Reviews from

in the past

th most under rated game ever made mayhaps . so good n nostalgic .

I have no idea what's happening but I love it

I don't know how 6 year old me beat this game without throwing my DS out the window. Maybe because it's just very... tactile?

those last levels were really hard but the whole game was fun and really colorful

Surprisingly fun and difficult. Very interesting take on a bullet hell. I beat all but that last world probably like a decade ago. But the end was too difficult. Took a couple hours but I've done it now.

Super underrated. A simple but effective example of how the DS inspired mechanical innovation and led to unique experiences that can't be found elsewhere.

The game's touch based control scheme not only makes it distinct, but actually fits the genre super well. Carefully navigating a maze of bullets feels great when you have the precise control of the stylus to move your ship with. I first played this as a kid and I don't think I would've been able to get into it without the accessibility that the touch controls provided. Shooting also feels great, there's a simple joy to swiping the screen to fire off your shots. The added risk of missed shots exploding into more bullets to avoid encourages you to slow down and be careful about it though. It can be easy to move when you meant to shoot and vice versa, so the system isn't perfect, but I don't really mind considering how consistently fun it is.

Each world not only has different mechanics, but a totally separate art style as well. The aesthetic of it reminds me of flash games, and I mean that in a super positive way! Levels are short enough to not be frustrating but long enough to not be trivially easy. There's some pretty difficult stuff in the late game though. The bosses are all pretty unique and memorable as well.

I'm not super familiar with the genre that inspired this but I'd easily recommend it to fans of shmups or to DS enthusiasts. It's a shame it seems to be mostly forgotten.

Fun in the same way that popping balloon wrap or eating chips is.

Big Bang Mini é uma incursão criativa no gênero shoot em up, com temática de fogos de artifício ao redor do mundo.

Ao invés de uma nave, o jogador tem uma espécie de objeto principal a ser protegido, que deve ser movido com a stylus para desviar dos ataques vindos da tela superior.

Para atacar, o jogador faz movimentos retilíneos na tela de baixo, realizando um segmento de reta, sempre de baixo para cima, lançando na direção desenhada um fogo de artifício tentando acertar os inimigos que se movem na tela superior.

Caso erre o tiro, ele explode e estilhaços caem na tela de baixo, que podem destruir o objeto a ser protegido.

A dinâmica é atirar com destreza para acercar os inimigos evitando errar ao máximo, e desviar dos objetos em rota de colisão com o objeto especial da tela de baixo.

É uma experiência divertida e interessante, com boa variedade de inimigos e visuais inspirados em elementos culturais de vários lugares do mundo.