Reviews from

in the past

The ending streak of this game definitively proves that the main story side of KH is the WAY cooler side of it. How are you gonna look at Sora cutting through buildings and getting in a battle with Cyber End Dragon on crack while THIS is playing and go "yeah f*cking around with flounder is better"

games cant cum harder than this

you don't like these games more than me, these games were made for me, i can feel this game in my balls

Lingering Will more like: YOUR LIFE PASS HAS EXPIRED gets killed 50 times over

yes I beat it on level 1, yes i am single

overall a great game with a ton of well designed side content, but drive forms are kinda underutilized and the pacing really stunts during the world revisits. game's a little too easy outside of challenge runs

ainda é o melhor jogo da existencia

i played this and i didn't know what the fuck is going on

Critical Mode ist immernoch eines der besten Schwierigkeitsgrade die es jemals gab. KH2 wird für mich immer ein Meisterwerk sein.

Nomura'nın "Magnum Opus"u, Kingdom Hearts'ın yüksek ihtimalle çıkabileceği en yüksek nokta. Bazen seri burada mı bitseydi diyorum.

Play the game on Critical, you'll regret it but you will also grow as a person. Probably the best KH game in most categories.

Refazendo a review pq foi nessa versão que eu joguei, e também a capa dele é mais bonita.

O melhor Kingdom Hearts de todos os tempos.

Simplesmente intankavel o quanto de conteúdo bom esse jogo tem, desde história, a gameplay que é a melhor coisa ja feita no mundo, os mundos que, inclusive, o mundo mais chato que tem é completamente ignoravel, a não ser que você queira a ultima weapon.

44 horinhas nessa maravilha e ainda tenho o conteúdo pos-ending pra fazer (que infelizmente não consigo pois o jogo simplesmente crasha após derrotar o boss final (darei meu jeito pra passar por essa parte acredite))

Recomendo pra todos.

this took like 2 months to finish because me constantly getting distracted and shit that the journal thing would be the most schizo shit ever
fire ass game tho i already want to replay it
Also something really funny about playing this while reading tsubasa chronicles, top 1 trope

If I were to explain all the reasons why I love this game we would be here for a few days and I am not kidding.

So I will just say this, play Kingdom Hearts.

Quanto mais Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, melhor.

Roxas is the best character of all time...

kh2fm is my favorite game of all time and this is technically not the version that i've played but i wanted this box art in my top 5

I love the part where Sora was talking to King Mickey and said
"They're trying to make a Kingdom Hearts too Final Mix+"
and then the credits rolled. Still don't get what he meant by that. Masterpiece+

I clenched my cheeks when Goofy got his head smashed in.
RIP G.G. "Goofy" Goof

One of my favourite games ever. Presentation is top-notch, the gameplay's addictive and is both really easy to get but also can be mastered to absurd extents. Game has a lot of stuff to do, with hard boss battles in the postgame and a really neat dungeon. The story's insane in the way KH should be. Drive Forms are a lot of fun to use.

The Disney worlds are a bit more boring than the first game but the presentation in them makes up for it, the Nobodies are really cool, and just overall...I could go on forever, I just love it!

Get the latest collection for best loading times and just go ham, it's absolutely worth it!

Crack cocaine if it was a playable video game for the ps2

i considered giving this game a 1/5 cause only 20% of the worlds are good

The defining monument of my childhood, a beautiful amalgamation of exotic fantasy and beautiful magic. Not a masterpiece, but pretty damn close. The combat is perfection and the music is a contender for greatest of all time. The story is not for everyone, but it is special to those who cherish it. 10/10

This box art is so much better

Awesome worlds, awesome gameplay, great story. One of the best PS2 games.

I consider this game to be one of the best action RPGs I've ever played and I never get tired of replaying it. The Soundtrack is perfect with many good and diverse music for many situations, the cutscenes are of great quality for the time of the Playstation 2, improved gameplay that surpasses that of the 1st game, in addition to having one of the best choices for Disney worlds, crossovers and the best villains in the series for me.

If you want a genuinely peak Action RPG, this is the game you go to. Absolutely stellar combat, challenging and incredibly rewarding boss fights, an amazing OST, this is EVERYTHING I want in a video game, even having a great story. This game series already means a lot to me, but 2FM in particular just hits different.

The best thing ever created. I really love the story and how it wraps up (though KH1 is still my personal favorite story in the series). Sora is the best in this game. And the gameplay is beyond incredible. Sooooo replayable and so many options. Awesome postgame content. Still the gold standard for me.

The greatest to ever do it