Reviews from

in the past

7 Days is a decent game in the case of the game itself, but everything has ups and downs. When it comes to gameplay, I guess it might be considered as kinda solid. It runs, but the game's downfall is in both the graphics and update departments. I must also say it is really fun goofing around with friends and I have had many laughs playing with one of my comrades Trooper527. More attention is brought to the PC side of the game, so maybe I am a bit more salty as a PlayStation player...but whatever.

one of the worst games i ever played

Lo jugue en 2013/14 asi que no sabria decir. Esta guay supongo

Existe alguma coisa ali, uma tentativa... mas passa longe de ser divertido. Inclusive com amigos.

Played it long with a group of friends and it was fun together.
Habe es lange zusammen mit einer Gruppe von Freunden gespielt und es hat Spaß gemacht es gemeinsam zusammen zu spielen.

Maybe I didn't give it a fair enough shot but I wasn't a fan.

This gfame is so fucking bad but it was fun to play with friends and when i was younger i liked watching achievement hunter play it but that has pretty much 0 bearing on how good of a game it is so just ignore that

Cuando llegas al 7º dia no pasa nada ._.

Pretty good for a game that's been in alpha since 2013. Really big depression game for me.

Like any survival game, play with some friends. I got three of my friends groups into this game and they all loved it. Those first few days ingame are definitely a bit scary lol. Don't play this game on console, it's been abandoned, but on PC there's a bunch of support and mods. Even having only played the vanilla game, I still have loads of fun. Just one of those games me and my friends go back to every year on our breaks.

I think i never played a game this bad in my entire life

Fun with friends, if a little janky in places. Blood moon hordes are enjoyable chaotic.

This game is absurd, a wonderful guilty pleasure. Its janky, it's broken, but it has something about it I find really charming. It's a wonderful game to play with a group of friends and maybe a beer or two, and that takes the sting out of the random stupid deaths that will take place. The blood moons and trying to survive them are total chaos, and eventually you'll find yourself building concrete madness towers trying to survive each one.

Also turning a strip club into a zombie meat grinder was a lot of damn fun. The fact that they've been updating this game over the years is really something - trying to clear every big house now feels like crawling through a dungeon, and the hospitals and such are sprawling hours-long grueling expeditions. It's dumb in the best kind of way and fun with the right group. Playing alone is a slog and not recommended.

Only fun with friends, dont even bother trying to play solo

Play with friends if you want to have fun. Online is shitty and the game can easily get repetitive solo

Pretty fun with friends, but fairly repetitive and tedious after a while.

Not for me- too bad I played it for 4 hours and couldn't refund it.

good game to sink a ton of time into. it's minecraft for people who don't want to admit that they should probably just play minecraft.

As much fun as I've had playing this with friends that's a bit in spite of the game itself. It really is just kind of dull, and as updates have made simple things like finding good weapons harder and harder I just haven't been enjoying it as much even in group sessions.

7 Days to Die is a survival/crafting game set in an open world overrun by zombies. I played the PC version on Game Pass and spent 4.5 hours running around, crafting, and bashing zombie heads.

First of all, I want to preface this by saying I didn't play with anyone else, and I don't really like this style of game in the first place. I didn't even know this thing came out 9 years ago...

This game sucks. I didn't enjoy even one minute of my time playing it. The map is too open, with little interesting to stop the monotony. The building interiors are all based on 3-4 different models. It looks like shit, with graphics that would've seemed dated even in 2013. But the worst sin of all, in my opinion, is that I didn't feel any better off survival-wise after spending almost 5 hours with the game. I was still scrounging for scraps, with a club in my hand and naked as the day I was born. I did not feel like I made any progress at all.

This feels bad even by the standards of the genre. I know it's in "early access", but it's a mess, and I would've been better off watching paint dry instead of playing this.