Reviews from

in the past

The rotating dial is an interesting addition to Bishi Bashi with lots of potential, but it's harder to pick up and play than the traditional three-button layout. It's still Bishi Bashi and therefore still a riot. A worthwhile experiment, at least.

Played this with some friends and it went way harder than expected, would recommend with at least two or three people. Didn't finish cause the last stretch is obnoxiously long (arcade moment) and some of the minigames are plain stupid, still worth a shot

Fucking love this stuff, so much fun with friends

Very fun game. Feels like a mix of Point Blank and Warioware. Game is definitely more fun the more players you have as the Minigames can get really hectic trying to coordinate to your teammates what to do in order for all of you to qualify for the next round. This is definitely going to become a regular play during my visits to the local arcade.