Reviews from

in the past

sailor moon rpg!!!!!!!!! yahoo!!!!!!!!!

Sailor Moon RPG! Woo! ^_^

I didn't have huge expectations, but in the end, I really enjoyed this as a kid, even though I never liked the manga/anime versions. Good story, fun gameplay, nothing groundbreaking.

this game was SUPER janky but boy, i did love playing it on an emulator when i was younger. i never finished it, but it was fun. i'd be interested in seeing this remade, honestly.

Sailor Moon RPG, parece esquisito mas é bom, bem desafiador e tem muito grind, sprites e cenários bonitos.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Yep, it's a Sailor Moon RPG. Pretty nifty, huh? The game is pretty standard I guess; there are some pretty cool things in it though, like the nifty techniques and stuff. However, it is pretty hard to make sense of things (especially in the beginning) without a good knowledge of the series; the game continues the unfortunate “You'd damn well better know who everyone is before you play, cause no way in hell are we going to explain it to you” syndrome of anime gaming. Of course, this game isn't meant for just your average Joe guy, it's meant for people who like Sailor Moon. So, uhh, there you go.

This was a fun game but good lord it's atrocious to farm sometimes.

Incredibly flawed but a treat for fans nonetheless. Protip: stock up on MP recharge items and keep Pluto for endgame, she has the best move in the game hands down, was able to beat it while being horrifically underleveled.