Reviews from

in the past

this is actually my favourite funamusea game but i think if i said that to most people i'd get shot

Castelo Mogeko é sem dúvida nenhuma a pior coisa que já joguei em toda minha vida, a única definição humanamente normal para esse jogo é: doentio e nojento.

Se você preza sua sanidade mental, faça um favor para sí mesmo e jamais jogue esta porcaria de jogo.

What a mess. It's just a edgy and messy story. Do not even bother to play it. It sucks...

You like Moge-ko because you want to fuck her.
I like Moge-ko because she laughs like Mr. Krabs.
We are not the same.

Le volví a dar una oportunidad

If I write what I truly want to say about this game, then the review would probably be taken down. So I'll just say that I hope no human being ever plays this again.


this got me to try prosciutto when i was 11 years old and honestly its hard not to 5 star it for that. however i do not like its way of handling TopicsTM

it all just seems a bit unnecessary, doesn't it? just a bit, yeah? could've done without that, i think.

Edgy for the sake of edgy and there were way too many sexual assualt and pedophillia jokes. I hope mogeko keels over.

Game that lives in the back of your skull and attacks you at random intervals

I love the art style, the music and the design of the mogekos. As for the rest, it's incredibly edgy and the little gameplay there is consists on running or trial and error. It may be a horror RPG classic, but I can't recommend it nowadays.

It’s just….bad. I’m not even saying this because of the plot (which is part of it, don’t get me wrong), but there’s really nothing to it. Other games by the same creator are much better, even though I would argue even those aren’t all that, but I digress.

Ouh. OOH this is bad. A lot of the "humor" is just rape. I kind of hope whoever made this dies. I hope this doesn't have any outspoken fans in 2022

i had a rpgmaker horror phase and gotta say cannot recommend having one yourself

any hint of respect I may have had for Mogeko's work left because of this game. it's utterly tasteless, horrible "omg how twisted!" shock content pervaded with gratuitous sexual assault of a high schooler, and nothing else about it is good or even memorable enough to grit your teeth through it. don't bother.

Mad Father and IB are better than this Pedophile Shit

the summer of 2015, prehistoric age. youth. youtube. mogeko castle all endings and bonus room with guide. nothing more than that

Sendo legal, daria pra dar meia estrela pela trilha sonora, q eu gostei, mas não sei dizer se ela foi realmente feita pelo dev ou pega em qualquer lugar da net ou do próprio RPG Maker.
Tirando isso, a mente doentia que fez esse jogo deveria ser presa, contei no MINIMO, 11 crimes hediondos q esse jogo faz apologia, minha condição mental foi pro kct com isso

this game obviously sucks ass, it comes off as predatory edgy wankery for 10 year olds (when i actually thought it was interesting) but there's just something amusing about rpgmaker cheese that's missing in modern indie titles

Um jogo bem bizarro em todos os sentidos. Tirando a nostalgia de ver o Alan jogando, o game n tem uma história tão interessante.
Mogekos estão chegando...

>> Prós
• MOGE-KO : Simplesmente a melhor personagem.
• JOGABILIDADE : É fácil de jogar.

>> Contras
• HISTÓRIA : É bem mal aproveitada, dava pra explorar ainda mais a história dos mogekos.

>> Perso Favorito = Moge-ko.

jogo podre doentio e fetichista nao vale 1 centavo do dinheiro de alguém

Minha eu edgy de 11 anos iria dar 5 estrelas.
Meu 1,5 foi puramente por nostalgia, esse jogo é uma piada.

Overall not a good game in any way, shape or form. As someone else already pointed out, it's edgy just for the sake of it, trying to seem "dark" and shit and it just falls so flat and senseless, something other games from the author unfortunately also suffer from.

me arrependo horrores de ter jogado esse. não tem nada. é só gore e abuso. não tem nada do jogo q eu tenha realmente gostado... a funamusea fez outros jogos q eu até consegui gostar por outras razões mas esse não se salva de jeito algum.