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in the past

Playable band of brothers, probably the best COD campaign.

oh man, i love those call of duty first games, i really enjoyed it

I mean it delivers what it promises, they basically just took the original COD, upgraded the graphics and added an African campaign (not a dig I wish more of them explored this)

Kinda feels like it should have almost been called 'Call of Duty 2.0', idek if that's a pro or a con take it as you will

Perhaps my all-time favorite game, Call of Duty 2 was the first game I ever beat on its toughest difficulty. The gameplay of it is so much fun that I find it so ridiculously replayable. Not a single level or moment feels like a waste of time, each throwing you into an exhilarating and often loud environment that never ceases to thrill. Pointe du Hoc is still perhaps one of the greatest levels in the Call of Duty franchise.

Takes the formula COD one laid down and perfected it. Fantastic classic shooter

good call of duty before sjw ruined it

A campanha russa deixa um pouco a desejar se comparar com a do 1, mas de resto ótimo jogo.

Probablemente el único juego de la saga al que me apetecería jugar en un futuro.

Huge improvement over the first game. Soviet campaign was pretty atmospheric, I wish it was longer though.

It's such a nice game. It's really worth to play it when you like WW2 shooter

it looks really good even in 2021 and the gameplay is fun but it gets repetetive in the american campaign like wait 5 mins on one point and camp there was kinda shitty. still it's a great game

Call of Duty 2 Review

-----At the end of my play with the original Call of Duty, I came off enjoying that title overall. It had some really fun, epic missions with period accurate scenarios and aesthetics, and had a certain strategic quality about it. That being said, I did have some choice words for it. While fun missions were definitely present, this quality was inconsistent throughout the game’s playtime. I also thought the AI Call of Duty built itself on was more invasive than immersive. Finally I found Infinity Ward’s use of WWII imagery to be both striking and inconsidered all at the same time. It was an interesting experience to say the least, but one I don’t wish to return back to. Still, I concluded with a feeling of excitement towards it’s successor: Call of Duty 2.
-----Part of the reason for this is my knowledge of what Call of Duty would become. As I stated in my review of Call of Duty 2003, I generally look back at Call of Duty’s classic period (Modern Warfare - Black Ops II) positively. I think those games have their genius moments that are worth keeping and worth bringing into the future. Another reason for my excitement about Call of Duty 2 in particular has to do with hearing Youtuber Raycevick speaking positively on the game in one of his videos. Raycevick has made many great videos and educated cases for the Call of Duty franchise, so I hold his opinion in high regard. However, despite my excitement and the buzz around it, I ended up feeling as if Call of Duty 2 is above average like it’s predecessor.
-----Albeit, that isn’t because the two are the same game. On the contrary, there are some key differences between Call of Duty’s 1 and 2 that make them stand out from each other. For one, Call of Duty 2 has the kind of features that would become synonymous with not only it’s franchise, but with the shooter genre as a whole for years to come. An example of this would be Call of Duty 2’s health system. Gone is the finite health system needing replenishing from health packs, and in comes the iconic regenerating health. I was surprised to see it implemented pretty much fully formed here, and honestly I think Call of Duty 2 is better for its use of this new health mechanic.
-----This is for a couple of reasons in itself. Infinity Ward’s technology, or use of it, has a clear upgrade from its predecessor. Call of Duty 2’s environments look so much better, meanwhile the amount of stuff they can fit in a scene while not sacrificing performance is astounding. These levels can feel like true huge war skirmishes that you’re just a small part of. As such, a finite health system could only be detrimental and hamper pace. At its best use of it, Call of Duty 2 and its health system will have you making incremental, progressive steps through its levels while under heavy, tense gunfire. At the health’s worst use however has been a long standing pet peeve of mine: making the screen less visible the more hurt the player is. I’m still not a fan of that here, especially since while the arenas you play in look better, their color is dark and washed out. It’s hard to make enemies out of their surroundings, or your own allies, already without a piercing red blur taking over your screen.
-----Another way Call of Duty 2 stands out from its predecessor would be the AI. Call of Duty 2003 was sold on it’s NPC helpers and their complexity. I think the game that actually delivers on that is it’s successor. Call of Duty 2’s allies definitely give off the illusion of better intelligence. They’re humanized with more photorealistic faces that are distinct from one another. As you go through the campaigns, some of these NPC characters stick with you. I noticed this the most during the British missions. It was quite fun hearing the banter between Capt. Price and MacGregor, or hearing my sergeant address by name when yelling out orders to the squad. Once in battle, you can audibly discern orders between the helpers, and can witness them follow through with these. It’s very impressive. I especially liked when they would call out grenades when they were lobbed at me.
-----Speaking of grenades, the helping computers aren’t the only non-playable entities that receive an upgrade here. Enemy combatants also display increased intelligence. They’re able to flank the player pretty well and keep them on their toes. While Call of Duty 2 may have regenerative health, it also has the capability to kick your but if you don’t utilize cover. As hinted, their use of grenades is very aggressive compared to 2003, which I think is a good thing. Their explosive attacks caused me to move out of cover and think dynamically about escape plans and covering fire. These same enemies will also lob the player’s own grenades back at them. Unfortunately that same feature is not available to the player. I also think it’s a bummer that grenades cannot be cooked yet. Finally, my biggest gripe with the enemies has already been stated above: they blend into the environments too easily and can be hard to see.
-----While we’re on the topic of gripes, and firefights, while battles can be fun at times, they can also be exhausting. Another one of Call of Duty’s changes seems to have gone on to its level length. The scenarios, while more theatrical in places, are also longer. This to me makes action moments more repetitive in the latter half of the game. It doesn’t help that Call of Duty’s “Wall of Noise” is back and in full effect. Sitting in for large doses of 2 is equivalent to giving yourself a headache. I also don’t think Infinity Ward does enough with their environments either to help things feel fresh. Quite the opposite: they often reuse environments back to back. Their reuse doesn’t stop at the scenes either. One type of scenario Infinity Ward likes to reuse a lot in Call of Duty 2 is the timed defensives. These are where you're given a minutes-long countdown to survive while being attacked by waves and waves of enemies. It’s tense the first time around, but quickly gets old and comical near the end of the game as these fights feel like blatant padding. The cherry on top is the cheesy and dumb strings they use for music at the ends of these segments. Infinity Ward tries so hard to invoke the feeling of Spielbergian heroism, but it comes off as transparent and manipulative.
-----In conclusion, I think Call of Duty 2 is above average like it’s predecessor, but for completely different reasons. Its regenerative health and intelligent AI’s make for some immersive and aggressive gameplay, while the enemies are laid on thick. However, there is such a thing as too thick. Longer levels and roaring gunfire can make the gun fights seem dull while the environments are dreary and repetitive. I would say Call of Duty 2 is more interesting than what came before, and offers more of a memorable experience. However it’s storylines and gameplay isn’t the most essential in the series. For that to come, players would have to wait for Infinity Ward’s next, most seminal title.

