Reviews from

in the past

Zerei boa parte dos call of duty com meu pai, não tenho opnião separada desses jogos mais antigos da epoca, porque eu zerei a maioria com literais 9 anos, eu nasci em 2003, então tipo, muito zika mas não tenho opnião para separar eles entre sí, agora os mais novos do MW1 (vulgo COd 4) pra frente eu ja consigo opinar melhor.
Vou copiar e colar esse pra todos os jogos que eu sinto a mesma coisa, uma nostalgia que não consigo definir direito.

Played this in 2011 or so when i was wee lad and the dday mission was the first thing i tried since my brother made some progress and it blew my mind. Always look back on this game fondly and recently i've finished it for the first time properly in many years.
Decided to play on Veteran and it was really fun! Surprisingly doable, it takes a while to actually die and you can easily react and get in cover reliably... unless you encounter a machine gunner, then it's a 50/50. This makes the second to last mission the hardest in the game because you get little to no cover and enemies pour from every corner. Another problem is the insane screenshake whenever you get shot, making it difficult to even see anything.
Game's a fun romp however it really starts to get repetitive by the last third since there is little else you do other than murder nazis. Still, i like the set pieces and atmosphere of the game.

Melhor que o primeiro, mas as últimas missões são bem anticlimáticas, a última mesmo é bem sem graça.
A dificuldade no hardened é bem pegada, mas foi divertido.

Nostalgic for me, This was the first ever Teen rated game I played. My cool aunt bought it for me as a birthday present. I tore through the campaign so quickly but I wasn't allowed to play online at that time, so that was it. But going back years later I still love the simplicity of this all. It truly was a "game" no crazy meta's, no annoying fanbases of tryhards, just gamers having fun. Those were the days

I know I played and beat all those WWII titles during this period but I couldn't tell you hardly anything about those campaigns. It was 99.9% multiplayer action across the board. Became almost wholly fixated on rifles/snipers-only matches, too. (The instagib rifle matches from Unreal Tournament were a precursor to this, I'm sure, but the antique mechanical environment here got its hooks in deep.)

Still fun while also introducing a lot of series staples.

This was a gem! I never thought I would really get into the old-school style Call of Duty games but this one stood the test of time enough for me and I really appreciated what they did with it!

I'd put it in the Top 5 best COD campaigns.

Amazing campaign super fun, multiplayer was enjoyable no problem with that better than most the modern call of duty games

The perfect sequel doesn't exist. It still doesn't, but this game got pretty close.

Для тех годов неплохо.

É um jogo muito antigo, porém até q é divertido

👨‍👩‍👦 Hitap Ettiği Kesim 👨‍👩‍👦

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😡 Bug var mı 😡

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🎮 Sarıyor mu 🎮

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Call of Duty 1 ve Call of Duty United Offense'in üzerine çıkan bu oyun olması gerektiği gibi bu ikisine göre daha güzel bir oynanış sunuyor ve yapay zekalar da ilk 2 oyuna göre oldukça iyi. Bu oyunda herkesin bildiği ve Call of Duty'in oyun dünyasına kazandırdığı mekaniklerden biri olan hasar yememiz durumunda ekranın kırmızılaşması ve iyileşmek için beklememiz gerekmesi bu oyunla birlikte aramıza katılıyor. Diğer oyunlar gibi gene Nazi Almanya'sına karşı bir savaş veriyoruz ve 3 farklı ülkeyle görevlere katılıyor. İlk oyundaki kadar olmasa da gene oldukça müthiş bir savaş ortamı ve hissiyatı var. Bazen iliklerinize kadar hissedebiliyorsunuz. Diğer oyunlardan farklı olarak herkesin bildiği çok ikonik sahnelere sahip bu oyunlar. Oyunda gene koşma yok galiba varsa da öğretmedi ve bende çok bunun varlığını aradım sayılmaz. Tam anlamıyla mükemmel bir oyun olmasa da yetkili bir oyun ve adının hakkını veriyor.
Bu oyunu herkese öneriyorum ama kütüphanesinde olan herkese kim verecek 2005 yapımı oyuna 500 lira. Sahip olan oynasın eski deyip geçmesin çok güzel bir deneyim.

My introduction into the series. When I played this as a kid, I thought this was the coolest game. Even now, this game has memorable set pieces. Also very hard hardest difficulty.

Great Game, but story telling is very poor.

standardized a lot of things that cod would use for their next franchises, for example the health system

Foi um jogo que me surpreendeu.
Depois de 18 anos do seu lançamento e já tendo jogado os CoDs atuais, não esperava gostar tanto assim!

