Reviews from

in the past

formative memory for billions of y2k kids, they should really port this to pinball fx somehow

very charming and quite fun but i still have never used the tilting mechanic once successfuly to this day

This game was pure fun as a kid.

Solid game to try. I'll try the full game at some point tol though.

Also, the Android Port "Pinball-on-Android" is surpricingly great too. That being something that I 𝘫𝘢𝘴𝘡 discovered recently and being how I just now played it for the first time.

Really great port, I absolutely recomend checking it out.

not really as diehard for this game as other people are but i still remember it being a nice little windows xp pack in game that i would play when i remembered it existed

If you don't know what this game is then you're either a Tik Tok user or you never owned a computer


I played this on my grandmother's PC when I was around 6 or 7, I loved how it looked and I'd mimick the sound effects as I played outside afterward. I didn't know the game had music until primary school, about five or six years later.

I haven't played it in a while but I'm not in any rush. Sometimes if its a Sunday afternoon and I need a nap, I'll pull up a video of it on youtube and go to sleep to those sounds I loved so much, with the music off, of course.

Spent countless hours as a kid trying to rack up high scores whenever I saw this installed on a computer.

man I love pinball, even when stupidly simple

This was peak gaming on my dad's crappy windows xp laptop growing up

Jeder der zu XP Zeiten aufgewachsen ist und der ur Sandler war kennt das.

Great game and time waster that didn't require internet connection. Thanks Windows XP for having it pre-installed.

Great nostalgia for basically any pc owner.

Hoooooooooolyyyy shiiiiiiiiiiiit

the sound effects in this are incredible

The future looked bright from your view sitting in front of your friends family computer when they booted this up.

I still find myself playing this classic pinball game from time to time!

This is a certified hood classic

fun when i was a kid with no internet and no imagination, not anymore

stupid fucking black hole spit my ball right where i can't fucking hit it, stupid ass game

Se eu pudesse dar mais estrelas, eu daria.

a lot of hours were wasted on this

It was the 90s and kids needed something to alt+tab into when they heard their parents coming down the hall as the dial up chugged to load that 18+ jpeg pixel line by pixel line.

If your parents never asked you why you were so sweaty and nervous while you lied through your teeth that you just got your high score on 3D Pinball: Space Cadet did you really even have a childhood?