Reviews from

in the past

Probable the best arcade survival game out there, hundreds of hours of fun. Just difficult to convince people its an actually good game.

Dropped this game after 7 days

Le jeu te lâche sans rien t'expliquer, les graphismes sont à vomir j'ai vraiment pas apprécié le peu d'expérience que j'ai eu dessus

fun back then but buggy and hasnt aged that well

The game is fun, but unfortunately it is very poorly optimized, buggy and quite ugly ir you're not at max settings.

A lot of glitches but overall a fun experience!

Its a fun game, especially with friends.

- combat is pretty fun -
- i like the building / crafting
- fun to jump into with friends
- the AI sucks. They made it so that its super easy to cheese and they seem content leaving it that way.
- is boring solo

My favorite zombie survival game

Plus beau que red dead je pense

Objectivement bon mais j'ai pas accroché

It's very fun with friends.
But it still feels underdeveloped and lacks a lot of QOA.

Still AlPHA and EARLY ACCESS since 2013. Please hire someone to finish the game and actually care for it.

This game is so fun but MAN they do not update it

Didn't play this long enough to see if it should get a lower rating or not, but boy this is a bad game. Graphically terrible, 30 FPS, generic looking, acting and sounding zombies, poor looking combat mechanics. Also no obvious tutorial or hints when you get into the game. Dont waste your life playing bad games.

Amazes me how long this game has been in development for and still feels the exact same.

Super cheap to buy on sale and was fun to play for a couple hours with friends. Gameplay gets stale fairly quickly and you have to try VERY hard to find fun after a while.

The 7 day zombie horde mechanic is fun but just becomes a chore very quickly.

If you ever plan on buying this game with friends, become a mole man and create a sinkhole under your main base.

If only it came out of alpha... it's cool

It's a very weird game for sure. It stiff, it feels broken but the things it does, it does really well. The realistic survival mechanics are actually quite fun and best part about the game so its a shame that's all there is. I would love to see a full on rework of the game, giving it a more modern mechanics alongside all the good things they have. Maybe one day but considering how slow development has been for it alone, I doubt it.

technically this game is bad but man its fun

Comecei a jogar com o objetivo de ficar 30min para experimentar a gameplay, porém acabei ficando 5 horas seguidas.

Divertido, não é cansativo, tem muitas coisas para se fazer, muita coisa pra aprender, para um jogo de sobrevivência zumbi, realmente me surpreendeu.

Como tenho poucas horas de gameplay, por enquanto é isso, em breve atualizo.

Amazingly fun game, can’t stop playing.

7 Days to Die is a unique experience. It is one of the many zombie survival games out there but for unknown reasons, this game feels different and superior to all of them.

Like I said, this is one of the many survival games out there. You collect resources, ammo, and weapons, fight off zombies and every seventh day you prepare for the apocalypse in which hundreds of zombies charge at you like rabid dogs (which are also present). What makes it unique for me is the atmosphere. The music, the limited resources at the start of the game and the need for raiding houses and bases to get the supplies you need. It keeps you on edge and for some reason gives you the feeling that you are actually surviving if that makes any sense. The fact that the game naturally gets harder the more days you survive, enhances this feeling.

The crafting system is well thought of. You can make a sh!t ton of items in this game, each with their own purpose. Building blocks which can be upgraded, vehicles, weapons, ammo, first aid supplies, food and much more. If you got the required items and skills, you could make a pretty decent life for yourself in the apocalypse. The many ways in which to prepare yourself for the seventh day determines your chances for survival. Do you make a underground base, do you make a fortress in a dug out pit, your possibilities are almost endless. The trader can be really helpful and doing missions to keep you occupied in the meantime is a smart move.

The AI is pretty decent, and zombies really want to murder your ass when they spot you. They are programmed in such a way that they always take the shortest route to you and if that means going trough a piece of wall that has been damaged by one point, that is the way to go. Sometimes this can work in your advance so you can prepare for it. But aside from using your own tricks and skills, the AI zombies can always find you and are not to be underestimated. The raiding of the houses is intense and keeps you on the edge of your seat (in the beginning). You never know when one of those bastards leaps out on you when you turn a corner.

The graphics in 7 Days to Die are quite nice and the detail in the world is well done, except for the plants, those are just cardboard cut outs. The weather and different biome effects are also quite good and enhance the experience. The fact that you can destroy anything in this game makes you feel more “connected” to the graphics if that makes sense.

But by far the best aspect of the game for me, is the sound and music. The music is, like I said, atmospheric and reacts to the situation you are in. It is nice and peaceful during the day and gets gloomy and dark when the apocalypse is coming.

The sound effects of the tools, weapons and zombies are one of the best I ever heard in a game, I am not joking. The sound you get when firing a blunderbuss or shotgun is simply amazing. The sound design in 7 Days to Die is something I really miss in a lot of other games. I just want to hear and feel the impact of your guns or tools when you do something, and this game does just that. 10/10

7 Days to Die is still in Alpha Early Access and has been since freaking 2013! It is updated regularly but personally I think it is time to switch to Beta or to release it fully. But because of the Early Access, the price for this game is incredibly fair and I must admit that I did not encounter that many bugs or problems.

One complaint I have with this game is that, since the Alpha 19 was released, the game has constant micro stutter, even at 60 FPS. I searched far and wide, but as far as I can tell, there is no way to fix it. When walking or running, it is manageable, but when driving, it sometimes drives me mad. Hopefully, it will be fixed in the next release.

Another minor issues are the lack of animals in the game. The animals are super rare and only occasionally you see a chicken cross the road. There are mods that fix this but in vanilla, the hunter perks are useless.

But still, I think this is a great game and it came as a total surprise when I first played it. Definitely worth the money and I would recommend it to everyone.

Addictive like crack, fun gameplay with good mechanics and great with friends.

Divertido, mas joguei sozinho

Pretty much what you'd expect from one of the countless early access survival crafting games on Steam.

Malgré des graphismes plus que mauvais (pour ne pas dire dégueulasse), le jeu est surprenamment fun à plusieurs et bien remplis.
L'exploration des différente villes pour trouver du loot et la construction de bases dans l'objectif de survivre à cette fameuse nuit 7 à laquelle on passe la majorité de notre temps à nous préparer, sont vraiment bien réalisées.

This game controls like hot ass on Xbox. No FOV changing, no video options while in-game, 30 FPS so everything feels choppy, the crafting system is insanely convoluted for new players, and the combat feels unrewarding and punishing. It honestly looked better in 2013 in Markiplier's playthrough

One of the best sandbox and co-op games of all time in my opinion, yeah it's 10 years in alpha, but developers really work with their game, it totally playable without major bugs or glitches and even has linux version!, it has many great mechanics and big and interesting world to explore with almost limitless opportunities to build something and random world generation, it lacks of story and quests, but developers work on that and amount of content available in this moment definitely enough to enjoy it with your friends for plenty of hours, it's definitely worth your money and time too try it.

hope to see this the way it is supposed to be

A boring ass survival game with actual terrain manipulation and satisfying base building. I've been told this console port hasn't received support in years and the pc one is much better.