Reviews from

in the past

The stamina system is horrid and it felt like I just logged in every day, left it on autoplay for 20 minutes (or an hour whenever Anhilation refreshed) and do that for days because grinding is extremely long. I have the image of 1-6 burned into my brain.

I lost interest in the story by Chapter 5 and the game as a whole by then (well, more like I liked where the story went but because of grinding, events, and how the presentation was done, I either forgot what happened because I returned from one week of grinding or the character statics just didn't feel interesting, and I like Visual Novels).

I can guarantee this is just me not being the target audience for a game like this, gacha games rely upon social interaction between its players and the interactions I have had is how much they want to drill certain operators even though the game is almost anti-horny in its designs, which is something I like.

I really liked the concept and raw gameplay even if I didn't care much for the plot, but this game has like 1.5-2 stars removed because it's a gacha game and the problems it faces because of that.

Arknights is a game I've been playing on and off for almost 3 years now. Over that time period, it's become my favorite tower defense game for its unique mechanics and excellent writing. It's not a perfect game, but it's my favorite.

But before I go into detail on why I feel that way, let's address the elephant in the room. Arknights is a gacha game. That means there is microtransactions and gambling. It also means that there is a daily grind and limited time events to prey on your FOMO. While I believe that Arknights is rather fair and somewhat friendly to non-paying players in comparison to other gacha games, the reality is that the business model is unethical and predatory. I don't really intend to defend it and I understand if others find these aspects to be deal breakers for them.

Now for the gameplay. Arknights has the usual tower defense mechanics but has a bigger emphasis on activately deploying and managing towers. Enemies attack your towers on the way to the exit, and you can only have a limited amount of towers out at once. This encourages careful teambuilding along as well as careful positioning. Each tower has special abilities and stats, with a wide-variety of kits for you to use alongside light RPG elements for raising each tower. All of this blends together to create a unique tower defense game that captures what I want, nearly perfectly.

The towers themselves are quite interesting and widely varied. There are your usual towers: DPS, CC, healers, buffers and debuffers. But there are also many unique towers: lane holders, pushers and pullers, reposition towers, duelists, ambushers. And of course, even the more generic roles come in many unique flavors. This along with the many custom enemies and bosses and unique maps give Arknights strategic depth and diverse tactics to play with.

The writing is also excellent. Although the main story starts off dry and somewhat rambly, the writing has greatly improved as time went on and the recent stories have been gripping. From the tale of knighthood being eroded by capitalism, to the Abyssal Hunters dealing with the aftermath of slaying a Lovecraftian god, to the story of lost brothers, cursed by the Witch King and reunited by music. Arknights' world feels fleshed out with complex characters and moving stories.

With all that said, Arknights does have many things worthy of criticism. I had previously mentioned the predatory monetization and the grind. The grind in paticular is missing many quality of life features, leading you to run the same map over and over again for resources. And the recently added gamemode is a poorly balanced and repititive grind for some of the endgame upgrades. The game is also time-gated on resource gathering like many mobile games. Although it has a pretty fun roguelite-mode if you just want to play, so at least the stamina doesn't stop you from having fun.

As for the gacha, the game provides a pretty decent stream of currency to pull for more towers. You won't get everything you want, but you can get a decent amount even as a non-spender. The more egrigious point is the lack of a true pity or spark system. You're not really guarenteed to get any unit, unless it's a limited banner which does have a spark. But the spark is extremely high and you probably need to save up for maybe 5-6 months if you're a non-spender. Of course, all of this is part of the predatory monetization that makes these games so profitable at our expense.

With all being said, I still can't help but love what is here. A unique and high quality tower defense, with great writing and strategic depth. It just fits perfectly with what I want and nothing else is really offering it for me.

I only got into the game recently and I have to say, it has to be one of the best tower defense games I've ever played.

It's not exceedingly rare for a mobile game these days to have a good VN-style story, characters and a great soundtrack, but Arknights is certainly one of them and it's near the top of the list. Also, if you don't care for VNs, there's an Arknights anime that directly follows the main story of the game for a more exciting method of consumption.

The game manages to be genuinely challenging, even from early on in the main story. The maps are fun and dynamic, tons of different enemy types, Operator (friendly unit) types, and other game mechanics that constantly mix up the feel of whatever story chapter/event you're doing.

But, it's a gacha, right? So after a little while of playing you just get hard stopped by super tough content that needs exclusive characters? Well, surprisingly no. Nearly everything can be cleared with characters that are either free entirely or easily obtainable through the "recruitment" function, which is the non-gacha way to get characters. The 5 and 6 star characters feel unique and rare, but at the same time I only feel pressured to save up for the ones I actually like in the story or look fun to use.

I've played more than a couple mobile games in my day, and I think if I had to recommend one this would be it. Not just a good mobile game, but a great game.

Not just a great gacha game, but a great game period. Doesn’t feel scummy in terms of drop rates or energy refreshes, and is one of the most generous F2P games I’ve ever played. Watch out for those limited banners though — they’ll get you.

