Reviews from

in the past

After playing Bravely Default this is not as good but still really worth it and you should play it as well.

Igual de wapens que el Bravely Default

Peak. insane class system with just enough familiarity from the first game and a new mix of cool/interesting classes that let you really get out there with comps. The music is unreal and has such a different vibe, character designs are so much fun, and the plot is a brand of ridiculous that I can't help but respect

This game is incredibly unique, I love the ways it uses the 4th wall to tell it's story and it's done without feeling forced or cringe. All the characters here are absolutely amazing, this party is one of my favorites and will become one of yours as well. Due to the cute art style the Bazongas aren't that crazy but definitely present with Magnolia, who is a french Ba'al buster from the moon (yes really).

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I think about the scene where they used the SP from the title screen saying Send Player to beat the finale boss almost daily, truly amazing game


took a while to warm up to the new cast but I really really grew to like em

wonderful sequel to the original, suffers from sequel syndrome but manages to capture the magic of its original while adding new twists, makes it fun in a whole new way

One of the rare opinion that this game is better than the first. More fun gameplay wise and i liked the soundtrack a lot more. will say probably has the weaker story out of the 2.

the writing is so bad that could only come from a child dream not an adult

Bravely Second is a Black & White 2 situation of just being the first game again but a bit better and also it's one of the best turn-based RPGs ever

If you're reading this you've probably played the first game so I refuse to explain the mechanics. You know what it's like. You know what the fuck is up. That also means you understand this game because the battle and job systems are basically the exact same as the first game but with new jobs. That sounds bitter but I promise that's a good thing. The brave/default mechanics combined with FF5 jobs/abilities already created one of the most fun combat systems in the genre's history and it's only better in Second with the introduction of several creative classes that can completely change how you build your party. The most fun and broken job ability in the game is from the first job you get after freelancer, it's awesome. That alone radically changes how you play. I think you'd get burnt out if you played it right after the first but overall it's still some of the best combat in RPG history.

The writing is also very faithful to the original by being bad. It has the exact same qualities as Default while falling into the same pitfalls. That means half the party is too unremarkable to mention, the story likes to spend a lot of time accomplishing nothing, and there's a cacophony of underdeveloped themes and messages that make you question what the game is trying to say first and foremost. There was a funny cowgirl though so it's 9/10 overall. Many of the asterisk holders are wonderfully colourful bastards who offset the plot's failings by being entertaining enough to carry their scenes. I think you should just assume your opinion on the first's plot will apply to the second's.

Most other aspects are too similar to Default to be worth explaining to you. The menus are lifted directly from the first so you already know what you think of them. Much of the music is reused and the new tracks are in the same style and of similar quality as the original score. The graphics are identical so we get to keep low-res towns my beloved.

Really you don't have to play Second if you've played Default. You're already good to go when it comes to arguing with strangers about it so there's no point :3

Solid and traditional JRPG with a great battle system. Writing and dialogues can be very cringe though.

Review in progress:
Just as underwhelming as the original. The story and characters are somehow even worse this time around. At least the final act isn't god-awful this time! Yay?

JRPG perfection in my eyes, they took everything that worked well in the first game and refined it whilst ironing out or removing any nitpicks I may have had with the first game.
The new cast are just as delightful as the last, the story is a major step up and the new jobs they added are all really fun to play around with.
my only nitpick really is the audio quality on the voice acting is rather compressed but otherwise, perfect game.

Fun combat but it has too much grind and the story never becomes remotely interesting.

Better than Bravely Default imo... but I still couldn't get into the Bravely series.

Es una verdadera lastima, pero este juego casi acabó con la franquicia, y por ser víctima de los caprichos de la directiva de Square imagino. Mecánicas que alargan la duración innecesariamente como minijuegos sin explicación a su inserción aquí, un new game + al que es mejor ir con guía (no puedo decir más si spoilers), unos protagonistas con menos química que en la pasada entrega, etc. En general se siente una expansión que implementa cosas innecesarias, y descuida otras que hicieron grande al juego original. No es de extrañar que nadie en el estudio quisiera hablar de este juego en su directo del 10 aniversario. Es la oveja negra de la franquicia para jugadores y desarrolladores.

Sus salvedades vienen cortesía de la mecánica estrella del juego: Los asteríscos. Muchos nuevos y bastantes del juego pasado volviendo. En total hay un buen montón de trabajos, habilidades a combinar en las peleas que harán las delicias de quienes, como en Bravely Default, nos divertíamos explotando el juego combinando trabajos con habilidades. Eso está aquí, sigue siendo divertido... El problema es todo lo demás. Por desgracia, el gameplay de por sí no siempre puede mantenerte enganchado en la pantalla más de 70h de juego.

