Reviews from

in the past

sniper mermisi 4 vuruşta adam öldürüyor

There is just something about riding into battle while blasting beats from your APC with all your buds


First Battlefield game I have played

positive: The way you can enter both vehicles and fighter planes opens up for many styles to play.

Nostalgia goggles again but I don't care. An unadulterated classic in my mind. That soundtrack still influences me today.

Thought about this game's menu theme for the first time in years a couple of days ago. Hell of a soundtrack.

I mean it's pretty much exactly what the title promises it to be, not that that's a bad thing.

I spent over half the game with the number of bots at like 50% and let me just say this is an entirely different game when the map is full

jogava mto mas ainda acho inferior se comparado com o bf2