Reviews from

in the past

Charming action-adventure, somewhat in the vein of Zelda. Very short, but that's fine; it doesn't overstay its welcome. There are some weird aspects to the game's presentation and tone (there's kind of an emphasis on puking in this series, I've noticed... yes, puking), but if you can overlook that, as well as some control quirks (a result of this game trying to fit as much as possible into a 2-button control scheme...), I think Silk Road 2 is fun.

I ended up having to play this with Google Lens on my phone, since there's no suitable English translation anywhere. That's far from ideal, and normally I would not do that for a game, but I had... reasons, to try and finish it ASAP, lol. I would like to revisit this one if it ever gets an English patch, so I can have a better sense of what's going on in the story.

While doing research on this, I looked into the first Silk Road as well, and was pretty surprised by what that turned out to be, in terms of both gameplay and content. In retrospect, Silk Road 2 is essentially a story prequel to the first Silk Road, from what I can tell? This definitely made for an unusual experience, at least.

Game Review - originally written by Kitsune Sniper

Silk Road 2 is a shareware RPG released by SPRITE back in 1998. The game plays like Zelda, except you can use three weapons at the same time, and you save by collecting Goddess Coins.

The game's actually quite fun, once you get to play it for more than five minutes. You move with the arrow keys [not the number keys], attack with Z/X/C, and access the menu with V. You start off with a straw, which shoots out bubbles and hurts the enemy.

No, I'm not joking.

The story starts out with a magician summoning a giant chicken from the sky. She destroys the chicken, but a catgirl is left behind! So she does the natural thing to do: She takes her to a spring and they both partake in nekkid swimming! After some very revealing scenes which I wanted to post but couldn't due to Parodius regulations [even if they are 4 pixel nipples], you start to play.

Well, give it a shot. It's fun, you know. The game isn't quite easily findable, though.

And a few notes on the game: Sometimes, I'm guessing that it depends on your video card, the intro and credits screen will have garbage on them, bits of images from sequences that are going to be shown or have already been shown. I don't know how to fix this. Also, do NOT GO TO FULLSCREEN MODE. I had to reinstall the game so it would let me go to windowed mode. :\