Reviews from

in the past

I just liked playing it because I would use cheats and moon jump all over the levels and kill everyone with ease. That's all I remember about it.

Loved it when I was a kid. Thought it looked very good for a DS game and liked the iconic imagery from the greater series. Absolutely no idea if it's good now lol

Really just can't be bothered with this one. I find these side games to be insanely boring, there's just no features that would make them worth playing.

At least it's better than Altair's Chronicles?

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.

I can't believe I'm gonna say this... Discovery is worse than Altair's Chronicles.

This could have improved so much on the first one. However it does not. The only thing i feel they improved upon is the new 2D animation and some of the combat and parkour animation was pretty cool.

The story was dull and I absolutely hated having to spend time with Colombus. Spanish medieval culture wasn't explored at all, voice acting was really mediocre even though at least it actually has VA in contrast to Altair's Chronicles.

The combat and stealth felt clunky and repetitive. No hidden blade, no Ezio beard, no abilites from AC2 or even Altair's Chronicles other than throwing knives. Camera also sucked.

Altair's Chronicles might have also sucked but at least tried to do something. This seems soulless.

I am frustrated, this game could have been so much better and explored so much. Hopefully when it's the chronicles trilogy's turn they will finally learn from their mistakes and actually make a 2d platformer actually worth playing...


cool concept of the gameplay but thats all it is
it really feels like someone went
look at this cool movement we made for a side scroller ass game
cool what about the rest of the game
we haven't made it yet
oh ok the games cames out tommorrow

A LOT better than I thought it would be. Worth playing if you can.

no se por qué jugué esto XD

This game is ass. Not a fan of assassins creed as a platformer. The reason I'm not bothering with the AC Chronicles games.

Juego de mĂłvil porteado a DS. Puta mierda.

Assassin’s Creed is an amazing franchise, and no one would have thought it would ever go to portable systems, but it did. Discovery follows Ezio in a 2D side-scrolling adventure that plays out fairly well. The story doesn’t really have anything to do with the console game except following the Templars plots. Ezio must help Christopher Columbus get funding for his expedition to the new world, but the Templars are foiling his plans.

The game controls fairly well with you just moving left and right. Ezio can jump, climb walls, attack, throw knives, and even sneak his way through levels. The levels are fairly large and some even have multiple objectives so you must climb your way around the platforms, kills guards, and pull levers to find your destination. Wall climbing is fairly simple with the press of the B button. Like in the console game you can pull enemy of ledges that you’re hanging on, hide in haystacks, barrels etc. While climbing walls are easy it’s also the most frustrating part since during tight situations you will try to jump on a wall and you have to press B again for Ezio to cling on. You never quite get used to this (especially if you’ve played the console game) and it can lead to cheap deaths.

Fighting is just like the console game which is a counter-attack fest. Holding R lets Ezio block and pressing Y at the right time will let him counter. It’s familiar with the console game so it won’t freak you out. The best way to avoid confronting guards in these fights is using your minimap on the bottom screen. They show up as yellow arrows and if they get in your field of vision (the black square around you) they will see you and alert nearby guards. Throwing knives before they see you are good as well as waiting for them to turn around so you can run up behind them and kill them just like in the console game.

Later on, all this gets more difficult and becomes hair-tearingly difficult since you can’t always see the next jump ahead of you and you can plummet to your death far away from the next checkpoint. There are multiple kinds of guards and you will get the harder ones thrown at you more often in the last few levels. Navigating around these guards is some times impossible and you must fight them due to the level setup. While these levels are hard all the ones before that are pretty fun and it’s satisfying to jump up from a ledge and land on a guy without him seeing you.

While there are different kinds of objectives you can blow through the game in about 4 hours. If you have a DSi you can take a picture of yourself and it will be put on a wanted poster like in the console game. Tear 10 of these down and you get a permanent health increase. Collect orbs throughout the game and buy Animus hacks to use when playing through the game again to increase your score. This adds to the replayability for people who really dig this game. The graphics are pretty good and look nice in 3D but there’s really no detail to it. The voice acting is good, and the game’s just overall fun to play and worth a play through.

Pretty ok side scroller, helps fit in the gap for the dlc for 2.

Joguinho de plataforma até que divertido

Mieux pensé, mieux réalisé qu'Altaïr's Chronicles mais pas forcément grandement meilleur, la faute à un LD labyrinthique lourd
Vivre l'Inquisition avec Ezio méritait mieux

The game is solid, good controls but is really harsh when it comes to full Synchronization. I tried to 100 every level but ended up abandoning it at 62% to complete the story and move on.

The story was nice, following Ezio to Spain to assist Christopher Columbus as he searched for "The Spaniard" while completing a mix of standard, chase, and stealth missions.

With complete VA, detailed graphics, and smooth mechanics. This was a difficult but worth game to play.

Eu queria muito que esse jogo fosse melhor, mas Ă© bem pouco responsivo, e com design bem ruim se comparado com o restante da franquia.

I think the bottom screen map/radar system works fairly well for a sidescroller; hard to beat jumping off a rooftop toward an offscreen enemy and landing on them for a stealth kill.

Garbage visuals.
Garbage story.
Garbage gameplay.
Music cut from ac1.
Retconed by assassin's creed movie.
There is voice acting but I wish there wasn't because it's so bad.

There are characters in it and that's why it got half a star

How does this game look SO AWFUL like it's hard to even see what is going on it is so pixelated. I bought this as a kid who wanted to play Assassin's Creed but didn't have any other platforms it was on, and was very disappointed

A buggy mess that, while mechanically sound for the most part, is designed in an inane manner that entirely works against these mechanics, resulting in nothing but total frustration. The plot is acceptable (by the low standards of Assassin's Creeds boring storytelling) but the gameplay is just dire. Avoid unless you really want to consume every last drop of Ezio content there is.

i had a harder time struggling with this games half-baked mechanics than playing sekiro. i've literally beat bosses in 1 try in sekiro and yet those bosses are somehow easier than having to deal with the gold armor swordsmen with how shitty ezio is in this game.

last level was one of the worst experiences ive ever had in any video game, didn't care enough to finish that shit after dying at the last checkpoint.