Reviews from

in the past

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Really good! It's incredibly unique, both the gameplay and aesthetics, and its got a banger soundtrack. Highly recommend.

Please play this game, it is genuinely one of the best rpgs I’ve ever played. It had a phenomenal combat system, a great story, is rather funny, and is just a game i’d recommend to just about anyone

Really epic, looking forward to the next game by Hieronymus Bosch

Possibly the best turn-based combat system of all time; you can even take estrogen!

Brutal orchestra asks a bold question, what if turn based rougelikes were good
Holy fuck this game is phenomenal

The music in this game slaps. The artwork in this game slaps. It just oozes style from (almost) every pore. Unfortunately for me, the mechanics are kind of confusing, and the game gets very complex as you go on...

Not my kind of game after the first few levels, but it's still great fun and I'm sure it has its audience.

Brutal Orchestra é mais um Roguelike que cai na mesma armadilha que 90% dos jogos desse estilo caem: a porra da estrutura de gameplay, o gameplay loop. O que isso afeta? Simples, torna uma caralhada que aspectos interessantes em coisas maçantes. Gostei da arte? Sim, mas já tô cansado de ver as mesmas paisagens e personagens de novo e de novo; Gostei da trilha? Pra caralho, porém até onde estou ela já perdeu o impacto; Gostei dos diálogos e da história? Demais mano, entretanto depois da minha 1143143413513456 run eu já estou pouco me fodendo para o que acontece ao meu redor; E do combate? Tu curtiu? Sim cara, tem umas ideias bem interessantes, mas eu já estou quase cheatando o jogo para poder skipar os encontros. Em síntese, o jogo quer que eu cague para ele.

Honestamente, se tu curte Roguelike talvez valha a pena dar uma olhada em virtude das boas recomendações. Todavia, em meu caso, só quero mandar esse jogo tomar no cu e ir jogar outra coisa que vale mais a pena jogar.


apesar disso, quero conhecer os outros jogos dos developers

Absolutely wild that it took this long for someone to make a game with a fun turn based combat system.

genuinely the best roguelike ever made

It's a crime that this game is barely known by anyone. It's not only an excellently designed turn based team strategy but also a piece of cool retrospective on art and mortality.

gameplay is very fun but man. the grindy achievements i could def do without.

Chi ha scritto che pecca di varietà non ha capito veramente niente, la quantità di cose incluse in questo gioco è perfettamente equilibrata. Anzi, al massimo mi verrebbe da dire che ci potrebbero essere un paio di oggetti di troppo, ma non lo direi mai sul serio dato che è perfetto. Non mi dilungo su nulla, ma per quanto mi riguarda i personaggi e la colonna sonora sono il vero punto di forza (al netto del fatto che è bene o male tutto stupendo)

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why do the fish have boobies

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The mechanics are interesting, but it lacks a bit of variety roguelites like this have.
But the mechanics are not what sold me into it, it's a fantastic body horror/jacobs ladderesque thing, it's funny, charming, scary and although i understood almost nothing about it, i still really liked it

No fucking idea what Im doing but holy shit this game slaps on every circle of hell

edit: Just finished the game!! cried

the madmen did it, they made a good turn based roguelike. i cant believe this. first in history.

Why did you guys never tell me about this game wtf