Reviews from

in the past

This game is just so much fun. There's just a ton of love and care put into this game and I really liked it. The writing is pretty clever, there were several moments in this that made me laugh out loud. Other than some unreal engine jank and very minor camera issues I had a great time with this game.

not as good as i remember but a pretty solid platformer

esse jogo é essencial pra quem curte platformer 3d e era fã de mario 64

I'll give this game another chance in the future but the audiences this game attract unsettle me in a way that ruins the game for me. Possibly partially because of the whole jontron thing, and maybe because of that same thing 4chan weirdos flock to this game like bees to honey and use its main character as smug anime loli reactions. I know intellectually that doesn't necessarily reflect the game but man if it doesn't frame the entire experience in this weird gross layer of smug pedo "she's underage but it's okay because she's illustrated" etc etc etc. Doesn't help that I've never seen a single actual child play this platformer made for children. Idk. Will reassess if I ever play this again

É um jogo de plataforma realmente divertido que não me fez sentir que estava jogando uma cópia do Italiano maldito

100%'d it and i think snatcher should die again

It's hard not to rate this game high, I will admit I have a bit of bias. I played it years ago, around the time it released -- and it has entered the league of my nostalgic memories by this time. I may be biased, I don't think the game is particularly reinventive of anything or revolutionary, but for what it is, an honest, cute and fun time, it is incredible at doing that. It was an incredibly charming and almost unforgettable experience. I replayed it multiple times, too.

gosto de jogo de plataforma 3D, esse é bonitinho e te tira umas risadas, deveria ter melhores opções de mobilidade mas acho que não é isso a proposta, é apenas de ser bobo e divertido e consegue nesse aspecto

Never has a game since Zelda:botw captured my interest like this. Only heard about every once in a while and wanted to buy it but never put on my wishlist until I saw it as one of the games on the PS Plus game collection and said “fuck it” never regretted that decision.

Moja ukochana platformówka na PC

i love this type of indie games, you can tell it was made with pure effort and passion. they loved making this game and you can see it in every little corner the game has to offer. it's really well designed and the levels are so creative. im pretty sure if you like any kind of platformer you'll have a lot of fun with this game.

A game I randomly jumped into on the deck which afterwards I just couldn't put down. So fun with great platforming, bosses and sequences. My ONE complaint is that it almost feels too short. But like, that just means I want more of it.

Great platforming, not too much difficulty

de lo mas mid que toque el año pasado, una historia que con suerte tiene un rumbo y unicamente aplica en el principio del juego, y el antagonista principal estando presente en menos de 5 ocasiones, a tal punto que el Snatcher es mas relevante que la moustache girl. Hablando de los dlcs, 4 dlcs que solo 2 valen la pena que son el multiplayer y el nyakuza metro. Un juego que realmente no vale la pena por el precio que ofrece

GOOD but the creator is 🤓

Veredito: Mais um coletaton delícia.

A Hat in Time é mais um daqueles jogos super maneiros que não são MEU DEUS DO CÉU QUE PUTA OBRA FODONA, VENHA COMER MEU CU mas tudo bem, não precisa ser. Ele é só um jogo bastante delicinha e feito com muito carinho. E isso basta.

É bem óbvia a inspiração nos coletatons do N64, Cube, PS1 e PS2: um plataforma de explorar a fase e caçar colecionáveis. Os mundos são coloridos, a exploração é recompensadora, as habilidades fluem bem e são bem utilizadas nas fases e nas missões (muito gostoso correr na parede e mergulhar no meio do pulo), e os personagens são bastante caricatos, hilários e expressivos. Não é perfeito, mas de novo: tudo bem, não precisa ser.

Já vi gente reclamando da curta duração. Pra mim ele tem o tempo exato que é pra ter: o tempo de explorar todas as mecânicas e ser gostoso do começo ao fim. Ele poderia ser maior? Poderia. Mas se for pra esticar artificialmente um jogo, com gordura mal feita só pra dizer que é longo... Deixa o jogo ser curto mesmo. Fica mais rejogável assim.

Aliás, parabéns pra Gears for Breakfast pelo EXCELENTE suporte a mods. Nada de ficar instalando eles no braço lá da oficina da Steam, ou pior: baixando de um Nexus da vida e procurando online guias complicados de instalação. Você entra na sala do hub dedicada a isso, fala com o personagem de lá e pronto: é só escolher o mod que você quer jogar.

Dito e feito: depois de zerar, perdi várias horas me divertindo com o que a comunidade já criou. Joguei dois time rifts, uma fase super caprichadíssima baseada em Celeste, e um projeto ambicioso que por enquanto só tem a 1ª fase com uma área secreta. E isso não foi praticamente nada, é só a ponta do iceberg, se eu quisesse tava jogando mod até agora e ainda por muitos dias a fio.

E pessoal ainda vem reclamar que o jogo devia ter mais conteúdo?

Really charming but frustrating mechanics pop up everywhere, such as respawn points being a major pain in the ass, not to mention the multi-player function in this game is abysmal. The Switch version has a crazy problem with chugging and crashed a lot for me near the start of the game. But still an enjoyable experience overall.

Моя вайфу 2018 года.

This game is made up of recognisable chunks of other 3D platforms, with Super Mario Galaxy and Psychonauts being the two influences I feel are most strong. However, it does not come close to either in quality and comes across as a pale imitation. Not to say the game is not unique in its own ways - I just feel that there are better titles out there.

The games four distinct worlds are hit and miss, and mostly miss. I will compliment their attempt and differentiating themselves from one another, but I can't say that any are truly good ideas.

The mafia world is a fine starting point.

The film director world feels like it could've been handled in a far more interesting way.

The horror world is probably my favourite - it's not the most unique of settings but I enjoyed most of the levels and the two boss fights it has were dangerously close to being actually fun.

The final open world area seemed like it would be a welcome change of pace, but in practice it's confusingly designed and the lack of structure hurt it.

The game was fun while I played it but I can't say I would recommend it when so many better 3D platformers are out there.

when you get to the train level and the bird asks what body part you're most ashamed of, you know what to do

lindo de bonito, muito cute cute

Just a good old 3d platformer fun with some great dlc. Please play on steam the workshop support is so great those guys do so much for the game.


love this platformer, and its art, and its music, and sound design