a slight sweat and really get into it, running my hand up my leg and shaking my hip, the best Rihanna impression I can muster. As the song comes to a close, I manage a 5 star rating, sick! Following the song the game decides to share with me lots of images of me dancing and I realise how stupid I look. I hang my head in shame, shut down the console and remind myself to never embarrass myself like that again.

This game has a target audience and I'm sure you know if you are part of that target audience or not, and I am not. However, for the sake of reviews, I wanted to give all the Just Dance games on the 360 a try. JD4 was the second of the mainline games on the console, after 3, and it is actually really good. Getting the basics out of the way, unlike a lot of kinect games, the game actually works. The motion sensor can track your movements really well and I never really felt hard done by missing moves, it was normally my fault. The songs can be attacked on your own or with a group of up to 4 players and you follow a on screen chracter to perform moves to match the songs. Unlike some other version which use the controllers, the 360 has the kinect to track your whole body and it uses this tracking images to give you scores from perfect to miss. The song list is very subjective, so I won't go too much into that, but it's some basic pop stuff ranging from recent to classics. The songs work well from this type of game and it's just fairly solid all round, with all the songs being fun to dance to and enough content to keep you entertained for a long time. There are some negatives though. The game has a work out mode which measures how many calories you have burned. As far as I can tell though, this is just more dancing, it doesn't change up the game in any drastic way and isn't really competition to any of the kinect fitness games on the console. The other, and more frustrating thing, is the menu navigation. It's a little difficult to explain, but instead of the standard hold your hand over an item to select it method of most kinect games, JD4 goes for a push the button to select it input method. If you have every played a kinect game, you will know how bad at depth perception the kinect is and how frustrating this will become. Still, if you can get past this, you will enjoy this one. It's one of the better kinect games on the console.

I don't know why I'm logging this but it might as well be the definitive Just Dance log.

Just Dance 4 is the best game of the series and nothing comes close. That's a weird statement, but I think it's certainly the most impactful of the series.

Just Dance started off as a bland Wii shovelware game. By the time 4 came out, it was a confident yearly moneymaker that added more and more. After the bland backgrounds of 1, the art of the backgrounds and the coaches popped. Unlockable bonus routines was added. A mini achievement system was added.

So many changes that are now the series norm originated from Just Dance 4, and without it, the series might as well have been dead. While I do still enjoy the series enough to get each year's game and I do have a fun time with it, nothing will beat the sheer impact of 4.

While the choreographies in current games seem to get more and more intricate to the point that you could genuinely learn complex real life routines, there's something about the simplicity and fun of Just Dance 4 that endures even almost 10 years later.

I ruled Livin la vida loca

swear i nearly dislocate my elbow everytime i go too hard to livin la vida loca

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Young me was stupid for thinking Beauty and the Beat was an absolute banger when Moves Like Jagger was right there.

4º jogo consecutivo na mesma vibe. A seleção das músicas sempre contém músicas muito boas e algumas bem passáveis. Refinamento das mecânicas não perdoa a mesmice da franquia.

There are so many bops bangers and jams but not enough to be that replay able

More of the standard Just Dance quality in terms of songs and modes. In this one I remember putting a good chunk of hours in some songs such as Livin la Vida Loca, Superstition and Jailhouse Rock. As with the rest, quite easy to pick up in a party, not so accurate with the wiimote.

The best Just Dance game along with Just Dance 2014!

Many good memories and times with friends with this game along with just dance 2014

Born to dance, forced to wipe

"You look like you are suffering from paint fumes intoxication." - My mom, after seeing my dance performance of Living la Vida Loca

Quando eu jogo isso eu simplesmente entro em um universo paralelo, onde lá não existe tristeza e problemas reais, NÃO VEJO DEFEITOS NESSE JOGO POIS ELES NÃO EXISTEM

I mean, it's Just Dance, I only ever play this to impress women. It never works.

Really good game. Song list holds up to date and I somehow can still play for hours.

en esto consiste hacer ejercicio

Another okay dance game.

Tbm foi uma fase, só q durou mais tempo

i think its kinda hard to truly hate just dance for me because its such an inoffensive normal person game that i could actually play with my sisters that didnt have mario in it so it was just another thing to bond over

This game introduced me to Never Gonna Give You Up

Mais um Just Dances que joguei com amigos (jogar sozinho é meio triste)

"What makes beautiful"
"Everybody Needs Somebody To Love"
"The Final Countdown"

únicas que consigo lembrar, talvez seja pq a gente mal jogou este