Reviews from

in the past

the magic of prior mystery dungeon games is gone. this game had none of the emotional stakes i had placed in either of the previous games, and i know it's not nostalgia talking because i replayed EoS at least 7 times.

I didn't think I liked it but I cried at the end. Hydreigon best boy

Not bad, actually loved how it played with the camera

more like gates to hell. an insult to pokemon mystery dungeon's noble name

It’s just bad, I’m not finishing it

c'est un donjon mystère c'est nostalgique maiiiis ça s'arrête là, ils ont mal adapté ça en 3d j'ai pas trop aimé

Espeon & Umbreon dating is the cutest shit I've ever seen

This is the weakest PMD game.

BUT, the soundtrack...holy shit the SOUNDTRACK


You never quite feel as immersed in this one as you do in it's predecessors. I blame that mostly on the character roster being shrunk down to five choices instead of nearly two dozen, it never feels like "you" unless you really like unova pokemon (or pikachu). But also the game is less about "you" and more about it's side characters, which you never truly get attached to.

The town gimmick is entirely unnecessary and never really benefits the player. The v wheel is obnoxious. The quests and resource management feels more obnoxious.

The music is good, but it still feels as though its always a little too cheery, and lacks the "mystery" that set the tone in certain dungeons in previous games.

Posiblemente de las mayores decepciones que me lleve cuando era pequeño jajaja

Every cutscene is 10 minutes longer than it should be and written like a company HR training. A huge disappointment coming from Explorers, but better than the internet made it out to be. Still, I was ready for it to be over halfway through.

Mediocre con ganas, y ademas viniendo del mejor juego de la historia

My first mystery dungeon game. I enjoyed it the first time, but not as much the second. Kind of lame story and characters. Didn't love the gameplay.

i played this game a lot and remember almost none of it and thats probably not a good sign

Very underrated game and the story seems to me to be the second best of the pokemon mysterious world, also hydreigon is god as a character and the music is very good it is true that the pace of the game is tedious and the bosses are not very memorable but the ending seems to me the best of the saga and the message it also gives:
Rhythm: 4
Final grade:5

Bro I went to Walmart on Black Friday as a kid and tried to get this game, I had exactly 30 bucks I think and this game was traditionally 40 with a sticker on it for 10 dollars off on Black Friday. When we brought it up to the counter the evil lady there told us the sticker deals were only until like 8am that morning despite no signs in the building saying that. I was fucking devestated, and ended up never getting this game. Maybe one day man.

Gates To Infinity is just... fine. A passable Mystery Dungeon experience, though it's shallow and disappointing as a follow-up to the excellent Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky.

+ The writing is just as charming as Rescue Team and Explorers with fairly memorable characters. Highlights include Victini, Cofagrigus, Hydregion, and Quagsire.
+ The ending is handled very well with a presentation that's arguably on par with Explorers' heart-wrenching ending.
- Gameplay is generally dull and repetitive as many of the series' most interesting mechanics have been over-simplified or removed entirely.
- Building up Paradise is a great concept that just wasn't executed very well. The slow trickle of materials through jobs, on top of the new one-job-per-day restriction, makes job completion laborious and the buildings you create from those materials are almost entirely useless.
- The main story is ridiculously easy, to the point that I one-shot the final boss. This could be down to me playing as Axew though as it seems exceptionally powerful versus other starters thanks to its early access to Dual Chop.
- The game's text speed is Diamond/Pearl-levels of obnoxiously slow, making story progress a complete slog.

Crazy how they took one of the most beloved games of all time, and made it lame and bad. Could not get past like 4-5 hours before i gave the game away i hated it so much.

My first interaction with the mystery dungeon series which made me decide mystery dungeon really isn't my thing.

Wasn't terrible, but it's a far cry from EoS :(

couldve been worse, but also couldve been more, ya know

there's something bugging me about this one but i'm not quite sure what it is exactly??? i keep trying to play it but when i do it i feel like i don't want to continue. maybe it's the uncomfortable dungeon layouts to move around in and odd choice of camera angle where i feel like i can't see properly that's bothering me? maybe it's the fact i had to add a cheat code for sped up text that crashes the entire thing sometimes because the default unchangeable text speed is so unbearably slow? maybe it's the game looking so dull because the 3d style is generic and stiff and i miss the spritework of the first two games? the story is cute which is why i even play these games and the music isn't bad either. but it's not enough to keep me hooked on it. i was forcing myself to push forward but i can't do it anymore. i'm genuinely not enjoying the experience. feels very bad because i know this is the one people hate the most of the mystery dungeon spinoffs and i really wanted to give it a chance but i just can't.

abandoned when i got the first 3 members of the pokémon paradise 4 hours in.

ultimately underwhelming, but the taking photos and creating new dungeons out of them thing was neat

Played this game when I was a bit younger and thought it was fire but in my heart I know it was probably just okay

one of my first pokemon games ever. cried at it as a little dude