Reviews from

in the past

This is a good way to fight Sans, if you have a skill issue killing everything.

Helped me so much with sans.
Thats about it.


er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er

Fixed me & 3 other friend's boredom in a graphic design class

False advertising. You might have a good time instead.

0/10 I actually had a good time

In all seriousness and ignoring the cataclysmic impact this fucking skeleton had in general internet culture that still persists as a meme in the year of our lord 2024 ,—Undertale will be year 10 years old next year, holy fuck...— the fact this exists is pretty cool.

I kinda forgot this was a thing for the better part of 3 years and had nothing better to do today so I thought ''yeah, why not'', and whoopie fucking doo turns out the battle I liked back in 2021 is still pretty damn good, and I even beat it on my third try, and considering the sheer pain I felt in the real fight, I'd call that a big improvement regarding my skill and my sanity!

This is a wonderful tool to practice the fight, revisit it or just play it if you don't want to go through the entire No-Mercy route, which, fair enough! It has a couple of side modes clearly intended as endurance tests or more practice, but c'mon, we all know what we are coming for.

It's a shame that it's seems to be abandoned and a bit broken now-a-days, the color blue is non-existent so seeing the blue attacks is basically a no-no, which it isn't that bad if you already played the original, but if not.... yeah.... The funny skeleton man has a bit of funny extra dialogue because of it tho!

If anything, playing this made me realize how much I enjoy this fight and how much I fucking hate those bones that deal damage in the menu, who the fuck turned stage hazards on?!

Anyway yeah cool thing is cool, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna take a break and play something with less funny bones in it, like Smash Ultimat-OH FUCK ME I FORGOT-

I lost Count of how Many times I killed this Funny Skeleton... I always Kill him the First try when I come Back to this Site... Please help me.

How did anyone complete genocide route?? (I had a bad time)

This is the only way i fought sans because i refuse to do the genocide run.

A good way to practice the Sans fight.