Call of Duty Classic but everything done better. Not sure how Captain Price came back from the dead tho in the first game to be in this. Honestly also really groundbreaking for it's time, the graphics are amazing for a game released in 2005 when you play with max settings on PC, and the multiplayer is still alive and really fun.

Favourite for a long time.

The first COD game I ever owned. Great content.

a decent step up from the first game. probably the best ww2 shooter

Great entry, 2nd most fun Multiplayer for me personally.

Um dos meus primeiros contatos com jogos de tiro foi com um COD 2.
Ali nascia a vontade de jogar fps com modo história.
Claro que a qualidade não era das boas, mas para a época era o que tinha.

Obs: Joguei no Playstation 2.

Para un fan de los juegos de la segunda guerra mundial era un pecado no jugar a este título, empezando ya 2021 me decidí a jugar a este vieja joya y este fue el resultado:

Probablemente la mejor ambientación de un juego de la WWII, tanto de los escenarios, con las banderas Nazis que todavía en aquel 2005 los juegos no dudaban en poner, la banda sonora es perfecta de ambiente bélico impecable.

La jugabilidad es fantástica incluso hoy en día, sorprenderá a más de uno como se sienten ciertas armas disparando a objetivos.

El diseño de niveles no se queda atrás con un frenetismo que le pega muy bien y sin olvidarse que sigue siendo un COD.

La campaña abarca desde 1941 hasta 1945 el principio y el fin de la guerra, se echa de menos unas misiones con el Eje y la captura de Berlín pero en este tipo de juegos era norma general y no lo tomo como algo negativo ya que las misiones te llenan lo suficiente.

El juego tiene sus errores, una IA que podría mejorar bastante y se nota que pusieron más cariño en la campaña de los Americanos se ve bastante mejor que las demás, tienen un error "histórico" poniendo a la División Azul combatiendo en Normandía y no la ponen en ningún momento en la campaña Rusa que fue donde combatió.

En definitiva un juego para los amantes de este género bélico que no podéis pasar por alto por muchos años que pasen.

It was decent, can't say much more.

i remember really liking this one and nothing else, probably doesnt hold up as well though

Best COD campaign I've played and even though multiplayer was lacking compared to future titles, there's still enjoyment to using weaponry from that time period.

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I was shocked to see Captain Price is in this.

Great campaign. Online was not bad either.

Had fun with the multiplayer even though I only ever played it after black ops 1 had been released, shelved because I never finished the campaign but still feel compelled to eventually. I remember someone saying about this "Quickscoping was actually overpowered in cod2 the way people thought it was in mw2."

A verdadeira essência de um Call of Duty. Uma obra onde os cenários de ficção estão bem relacionados com eventos da realidade, uma coisa que sinto falta nos mais novos títulos da franquia. A narrativa conta com missões são bem articuladas, junta uma visão de cenário aberto de guerra com elementos de uma batalha real que te deixam imersivo na situação, trazendo tantos momentos de tensão que influenciam muito na jogatina, sem contar com a trilha sonora, que por mais que se passe despercebida ao meio de gritos e o barulho do tiroteio, faz sua justiça em ocasiões específicas, em sua maioria sendo no clímax ou desfecho da missão. A inteligência artificial no inimigo é consideravelmente boa, principalmente para época, em especial nas dificuldades avançadas, propondo ao jogador um verdadeiro desafio. Esse é, de longe, um dos melhores jogos baseado em guerras que aconteceram na vida real que eu tive o prazer de jogar.