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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
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I just couldn't get passed Fronteir's classic move of making the simplest of things take a dozen steps. It fatigued me in Planet Coaster, but at least the reward was cool coasters. I see little reward in checking off the many requirements for animal habitats. I can't say it's a bad game with my little playtime but I was certainly disappointed to say the least. I also just missed the steam refund period...

A masterpiece in just about every category of critique. It truly feels like the pinacle of many games packed into one, such as Skyrim, WoW, and many RTS-RPGs. Its faithful adaptation of D&D mechanics also shows a whole new generation to the wonders of story telling board games. It's tremendously fun solo or multiplayer and it will be a long time until I put the game down.

A fun survival game that has well implemented direction and coherent inventory system (apparently this is a novelty in this genre). It's a lot of fun until the fun kind of just ends, leaving little desire to finish that last stages of the game. Repetition starts to build but the forging and exploration will still be entertaining for a majority of play.