Reviews from

in the past

The OG windows pinball game. I can still hear the sounds.

"Kay is 4" written in italics and bold repeated fifty times in ms paint with random scribblings all over it

it was there for me when I in school and didn't want to do my work

Not the best video pinball game by any means but still a solid freebie for Windows XP and 98 Plus users.

Ah, é um clássico do Windows, eu não sou o maior fã de pinball do mundo, mas foi com ele que eu entendi que jogos de pinball tinham uma lógica e uma história rolando ali, com progressão e tudo mais e isso abriu minha mente quando criança.

legendary, life changing

The amount of time I put into this because I had nothing better to do is too god damn high!

Probably the best preinstalled Windows XP pinball simulator of all time.

If I close my eyes I can still hear the sounds of this game. The whirring windup of the ball release. The zap of the slingshots. The trill of the roller switch. The sound effects of my childhood.

ugly as fuck but always entertaining for those days without internet when someone was hogging the phone

3d pinball >> minesweeper >>> spider solitaire >>>>>>>> everything else

tengo un high score en la compu del colegio


I'm somewhat good at this? Idk, great game to lose some time on your grandma's PC.

That one game in the ol' school's computers

yes mom i know norton has to restart for a virus sweep but i gotta beat my high score

Sla joguei isso com uns 6 anos (???)

Nostalgic as fuck, and also a big mastapeece

Played it all the time in school

Everyone played this in school. Great memories. Slightly better than Epic Pinball

Es el puto Pinball de Windows.