Reviews from

in the past

Cute adventure game about a spider trying to reach the stars.
Gameplay is really fun, and the visuals for the game and cutscenes are very cute.

Ci starebbe un gioco completo di questo tipo fatto di soli puzzle e non realizzato esclusivamente per una jam

Awesome bite-sized metroidvania that surprises at every corner, detailing the story of a berry spider infatuated with the stars.

You gain more abilities as you progress, which the levels build upon and there is quite a few secrets and easter eggs to find all over the place.
You also face off against various bosses using your new-found abilities and overall, I think the game plays to its strengths with its concept, witty writing and responsive controls. Very well-executed project.

Got a few chuckles out of me along the way, and just all in all, had a great time with Berry!