Reviews from

in the past

Baba Is A truly scandinavian experience. A cozy game on the surface, with soft visuals and rubbery sound reminiscent of the Mumins. The abstract level scenarios hint at the simple, natural pleasures in life - rivers and sea, windswept valleys and forests full of flowers, quiet playtime with friends. Sometimes they branch out into edgier territory, but remain innocent by coming across as Super Mario references - volcanoes, outer space or mountaneering.

But that surface is skin deep. It doesn't take long for one's interactions with the game to bring about senses of identity disorder and nihilism. From the low hum one hears when nothing on a level IS YOU, to how almost no object has inherent properties. The cold and unflinching λόγος of this world, only a fraction of which the player has control over, the way the game begins and ends... If Sören Kierkegaard saw this shit, he'd probably ask to tone it down a peg.

I love this game. It captured my heart instantly and proceeded to melt my mind during those lonely quarantine nights. I don't want to describe any of its mechanics, because discovering and understanding them is a part of gameplay. But the rabbithole to descend into here is very well lubed. Each verb gets a bunch of levels dedicated to it, slowly ratcheting up the complexity of required solutions. It all culminates in the endgame, which provides one of the best hidden and most satisfying secrets you can find in games.

At time of writing I have completed every level in the base game, but since then Hempuli the Legend has provided a whole new level pack called New Adventures, which I've only nibbled at a little. I don't like all of it, 3D gimmick didn't do it for me, neither did the arcade recreations, but they're free and in the spirit of this game's gonzo creativity. There's also a level editor which I really want to dig into and test out my ideas, so I'm never going to be done with this game.

The success on display here is simply inspirational. The idea that this can be what you do to provide for yourself makes my jaded tear ducts unclog. Maybe one day I can make it too.

genius game I'm just not smart enough to beat it

A classic, cutesy, programming-inspired, puzzle game made in a game jam? Count me the fuck in!

This game has no bombastic gameplay nor grandiose graphics or music. It's simple premise may even, in the very beginning, trick some people into thinking it's going to be a simple relaxing puzzle game to vibe to. These people could not be more wrong. This stress inducing game uses every single interaction to build up the next, every new little block added, every detail changed, even in similar looking stages, demand from the player that ever needed shift in perspective to see the often unintuitive solutions that those pieces offer to every problem posed.

The game never underestimates you and it has it's own "thinking with portals" way of teaching you the different interactions between the many ways you can alter the game state.

It does get to the point of showing how ridiculously complex those interactions can get once or twice where it might even be a little too much (If you know THAT level, you know what i'm talking about) but it prefers most of the time to ask you to think about pieces interacting and perspective shifts instead of being a game about trying every possible option until something magically works for some unknown reason or knowing what you have to do but still having to memorize the 347 (made up number) steps it takes to finish the level in one specific way (Seriously Arvi? WHAT THE FUCK?! and that solution is REQUIRED??¿)

5/5 tho, would play it again.

makes me feel dumb. easy rec for weekly humbling

Oh this is cute!

J'en étais à : plus de cerveau

GAME IS... pretty interesting

Review Is You And Review

Picture this. You materialize in a world full of text dictating the laws of physics as an unsupervised toddler where a gear can move on its own and take hold of your soul by replacing your name with his next to the "You" component. Well, still preferable to materializing in Ohio.

It's during the 2017 Nordic Game Jam that humble gamer Arvi Teikari has an eureka moment and finds LE gimmick that he decides to cook, and after simmering down he decides to go for seconds and make 200 levels. A lot of these are carefully crafted to lead you to eureka moments and they are not as linear as they may seem... all the while humbling, because a concept entailing a lot of freedom ends up used for a restrictive design of high level puzzles constantly shattering the rules of game design. That can be frustrating. You know what to do but unsure what you are allowed to do to make it happen.
Guess we reached the end then.

End Has Words On God
Idk you get the gist of it

I don't have the patience nor desire to beat this game unfortunately, but I can appreciate it's uniqueness and quality despite that

no i am rebecca please get it right :)

Entrenido para un rato y los niveles de el final son una locura de complicados

Got extremely difficult pretty quickly, or maybe I'm just bad. Very fun concept though, may return to it.

This is sadly going to go down as another puzzle game I just don't have the knack for. I don't find it fun getting frustrated and needing to watch a YouTube video to finish the level and move on just to get stuck and repeat the process. I honestly just can't seem to work out the solutions on my own. Very sad that this isn't for me but don't let that put you off, the game is very charming

Baba Is Angel. Baba Is Devil.

I respect this game, it's just not my thing.

Very cute, and a very fun concept, but the game itself is a little too difficult and makes some leaps in puzzle difficulty for my taste. I like that it exists, even if i don't like it.

Joguinho curtinho e gostosinho. "Puzzle is baba and keke/10"

Многие ошибочно думают

Game is too big brain for me. That one website that gives hints without spoiling the puzzles is a godsend

one of the best puzzle games ever made. not for everyone but if you do like super challenging puzzles then you will enjoy it. if you don't, don't feel pressured to finish it!

Staring at a screen for 30 minutes simulator.

I do not have the patience for this kind of puzzle game, so when it started to get really hard I opted to end the game early.

Despite that, this is an incredibly clever game that I think everyone should at least give a shot. Especially people who want to test their programmatic thinking.

Too dumb. The concept of the game is incredible. I played it with a friend, and we would just sit there and stare at the screen trying to figure it out. I finally gave up on it because it got too difficult for me, and I was just looking up how to beat every level.