CoD2 é um jogo que marca conceitos que até hoje a franquia carrega; Campanha cinematográfica, batalhas focadas em
movimentação, missões com múltiplos objetivos, tudo isso já estava presente aqui (em uma menor escala).

Meus pontos negativos ficam por conta da falta de Feedback: Inimigos são praticamente camuflados com os seus aliados (e ter friendly fire também atrapalha nesse aspecto), mini-mapa no formato de bussola que leva pra lugar algum, dificuldade de confirmar se o inimigo morreu mesmo ou ainda esta no chão, atirando...

São várias arestas que vieram a ser polidas nos jogos posteriores da série, mas aqui você ainda as sente.

Apesar dos pesares, continua um bom jogo!
Recomento revisitar esse clássico dos FPS ;)

Randomly got the urge to play COD games on Veteran

After bringing back the MP servers for multiple cod games I randomly got the urge to play through the campaigns on veteran difficulty. I beat all the COD campaigns up until ghost BUT never finished one on veteran so I thought it would be fun and thus COD 2 has been FINISHED.

Was it as good as I remembered?

I was never the biggest fan of COD 2 but I could respect what it did for the genre and I do LOVE some of the moments the game has. In addition it just feels good to play an older style COD game really making me miss the simpler times in gaming where you just booted up a game and have the full experience right in front of your eyes versus dealing with all these DLC , MICROTRANSACTION and becoming Nikki Minaj in warzone. However, while I still think it's a good game, COD 2 does have some issues in terms of how it's aged after all this game. That isn’t to say it's a bad game because noooooo that is far from it , the game is still a solid time if you want to play through a good campaign.

What were my issues?

To get this right out of the bag having no sprint feels insanely terrible and makes the game feel so much slower. I can’t tell you the amount of times I wish I had sprint throughout playing the game again after so long and after playing so many CODs since then. Furthermore, some of the later levels were insanely difficult on veteran, really making for a quite simply frustrating experience as I slowly made my way through each level. I know veteran is supposed to be very challenging but when you have moments where you literally are stuck in one spot and will get one shotted the moment you peak from 6 different angles is not fun lol. I bring this very specific situation up because there is a specific level ( if you played this on veteran you most likely know what I am talking about) where you have about 5-6 objectives on the screen at once where you need to take over all these buildings. Imagining running around an open field sometimes or just running from building to building having constant streams of bullets showered at you the moment you try anything. Oh you cleared the streets? Well tough luck you got hit from a window , oh you cleared the house? You better hope there isn’t one last guy upstairs aiming straight at you the moment you walk up. I could go on for a long time about this mission but the layout made for one the worst levels I have played in awhile lol. Furthermore, I also had some bugs and glitches where the game would give me checkpoints , I would randomly die by a nade that wasn’t even marked on my screen and even a weird glitch where my character FLEW backwards very fast which was funny lol. In addition, I really don’t like the weapon pool the game gives you. To explain , most of the time you will be picking up MP40s or Kar98s off enemy bodies since you will run out of ammo from the weapons you start with. This makes for a very depressing pool of weapons since you almost can never refill ammo on the guns you start with unless your AI teammates die.

The AI???

This needs to get its own little section because if there was one thing that this game really made me appreciate was good AI teammates. My lord when I say playing around your AI teammates is VITAL to winning I really mean it because the AI in COD 2 is honestly very good in the sense that your teammates will actually KILL THE ENEMIES….. Crazy I know right? It really makes you think WHY they made the AI worse as time went on lol.


Even though I have issues with the level design of some levels making for some very frustrating moments I overall still enjoyed my replay of the game. I was amazed by some of the moments the game had really given me a newfound respect for what they were able to accomplish cinematically during this era of gaming. I am not sure how fast I will tackle the other CODs because playing on veteran is truly a mental crushing experience that should probably not be done back to back lol. If you for some reason have not played COD 2 by now I do recommend giving it a playthrough. It's a solid game !

A solid WWII shooter with a nice amount of variety in its campaign, excellent sound design, and good multiplayer maps. Nice to look back on how simple things were for the series before Modern Warfare was a thing.

Used to replay the hill missions on the hardest difficulty and whenever I got shot I restarted it. Same for the demo level.

Игра дикое душнилово, особенно амерская кампания, с симулятором зачистки немецких деревень. ЭКШЕНА НОЛЬ, единственная причина ставить оценку выше, это ностальгия.
Если сравнивать с прошлой частью, то графика поднялась, и анимации чуть лучше. А так игра кал, устарела, играть не стоит

pretty fun campaign for an older game. Doesnt age well gameplay wise but its to be expected. its better than a few of the recent COD's

The campaign is really good, and I like the idea of the missions being split for 3 different countries. It's got jank of course given it's an older game.