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in the past

From the creators of Journey: ABZU.
If you have even just heard about it, then you should have an idea of what this game is like!
More than a "game", this is an experience.
This title is an underwater swimming experience on an alien planet not too dissimilar from Earth's oceans, immersing - pun intended - yourself in the exploration, atmosphere, soundtrack, and storytelling while swimming through the ruins of a lost civilization. Beautiful, not long, yet deep - again, pun intended.
I refuse to write any more about it because it's just a unique experience that should not be put into words, instead, experience. It manages to bring out emotions in every area and map.
I recommend this wonderful to anyone who's looking for a beautiful cozy game night.


Esse jogo é lindo e a trilha sonora é absurda

Una buena experiencia, simple y relajante. Destaca mucho su estetica, ya que es precioso visualmente y hay momentos muy memorables, pero peca de ser muy simple en el resto de sus aspectos. Bebe mucho de lo que es Journey, pero considero que su predecesor espiritual hace un mejor trabajo en general, aún así, lindo juego.

Calcificación crítica: 6/10

Non ci sono le impostazioni per abbassare l'audio.

Abzu is like an interactive underwater art piece. You're this diver exploring the most beautiful, vibrant ocean filled with thousands of fish. The music is dreamy, the controls are simple, and there's this gentle story that unfolds as you go. There aren't really challenges, it's pure atmosphere. It's a short, relaxing experience perfect for when you just need to chill out, but if you want action or lots of gameplay, look elsewhere.

Trilha sonora muito boa, peixes e criaturas muito bonitas, robôs fofinhos, tubarão safado!!! Um jogo pra relaxar, mas eu não consegui, mas recomendo... Um game platinavel, mas tem que ter muita muita JA FALEI MUITA? Paciência

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 1/10

ABZÛ brings a flurry of gorgeous aesthetics as you discover deep water ecosystems, forgotten relics, and a mysterious corrupting force, creating a captivating reflective narrative. Mechanically it does not pretend to be something its not and purely focuses on its narrative world building to entice players to keep playing.

Trophy wise, there is an emphasis on collectible and miscellaneous trophies however they did not overstay their welcome. You can complete the game AND get all the trophies in one playthrough when consulting a guide, but this is not essential as you can go back through chapter select.

A lovely little game and worthy of a recommendation especially if you appreciate environmental storytelling.

Abzu is a surreal ocean explorer game that doesn't need complex gameplay to make it a good game. However, it is more like a visual experience than a video game. The art direction in this game is nothing like I have ever seen before. Any screenshot of this game could rival modern art. No need to worry about difficulty in this, you can’t even die. The frame rate on Switch can be a bit stuttery, but in general, the art direction makes up for it. The game utilizes a live orchestra. This really strengthens the vibe this game is going for. Oftentimes the music will be cleverly timed with an event. I won’t spoil it, but in the later half of this game, some cool sci-fi elements are introduced. The gameplay is extremely simple. Press ZR to dive, swim around, and occasionally do some simple puzzles.

It was looking beautiful, but then "BOOM": talassophobia

Me pareció un juego con buena ambientación y emotivo. El problema es que se me hizo aburrido en muchas partes más haya de la narrativa visual.
En lo personal, no soy mucho de jugar juegos de agua, me aburre por lo lentos que son, pero este, más que nada su estética lo salva.
-Juego Platinado

A short, unique and heartwarming experience. The visuals and the music are literal perfection and although there are some small gameplay elements, this game feels more like an interactive movie

really interesting journey (no pun intended)

Visual design and audio design are just marvelous.Beautiful game

experiência relaxante e bem bonita! journey só que no mar

É um jogo contemplativo, musicas muito bonitas e relaxantes junto com uma historia simples e sem falas aonde so nos cabe suposições, é um jogo extremamente simples más que recomendo para momentos tristes ou de crise eistencial

Precioso juego submarino muy sencillo. Journey bajo el mar.

Jogo bonito, aquele tipo de jogo que serve apenas pra dar uma relaxada e aproveitar a incrivel arte que foi feita

Truly gorgeous with some impressive tech on display, but I can't help but feel it's a less interesting experience than its progenitor.
Part of why I enjoyed Journey so much was due to how you progressively acquire ever stronger flight capabilities. Here you're just kinda stuck with the languid swimming for the entire runtime. I'd have much rather had Ecco in 3D rather than a 6DOF walking-sim. However if you did enjoy Journey you'll likely appreciate this outing as well.

Simplesmente uma obra de arte de formato de jogo, incrível, lindo, perfeito. Trilha sonora maravilhosa, cenários. Acho difícil ter algo contra ou a reclamar desse game. Se tornou um dos meus favoritos, tendo os 100% dele no Xbox e PlayStation.

um jogo que não é um jogo é uma experiência e mostra que jogos são arte, me lembrou bastante o the Journey momentos marcantes!! Vale a pena jogar uma vez na vida ao menos

Um dos jogos mais relaxantes que eu já vi, achei que ia bater uma talassofobia mas não foi o caso, ele é lindo demais e o fato de não ter história escrita é o ponto mais bacana

A soundtrack that spurred things on and kept me playing. The fish were nice. Wish there were online strangers in this, too.

First half of the game is a dive with the best visibility, the second half of the game gave me decompression sickness.