Reviews from

in the past

Incredibly jank game, but fun to come back to every few years after a major patch. Some boneheaded design decisions and painful difficulty scaling make it a chore at times, but the core of the game is fun.

too addictive for its own good when playing with people, alone it's unbearable.

I have never regretted buying a physical game more.

doggies make really sad whining noises when you hit them :'(

A solid multiplayer experience with friends, a solid addition for shmucks that like zombie survival games.

This is one of the survivalcraft games I care about building in since there is a concise focus on why you're building. I'm not very creative when it comes to building things in these kinds of games, I can count the number of "pretty" houses I've built in Minecraft in like, two hands. But in 7 Days to Die, it feeds the childlike fantasy of "how would I kill one million zombies with my house".

There is a good gameplay loop of gathering resources, building, and fending off the 7th day horde. Every day leading up to the 7th day feels like a ticking clock, and a lot of the player decision hinges on the incoming 7th day. Which building has the least holes in it that we can defend? Should I invest skills in weapons or improving basebuilding? How am I going to sustain myself with food and water? With the myriad of difficulty options, these experiences can be as intense or as relaxed as you want them to be.

The key word here is "with friends". I've tried a couple of solo runs and the game is definitely not designed for that, even with the experience gain and difficulty tweaked a bit. I definitely get a lot more enjoyment seeing a group of friends each fitting into their own role of building, looting, or farming to prepare for an incoming horde.

Unfortunately, like many survivalcraft games, there comes a point where you gather so much that there's little point in going on. The zombie AI always targets the weakest blocks in a building to get to players, which can make elaborate defense setups feel pointless- for players that only care about surviving, it's best to look up optimal base setups rather than make a dream house surrounded by spike traps and escape routes, which kinda takes you out of the whole experience. General aesthetic and jank is also something to get used to going into the game. Not a bad way to spend time with friends though, I'm a fan of coop experiences where people do have to work together to make things work, rather than just playing the same game but side by side.

This game was made in 7 days

the game might be slightly jank but holy moly is it so incredibly fun with a group of friends. The skill tree almost ensures that you'll have some purpose in the group that no one else has, and it's honestly just fun sometimes hectic combat that never got old to me (until I tried playing singleplayer).

I was shocked to hear that this has been in development for almost 10 years. There are asset flip games on Steam that were made in a few hours that play better. Some decent goofs with a group of friends for a few hours but would recommend just about anything else over this.

É um jogo de zumbi divertido e até com bastante conteúdo pelo preço, mas o jogo é muito mal otimizado,feio e a gunplay é insatisfatória.
O sistema de construção é bacana com os zumbis podendo destruir estruturas (que você ainda pode modificar o quanto de dano as estruturas recebem deles).
O jogo tem o potencial de ser muito bom caso seja terminado algum dia (ou pelo menos quando entrar em beta).

Jeu avec du potentiel, surtout avec des potes, le gros bémol c'est les graphismes. A rejouer pour l'occasion.

Ah the game that will never leave Alpha. It's fun tho, better with friends

Fun with friends, still early access hell game

7 Days to Die is one of the many "Early Access" zombie survival games that have been around for the past decade or so and are still under development. While this game might not be the most unique or polished game, I still manage to come back every now and then and have a blast with my friends, whether we play vanilla or via the "Darkness Falls" mod. It's easy to lose track of time playing this game, and there is alwasy something to do, even after getting most of your skills up. Usually by the time your almost done, the developers release a new update by then with some more things to do or explore. Recommend getting this game on a sale as it usually goes down to $5 or so on steam every now and then. Definitely better with friends btw, although I find the single player enjoyable as well.

covered this game as part of my coverage of the Xbox Game Pass for May 2022

Almost ten years of Early Access.

This is my second time covering 7 Days to Die. I played it for Humble Monthly in November 2018 and after 6 hours I was disappointed with it. Not much has changed. This is still a survival game where you build a base, fight against large hordes of zombies, and while the combat does feel better, I still question why I would want to play this particular survival game.

