Reviews from

in the past

A weird little game. Kinda like if Undertale was less charming. You spend most of the game in direct conversation with the main character, Clara.

The music is nice, a bit ambient and odd. Nothing I'd listen to on its own, but something that contrasts a video game really well. I take a lot of issue with the level and map design though. It's insane to me that a game with this much walking and such large, empty maps has no run button, especially being made in such a modern version of RPG Maker. That's really one of the biggest problems I have with it, the tileset looks like it has the ability to be really charming, but the maps are just so big for no reason at all, and the way the tiles are laid out in the city to represent the buildings is lowkey painful to me. Even with the built-in shadow lines, everything feels flat and fake. I genuinely struggled at first trying to tell what was a building and what was part of the ground.

But still a fine game. Characters feel like real people and even though the world is really fantastical, it feels like it could all happen someday.