Miss me with a fourth wall break. I am not here to be a part of the game Square Enix. Other than that it was faithful to the previous title with some expansion of the main cast plus some fun new job opportunites. Also they did learn their lesson and this game was shorter than the previous. For better it didnt repeat the predecessor's most commonly complained about flaw; for worse it made it more tedious to do all the stuff you could in the first game, which is not only back, but you also have to defeat all enemies multiple times to get all the journal entries which were not worth it for anecdotal remarks from the characters about the enemies

I love everything about this game's music.

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It's obvious this game learned from the reception of the past game. While a loop does occur again in this game, it's only done once, and in a much less tedious way. In fact it's done in a way that continues the series rare yet utterly brilliant, fourth wall breaking moments (you get a couple more of those).

We get a whole bunch of new classes to get excited about and test. For a while I didn't unlock any old jobs (other than Freelancer which is still the starting one), so I assumed they were just replaced, especially as many of the new ones seemed to directly compete with Bravely Default's jobs - Bishop is an obvious White Mage for example. However all but like 5 jobs from the last game return, and while some of those do have an equivalent in the new list, there's a couple that don't. I can't think of any jobs that play like the Salve-Maker for example.

The way these old jobs were implemented was my favourite part. The devs must have known that players wouldn't find as much fun in unlocking old classes they've played to death before, so they turn them into side quests, which already makes them optional. But going further than that, each side quest makes you go through the choice of 2 jobs from the past game, given in the form of a moral dilemma involving the characters who were originally fought for those jobs in the first place. I love this because there are times when you might think "Well morally I agree with this person... But I prefer this class, so that'd mean I'd have to disagree with my morals to get it". Of course you can get every class in the game, but you only get the option to redo the quests for the second choice much later with the time loop. Come to think of it, I have no idea what'd happen if you chose the same option each time to get the same class... Maybe the other would be missed forever?

Luckily the replay of the side of these quests skips the majority of the set-up, since our characters already know what's going on. You generally just go to the dungeon, meet up with the characters and Edea explains she already knows everything and you make your choice. I did notice the replay with the murder mystery was very weird, as our characters were still completely surprised at the killers reveal, despite them already knowing this. It seems they just play the same "resolution" cutscene for the given choices regardless of whether it's pre-loop or post-loop, which is fine for most of them, but that just makes this one a bit of a standout. A very minor one though.

It's not just jobs, you'll experience both new and old locations and enemies too. Even the party is made up of 50% new and 50% old characters. Though the plot itself, and the main villains are all unique to the game.

Also this game continues Japanese media's fetish with food. Almost every other cutscene is just about food.

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Mejor gameplay que el anterior.
Anque sigue habiendo un trabajo que lo rompe todo, por lo menos lo consigues casi al final.
Los nuevos personajes del grupo me gustan menos, aunque hay que aceptar, la historia es mucho mejor.
Mi mayor queja es algo que también pasó en el primero y es lo forzados que están los ships, hay juegos que emparejan a sus protagonistas pero que no lo hacen tan directamente, lo peor es que hay escenas que siento que incitan otros ships, pero aún así el final del juego es "todos tienen pareja y están felices". Aún así creo que es muy buen juego.

other than wanting to shove Magnolia up my ass and being extremely interested in why the fuck Tiz was in a bacta tank I never did finish this game, just didn't hit the same as BD

A good direct sequel to its predecessor, but unfortunately for me, the story doesn't hold up nearly as well. I don't love the way they used the previous game's characters, and the story wasn't as compelling for me. Otherwise, the gameplay was still great, but the focus on using other players' characters didn't engage with me either. Still a good game, but with faults

Improves on Bravely Default in almost every area. I really enjoyed the balance changes between this and BD, and i really enjoy Yew as a protagonist. The dialog is kind of corny but I personally think its part of its charm. Only thing thats worse is the soundtrack and I wouldnt say its bad by any means, it fits the themes of the game better then the original soundtrack, but the more guitar focused soundtrack feels way more homogenized overall. The decision in BD to make every characters themes play with a specific instrument gave each a unique flair. felt that was missing here. The soundtrack still bumps its just really hard to follow up such a legendary soundtrack.

prolly the most empowering experience I've had in gaming.

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This review is for ALL the gravy!

Right up there with FF9 for my favorite JRPG. One of the most memorable final sequences, and the soundtrack still blows me away.

i enjoyed the updates to the brave/default system, but the humor and soundtrack are a huge downgrade from the first game. "coup de gravy!" being repeated throughout the game annoyed me every time, and not having clear differences between character motifs makes every special move song blend together

When are developers gonna make gaming moments like the beginning of Chapter 5 again

A los 4 personajes les pega ser atacantes físicos.