Reviews from

in the past

its fun for what it is but theres not really any reason to revisit this after you have plus imo

The students in my class love it, great way to teach basic math if you have a kid!

baldur's gate 4 but better now!

A wise broom once said, "SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!!," Baldi Sweep!

No puedo hacer matematica basica

Este juego me ha traído poderosos recuerdos de dos épocas muy separadas entre sí. La primera se remonta a mi infancia y a aquellos primeros CDs que el ordenador de mi familia empezó a regalarme, y que tenían a personajes como Pipo en la portada. La segunda se retrae a la moda los juegos de terror de los 2010, y a la infinidad de youtubers dejándose asustar por juegos como Slender Tubbies. Baldi's Basics es más complejo de lo que un juego que imita el estilo de Slenderman podría dar a entender, pero a día de hoy sobrevive más que nada como una vaga amalgama de recuerdos inconexos por épocas muy diferentes del medio.


This game has brought back powerful memories of two very different time periods. The first one goes back to my childhood and those first CDs that my family's computer started to gift me, which had characters like Pipo on the cover. The second one goes back to the horror game craze of the 2010s, and to countless youtubers getting scared by games like Slender Tubbies. Baldi's Basics is more complex than its trappings could imply, but it mostly exists as a vague and not very deep amalgam of these unconnected memories.

Least scary horror game ever, and I mean that in a good way. Unfortunately when the game did try to be creepy at the end of party mode it was super lame and I need to dock points for that.

Oh yeah the gameplay is fine I guess.

my teacher told somebody to kill themselves once
this doesn't relate to the game i just wanna share it

Jogo dificil simplismente isso,mas prefiro a versão classica

Sometimes revisiting something you found funny in 2018 sours it because it’s not funny now and that upsets me greatly.

I think Baldi has solidified to me that this "do thing while avoiding scary thingie that jumpscares and moves quick" trend isnt just babys first horror games but pretty much the slasher genre for video games

One thing I think is nice is how Baldi never takes his eyes off of you and its impossible to see him without him seeing you really, it got a lil tense here and there which is impressive for a gay bald dude
i figured id just evoke laughter when he got to me but it was fun outpacing him and still getting shit
The """""""puzzles""""" are just basic addition and subtraction but sometimes the dude will just straight up cheat and initiate the chase anyways by giving you an impossible to even guess problem because its covered it in computer modem shart fumes
Uhhhh but for a free game Shrug.. heard you actually have to pay ten dollars for a version of this and I do Not think its worth that
Is it challenging? Uhhhh MAYBE, if you think memorizing the layouts of the school and figuring the best ways to go about shit even when you get things wrong is a good enough challenge to sink 10 bucks into then sure go for it yeah,... i guess.
It's just shit like five nights at freddys was Five dollars and i feel like you get more active gameplay out of that
Slenderman? fully free! If you dont count the sequel that was uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
As a free thing to just kinda do, and even within the different modes, its not very good but it's not the worst thing ever
final thoughts: hes so ugly

Y’know it’s kinda nice to see baldi back. as someone who admittedly always had a softspot for this series, this remaster was certainly a treat.

Really good game and a suprising amount of new secrets but is insanely hard!!! This game is hard to beat and in no way is easy.