Reviews from

in the past

First Reigns game I have played from the studio. I wasn't expecting an over arching story line. That was a lovely surprise.

Some situations do still carry over after death. You get to keep all your tools after death, but lose them if you reset.

You're balancing your stats; if any get too high or too low, you die. I enjoyed the humor. Getting all the achievements was less fun because of RNG. But damn I wanted that Steam ribbon. I am interested in the other Reigns games now.

I don't know why Reigns sucks me in so much. It's mostly just swiping through a story and trying to keep the four levels from going to high or too low. And yet, once I start playing I just can't seem to stop.

Seems funnier than the original although the endings are weird. Prefer the maze section in this one to the last.

Je n'ai pas compris l'intérêt du jeu, on incarne une Reine et on nous permet de participer aux décisions de la cour, qui nous demandent de prendre actions en nous laissant le choix entre 2 propositions de réponse pour résoudre chaque "problématique". Le soucis c'est que souvent la problématique B à résoudre dans un 2nd temps n'a aucun rapport avec la problématique A résolue dans un 1er temps (et parfois sont complètement opposées). Pire, certaines questions nous permettent une réponse du style "Donnez-moi plus de détails", et en fait le jeu ne nous donne pas plus de détails et passe à la suite comme si de rien n'était.

Bref à choisir je crois que je préfère me plonger corps et âmes dans un jeu plus complexe comme Crusader Kings, mais qui au moins ne semble pas se contredire toutes les 2 minutes.

extremely fun and addicting. love that the queen's a lil fruity

swiping without reading
left, right, right, left, left, right.
Oh what, i'm dead? cool.
Swipes while reading
right, right, left, right, left, left.
Oh im dead again? cool.

100% recommended for loosing your sanity.

Definitely better than the one. Improved and more varied despite the fact that the gameplay framework remained the same.

you know when you replay a visual novel and skip thru all the dialogue you've seen before to get to some new stuff. what if that was the entire game, and you had to do it 500000x.

(i originally had this review on the first Reigns game but i realised that i actually played this version, which should tell you something about how unmemorable it is)

Esp: Una secuela innecesaria que intentó refrescar las mecánicas originales, no es precisamente malo, pero al igual que el primero, con el tiempo se vuelve demasiado aburrido.

Decidí volver e intentar terminarlo a pesar de todo, no voy a negar que el guión tiene momentos brillantes, de crítica social, humor ácido y perspectivas feministas interesantes; pero llevado a gameplay es agotador, tan poco intuitivo y sinuosamente molesto como el primero. Genuinamente no sé si no es mi tipo de juego, o es excesivamente pretencioso para lo simple que es.
Spoiler: No, hablar de "la madre de todo" "los jugadores son cerdos tomando decisiones por su status social" y "mi juego es un experimento para conocer a los seres humanos" y "me burlo de la ultraderecha y de que la gente se la pasa en sus pantallas en vez de vivir" no te hace en automático un juego inteligente o medianamente bueno

Esp: An unnecessary sequel that tried to refresh the original mechanics, it's not exactly bad, but like the first one, over time it gets too boring.

surprisingly improves on the amazing original a lot

It's better than the first one, in particular the relic system being able to prolong your reign is fun. The core puzzle feels solveable also, unlike the first game where it was very much a "how was i supposed to figure that all out start to finish"

Definitely an improvement on the first release. I think playing a queen also makes a bit more sense thematically.

I really enjoy this format! The writing is a lot of fun and a lot of unpredictable twists. I probably have some more left to see.

Had some fun with it, but did not get engaged in the long run. Cool story-telling mechanics that felt overshadowed by a sense of not having very much real control over what happens throughout.