Reviews from

in the past

Mid shooter, hold a button and dodge the slowest projectiles ever to be shot at you. Includes a rotation gimmick where you can only rotate in one direction and also doesn't impact the gameplay at all. Skip this one.

A fairly boring shmup with an awkward rotation mechanic.

Early multi-direction shoot'em up that is just off the mark of being a good game. Original rotating mechanic that fires in multilateral directions, plenty of enemy variation, large boss battles, weapon power-up, scarce life power-ups. One issues I had was understanding the weapon power-up gauge since my weapons primarily stayed the same. Lot of trial and error on unexpected enemy placement, and realizing what weapon to use on particular bosses.

Tip #1 you can touch any part of the stage without taking damage.

Tip #2 Play similar to a run'and gun and use stages with sharp angles to calculate your next maneuver without taking damage.