Story is fun (if wordy) and there’s an absurd amount of content to play, including base building/management, tons of story maps to play through, challenge maps for resources, etc.

The gameplay is a defense tower type deal, but honestly it requires a lot of unit management and strategizing. The best part is you don’t need the best / most expensive units to clear maps, you can run most levels with a low star crew as long as you properly strategize. What this means is that being a F2P player is completely viable way to play.

Even better is that Arknights is actually fun to play and satisfying to tinker with your squad compositions. It’s not just a vehicle for pulling cute operators — what a concept!

Definitely one of the bigger gaming surprises for me this year. Not only am I playing a mobile gacha game, but I’m putting a ton of time into it, and I’m enjoying it thoroughly.

Come for the catgirls, stay for the war crimes.

While a lot of people seem to have dismissed this game here for the sole reason of it being a gacha, I honestly think this is one of if not the best gacha game available right now. If gacha games aren’t your thing I don’t know if this will change it but if they are, this is the one.

This game is filled with passion, from the music, the art, and the story. (Obligatory mention of that they make character/event songs and a lot of them are really fucking good). The story and lore run fucking deep and if you can get past the verbosity at times (ahem Kal’tsit) it will not disappoint. Theres a bunch of artists who work on this game but the majority of the art is really good, and theres also a lot of great voice acting, including EN/KR/CN voices which are being added in waves, if you prefer that to JP voice acting. The character art also isn’t overly sexualized like most gachas. They release a lot of skins that you can easily get. Each are made by in universe clothing lines and most of them look amazing.

As for gameplay, it’s fun. The tower defense format allows for a ton of gameplay variety and theres a shit ton of stages. It also is hard, even with the best units in the game you still have to think. Theres a steady stream of content and also an auto replay for after you beat a stage which makes farming convenient. Integrated strategies is awesome and I am glad they are continuing to do it. My only complaint here is annihilation. That mode sucks, but at least it has good rewards. Theres a base which gives you a steady stream of resources for little effort. The upgrade item drop rates are pretty good and the events give a lot of stuff. Also lower rarity operators are very useful and you don’t need the meta 6 stars to be good at the game (though it helps).

Most notably this game has really good gacha currency, and a good gacha system. Gacha also isnt the only way to acquire units. The gacha flat rate is 2% for 6 stars but at 50 pulls or more it starts to increase to where you’re basically guaranteed to get a 6 star from 50-60 pulls. Unfortunately for the limited banners theres a 300 pull hard pity where you can buy any 6 star rate up on the banner, but this is hard to get. The limiteds don't come back often and when they do they have extremely low gacha rates so you basically have to save up for the 300 pulls which sucks. This is slightly offset by the fact they give a lot of gacha pulls during the limited banners and they only come 4 times a year. Theres also multiple other ways to get 6 stars. You can buy them with a currency you get from duplicates (which is easy to get, for anyone), and also get them from recruitment, a gacha-esque system where you do singles with much lower rates but can choose the tags of who you will get, some tags guaranteeing 5 or 6 stars. I think the best part about the whole system is that the game focuses on a steady stream of gacha currency rather than giving it mostly through clearing the story like a lot of other games. As an f2p player or a light spender with consistent play you can reasonably get most of the operators you want, barring past limiteds. You don’t need to whale to get who you want in this game.

So yeah its a good game if you like gachas. If you think it looks cool give it a try, its probably the highest quality and one of the most generous gachas out there. Been playing for almost a year and still love it.

Gameplay: Good
Story: Can't Say (Didn't finish)
Controls: Good
Graphics: Great (Cute)
Length: Can't Say (Didn't finish)
Developers: OK

Retired due to lack of interest and gacha burnout.

I felt a weird desire to play a mobile gacha game for some reason a few weeks ago and I decided to play this one.

While I am done with this game and don't intend to ever play it again, there are several elements of this game that I found uniquely appealing among gacha games. I love how when you roll a banner, you're guaranteed ten operatives, which is far superior to most other gacha games where you'll usually get seven to nine weapons/elements/artifacts and only two characters (maybe three if you're lucky). This makes pulling ten-pull gacha far more rewarding here than in other games. And on top of that, the base building mechanic makes most, if not all, operators feel useful in some way. Even if you have a bunch of low star operators in your inventory, they can still be useful as workers in your base, or to replace other workers to give them time to rest. It helps make you feel like you're actually a commander with a bunch of soldiers instead of just some dude on their phone with a bunch of pngs in a box.

The gameplay also feels refreshingly unique. Most gacha games usually feel pretty mindless to me, I always feel like I'm just staring at the screen and watching things explode while other players' characters do all the work for me. But in Arknights, there's at least some level of direct interactivity that keeps the gameplay interesting. Even if you're way over leveled for a mission you'll still have to do at least some thinking as to where you're placing characters for the best result possible.