To be fair, I’m not a huge fan of survival and I prefer something closer to Minecraft for base building. There are also so many similar titles with similar ideas, but I just don’t see why I’d choose this over almost any other. The biggest issue for me was the corpse running after dying, but I question why I even care about the random assortment of junk I was collecting. There is a strong multiplayer community around it, but again I’m not sure exactly what’s bringing people back.

Pick this up if you like survival games and need a new one. I might not be the best person to judge this game, I’m not a fan of this genre, and I think zombies are played out, but I also think I’d rather go playback for Back 4Blood, Ark: Survival Evolved, or anything else if I was asked to. This just isn’t my thing.

If you want to see the video this was taken of, or more from me on the Xbox Game Pass, check out:

love this game but the bugs still definitely need work

This game is a lot of fun! Had a blast playing with my cousin and BF.

it was just ight, not sure how it pulled my friends in for hundreds of hours

This game has some really great elements, and in certain ways is a deeper survival game than even The Long Dark, but dear god this game is one of the ugliest I've ever played. Mix that with the bad engine and questionable glitches and it becomes less than worth the time put into it.

We love to see developers branch out sometimes, but we hate to see developers make something so ultimately un-fun.

ficou bom man mas posta em horário melhor, tipo as 4 da manhã que eu tô dormino e não vejo essas merda

é o famoso jogo antifun onde você vai se estressar independente da situação dentro do jogo

ou é lag, ou é inconsistência, ou é o game design porco, ou é bug ou é desbalanceamento de jogo

um cardápio completo para tomar no cu

O jogo é bom, me vejo pegando bem mais horas do que eu tenho nele, mas ele é extremamente mal otimizado e só é realmente interessante jogando com amigos

My friend Dogan suggested the game, so I bought the game because I love zombies and my friend told me it very fancy and said, "Look, the game is on discount, this opportunity will cant be missed". I couldn't play the game because I was staying at my father's house and I didn't have a PC at the time (one of the reasons I couldn't play most games on my account is that I didn't have a proper pc). He knows that I dont like difficult games, we entered the game for half an hour, my friend taught me the mechanics of the game and so on. I found the game very boring when there was no action while walking around. The defense logic of making the base was good, but it was very slow. This slowness of the game caused me to slowly cool off from the game, but I re-entered the game thinking maybe I would like it, and I hung out with my friend for 1 or 1 and a half hours. We visited the map. While visiting the map, I was telling my friend how much I did not like the game. We left the game at my insistence and never entered again.

The game is in my eyes; Slow, bulky, eye tiring and boring part of what I like is Zombies, Craft Variety, Armor and Weapon variety, even these are enough to give me 4 points to the game, but I deduct one point because of my friend giving me that gas.

Schäbiges Survivalcraft-Spiel. Wirkt auf den ersten Blick uninspiriert und vollgeladen mit den Mechaniken die man unbedingt in diesem Genre haben "muss", ohne dabei sich irgendwelche Gedanken zu machen wie sich Diese irgendwie ins Spiel einfügen.

Für mehr als einen ersten Eindruck hat es dann auch garnicht gereicht, da andere Spiele wie Valheim und Minecraft schon in den ersten 2-3 Stunden deutlich mehr Spaß machen.

Even though it's a 2013 game, it's very good quality.

Um bom jogo mas que foi abandonado nos consoles! Esse game seria uma boa opção pra quem curte jogos de sobrevivência e zumbis, comecei muito bem nele e gostando bastante de tudo que vi, apesar de não possuir gráficos realistas e nenhuma história, a gameplay do jogo era muito satisfatória, porém depois de um tempo de jogo começou a ficar meio repetitivo e monótono, o que acabou sendo bem broxante! O game tinha tudo pra ser bom mas infelizmente foi abandonado na versão de console, sem atualizações e correções de erro, o que acabou matando o jogo. Se você gosta muito de jogos assim vale a experiencia mas não aconselho investir muito tempo nele pois pode acabar sendo bem frustante depois...

I really don't get the hype on this one. Why do people continue to play a game that hasn't even been officially released yet? The building system is super clunky, the environment is super basic. This is seriously a game for folks who just want to Minecraft in the apocalypse. There isn't a lot of emphasis on exploration.

Dumb game that I like anyways.