Reviews from

in the past

This game came out so early in the VR world. It blew me away. So well done. Awesome graphics and fun gameplay. It is short and gets old after a while, but amazing game for its time.

A lot freer than half life alyx as far as gunplay but a lot less of everything else.

The boss that you fight is just the worst. Constantly just standing there waiting to be able to fire in its general direction.


The simple shooter concept has been refined to a high enough level to provide an enjoyable experience on VR: the extremely nervous side and the need to stay mobile at all times create an interesting challenge, which results in a smooth learning curve. With few real technical faults – some teleportations are sometimes haphazard when our hit-box collides with that of a robot –, this is a well-polished title for which we can only reproach the indestructibility of the scenery and the artificial difficulty of succeeding in the point-based challenges. Some would argue that this is fair retribution for the low level count; the game is nevertheless lucid enough to be quite doable by completely eschewing these challenges and the subsequent rewards they would bring.

the game that proves epic games has just as much talent as valve, wish they would show it more

VR shooting is always fun, and the game has a decent arsenal to choose from (each with a handful of upgrades to claim), but past that this game doesn't have much going for it. The story is bland, the dialogue is tongue-in-cheek to the point of feeling stupid, the level design consists of a small, generic urban area, and the missions (of which there are only 9) are variants of the same 3 types. Granted, they spice things up a little with additional combat options (throwing robots, ripping them apart, throwing/bouncing their projectiles back at them), but ultimately I sort of wish it was just a better shooter.

$40 is a bit much for how short this game is but within the context of it being a oculus rift pack in title Robo Recall provides a fast and frantic vr arcade shooting experience and is a fantastic introduction for vr first timers.

This is a really great vr game. The gameplay is fun and really gets you moving. It has some similar aspects to Superhot VR, but is still a very different game overall

Beeindruckender Einstiegstitel für die Oculus. Sieht gut aus, schießen fühlt sich gut an und das Kombosystem motiviert. Allerdings noch ein sehr limitiertes Spiel ohne VR Innovationen.

Simple old VR shooter game with some good gameplay!

Fun VR FPS. Makes me feel a bit like Neo.

Este juego es uno de los motivos por los que probablemente me compraria la OQ.

Es de lo mas epico de la VR a mi conocimiento.

Tiene escenas de correr de robots mientras lanzas granadas y cojes robots pequeños que usas como escudo. O sea, epico sin mas

VR shooting galleries are a dime a dozen but this game is the sole reason I still hook up my Oculus from time to time. Teleporting around, ripping robots apart, juggling their body parts in the air with gun fire, using their limbs as melee weapons, using their bodies as bullet shields, it's all such a blast. This game is arcadey action at its best and fills me with that same type of glee that playing time crisis at the local arcade did when I was in high school. It's one of the few games where I love score chasing because of the super cheesy arcade feel to it.

Minus one star due to the fact that my old oculus account was deleted when I deleted my Facebook and I was forced to rebuy it, even though I originally had it for free. Tired of that scummy crap.