However, when all is said and done, this is still a free-to-play mobile gacha game, and raking in cash from players is still the primary function of this game. I was surprised by how frustratingly grindy this game got after the first two batches of missions. Out of nowhere it was demanding all my troops be level 40 or higher. And even though my characters were above that level, getting a three-star result almost felt impossible at times. It felt like I either had to use a support character to win (which I really didn't want to have to do), accept a two-star result and move on, or grind my characters to hell and back to stand a chance.

I ended up getting so frustrated with this game that the spell it had on me was shattered, which is what happens to most gacha games for me.

I highly doubt I'll ever be playing this one again, but for what it's worth, it does stand out in the sea of gacha games. But that might only mean something to the players who enjoy gacha games. To everyone else, that will just mean it's still a gacha game.

there's not a single part of the UI in this game that isnt a nightmare

It's hard to reccomend becuse it's gacha, and nobody likes gambling, but DAMN is it a fine tower defense game with an amazing world and characters.

Fans arguably more annoying than genshitters in how much they rim the game's ass, the kind of armadillos that unironically praise autodeploy as some groundbreaking, gamechanging feature because the grind is oh so bearable when you don't have to keep clic- I mean tapping all the time

[talking about my favorite arknights operators to my friends] guys! i just spent $20 rolling on the limited time Dishwasher banner, and you won't BELIEVE the 6-star i just pulled! her name is Adderall, and i think she's a hedgehog? i've heard she's amazing in the meta, once she's fully upgraded her s3 is absolutely crazy! itll take a while grinding all the materials i need to get her to e2, should i bench courier for her right away :0?

[talking about my favorite arknights NPCs to my friends] Hypercapitalist McWarCrimeDragon's role in the main story was one of the big things that compelled me through the campaign missions. This story is all about how society reacts to infection and disaster in a time of crisis, and one of the main superpowers of the setting is being lead by a giant ball of political contradiction. McWarCrimeDragon is someone who wants his city to be a haven of equality, but the new sick and their ideals represent an existential threat to that dream. There is no way anyone can justify the inhumanities he orders against the most vulnerable of his city's people once it is time for him to act, and his hubris has caused him to lose sight of the ideals that once motivated him. We must watch as Rhodes Island and every person he cares about all decide to turn away and abandon him as it becomes apparent the sacrifices he had made for his to ensure the prosperity of his city has alienated the people he was trying to protect in the first place - the consequences of his leadership showing off a lot of narrative teeth on what this game wants to say about this war and the justice its people are denied. Also, he should probably get his head chopped off so his wife can be president instead.

i dont really do mobile games but i like this one a bit. eventually you hit a wall that requires you to do an absurd amount of grinding but other than that its ok

This game could be much better if I could do more than 5 quests a day. The roguelike mode helps, but the timegate is absurd, and way too restricting.

es un gacha pero le doy media estrella mas porque esta mejor que otros gachas

Can't give it 5 stars because all gachas are predatory and evil but I can't help loving this one. Love the worldbuilding and I still get a sense of how amazing it all is without even reading a lot of the story. I play not considering meta or the best levelling practices (i max individual operators up all the way before moving on to another) but I never feel too punished for that. Levels can be very challenging and make you feel satisfied after "solving" them. Sometimes they drop new types of game modes like IS which are very fun and a welcome change of pace as well.

isso é literalmente o único gacha bom que existe e você não pode me provar o contrário

best gacha ive ever played give it a chance

memed into playing this by my gay roommate. this engenders everything wrong with mobile games

It's a tower defense so it gets points for existing in a incredibly niche genre, but it's also gacha which might be the source of all evil in the universe.

it's mighty fine as a game
the character design is very good and it has a lot of quality I think
stan pallas arknights

game with gay animals in it

the nights are arker before the dawn

my favorite part was when kal'tsit morbed on reunion. legendary moment tbh

this is a game i feel rather conflicted about. i still play it- and i think it made me realize the problem with a majority of not just gachas, but life service games- they expect you to log in every day, spend a portion of your time dedicating it to leveling up your mates or whatnot. i feel it really hampers it, and this game, even with a rather forgiving sanity system, trips over because of the level up mechanics i feel

the gameplay itself is actually pretty good- it sets itself apart from most gachas by not being just a tapping simulator like fgo. you have to keep your eyes glued and engaged unless ur doing autodeploy, which happens after u beat a stage anyway. feels like a real game.

there's also the art style, it's rather gritty and dark compared to the stereotypical 'animeness' of most other games out there. reminds me of call of duty or battlefield.

anyway yeah, if ur willing to invest time in a great story with probably the most diverse music out there since the sonic franchise and roll for mommy hoshiguma, go for it. but it's a live service gacha, so idk. ur choice.

Gacha that attempts to have good gameplay with tower defence mechanics. You'll be scraping the bottom of the barrel for not cringe designs however, and it becomes a massive grind pretty quickly.