Reviews from

in the past

Oh how I wanted to love this game. Transforming robots, awesome music... damn it, why make a game whose sole purpose is the make the player feel nauseous? The player character is essentially static in the middle of the screen while the "background" which consists of one long endless tube, twists, turns and revolves around you. Could have been so much more. Beware the never-ending toob of doom! Gorgeous cut-scene art tho.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Accelebrid is one of those games with giant robots. You know, the ones that can fly and have an arsenal comparable to the Death Star. Anyway, you play as the pilot of the Silver Mare, a giant robot armor thingie that can be armed with any two of six weapons which he must use to kill terrorists that kidnapped his woman. The graphics are interesting, to say the least, as it seems to be the SNES’s attempt at a quasi-3D engine. Basically, you’re hurtling through a red and white corridor thing against a blue-toned background. It almost looks like someone barfed a candy cane onto your telivision while watching Jacques Coustou in a room with a strobe light. As far as shooters go, the gameplay is kinda ho-hum. It functions in that it throws stuff at you which you must destroy or dodge, so I guess it does what a shooter is supposed to at the basest levels. However, the game is nothing to write home about.