Reviews from

in the past

Just not a lot of content. The upgrades are cool but limited.

Idlezinho divertido mas depois de um tempo fica muito repetitivo (igual a maioria dos idles)

AdVenture Capitalist is the ultimate idle clicker experience, and it's both mind-numbing and strangely addicting. Start with a lemonade stand, then automate, buy everything in sight, and watch those numbers climb higher and higher. It's oddly satisfying to become a ridiculous trillionaire, but honestly, you're not truly playing. If mindless tapping and absurd numbers are your thing, you'll get a kick out of it. For everyone else, it gets old fast.

Will download when I’m bored and spam ads just for quick endorphins. Cannot recommend to anyone with a functioning prefrontal cortex (not me).

Greatest moneymaker/time-waster I've ever experienced.

9 year old me went CRAZY for this mid ass game.

Vídeo que fiz de Primeiro de Abril com o jogo Adventure Capitalist o/ Vale ver, apesar de ter passado a data

Sobre o jogo em si, minha nota é pq eu não curto clickers. Ainda assim, acho ele o melhor, talvez empatado com o Cookie Clicker. Tipo de joguinho q eu recomendaria pra jogar no celular em fila de medico. Passou disso vira um tanto perda de tempo.

Don't play this game. This is the most addicted I've ever become to something. :(.

Played around 2015-2016 when it was popular on Steam and IOS.
Decent time waster, though a product of its time.

Bad UI, annoying artstyle, extremely repetitive prestige loop (even for an idle game), and predatory MTX. There are so many other incremental games that are better than this. Melvor, Pokeclicker, NGU, and even Cookie Clicker are way more worth your time.

A couple of points thrown in for slightly amusing references to other media, and because at least it functions and is slightly balanced.

classic idle game but pretty much any other idler is better. not to say this one is bad though

Ah, my two most hated things: capitalism and idle clicker games.

É um jogo basico e bastante generico, na época era algo novo e assim como o cookie clicker é um classico e recomendavel pra se começar nos clicker/idles, porem diferente do cookie clicker o AdVenture Capitalist foi "descontinuado", ele não é mais atualizado a muito tempo, não há mais muitas coisas a se fazer.

Legal para passar o tempo.

There was a time where I was addicted to idle/clicker games... Yup.

Almost 200 hours on steam.

Uma delicia de jogo ''clicker'', um dos melhores talvez. Demora um bocado para zerar, é um jogo de paciência, não zerei de forma honesta eu admito, se não eu teria umas 200 horas, mas é bom, o tempo passa voando. Money money money...

Isso aqui é pra sugar sua alma, clicker que te faz passar o tempo, nada mais que isso

It's a game to play, that's for sure. Huge waste of time but if you like to watch numbers go up, and have nothing better to do, go for it.

Meh idler, Cookie Clicker is better.

This game can actually be a lot quicker than most people think. You just need to know the right lemons to sell :)

J'ai jamais réussi à avancer parce que je buvais tout le jus d'orange de mon stand 😋🍊