Reviews from

in the past

Moved back in the right direction

Sobre o Zombies: Gosto de muita coisa, mas como metade dos mapas (Os mapas do Chaos) são meio meh acaba que dilui o quanto eu gosto desse jogo. Mas todos os mapas do Ether são divertidos e eu gosto do sistema de Perk, apesar de achar que o objetivo desse sistema novo não foi atingido.

multiplayer is fine but repetitive no campaign and most of zombies sucks and if you want more maps you have to pay the same amount that the game costed

Pas mal mais le pire des black ops

I feel like an insane person for how much I loved this multiplayer. Does it have problems? Yes. However, the fast paced nature of this game just clicked with me for some reason. Its the only CoD to this day that I hit master prestige in. I understand that the specialist system is not for everyone, but it just clicked for me. I do, however, want to put an emphasis on the "loved" and its past tense. The games weapon balance slowly but surely slipped as post launch support went on, and with the arrival of the VMP and Micro 9mm any sense of gun variety and choice went right out the window. A damn shame

I'd like to consider myself a hardcore zombies guy, and even this was hard for me to enjoy. The game just got WAY too complicated and contained too much micromanaging with things like selectable perks, ultimate weapons, and more. It also doesn't help their are only 3 maps I'd consider to be good (IX, MotD, Ancient Evil). It also wasn't helped the end of the year content had to be rushed due to needing to work on Cold War.

I have a soft spot for blackout. Their are certainly elements like the health system that have not dated well. However, this was just an easy/fun BR to get into. While this doesn't have loadouts like Warzone, I'd like to say blackout is better off because of this. It allows for more engagement with the looting with finding your ideal gun and attachments. Console menus on this mode were rough from the start though and sadly didn't get much better aside from a couple months in. Alcatraz Portal Quads is still one of my favority BR experiences to date though thanks to the fast paced nature and respawns. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest Warzone's Rebirth Island Resurgence is as popular as it is: Alcatraz was the starting line

I still hold a lot of love for this game, despite its faults. Wish that Treyarch had more time to give this game support post launch along with a rebalance on the weapons for MP though

Black Ops 4 is the most disappointed I have ever felt with a game before. After the highs of Black Ops 3's DLC season and Zombies Chronicles, I had no reason to doubt that Treyarch wouldn't blow BO4 out of the water, but it ended up being a step back in every aspect of the mode.

My issues with the game ultimately boil down to them breaking the golden rule of "if it isn't broke, don't fix up", because it felt like their goal with it was a innovate as much as possible, without paying attention to how the formula that they had spent 10 years crafting would be affected. By the end, it felt alien and like an unbalanced knockoff.

Worst black ops bang bang game.

Actually really liked bo4. Zombies wasn't great but multiplayer was still so good. Specialist Weapons staying was amazing. Maps were decent.

In the Multiplayer if you're in a map with no roof over most of it you're fucked because the sniper helicopters are bitches. But I love playing gun game in the firing range map on here with my friends

This is when these games became 120$ dlc packs for the zombies mode, and this dlc sucks.

Play black ops 3, its better

I preordered the $100 digital deluxe edition and played for a week before I got tired of it. The single worst purchasing decision I’ve ever made in my entire life, I think.

Black ops 4 was a game that could have been so much more, but the the battle royale that was forced onto them stopped us from getting a campaign.

The lack of campaign hurts this one, but Blackout really was a interesting battle royale (if a bit dated now). The unlocking of characters through challenges was the best thing any battle royale could do and blackout is one of the only ones Ive ever seen do that, the sheer amount of beloved characters you could just unlock by playing was great.

Multiplayer wasnt bad per se, but to me this one seemed more like it appealed to the more competetive cod crowd than the casual one. It has some cool ideas.

Now for why I am actually writing this review, Zombies.
Treyarchs zombie mode is one of my favorite experiences in all of gaming, its just one of those things, and BO4 has a tumultuous reputation within the community.
Now I am of the opinion that the zombies mode while not perfect is a genuinely enjoyable take on the cod zombies formula, and while it stumbles the genuine attempt to do something different was comendable.
For the maps the standouts for me are classified, and dead of the night. Five is already a map I love, and classified being expanded take on the map was genuinely awesome, And dead of the night is a map with a pretty bad reputation but I do not care that shit is PEAK to me.
Chaos got shafted, Blundell wanted to make a new story and it got cut short because the game didnt do well, and the end of Aether also got shafted even worse ( Aether is one of my favorite stories in all of gaming and while the ending was rushed im content with what we got).

BO4 is just a game with so much missed oppurtunity and just another case of treyarch getting fucked by activision. Treyarch are still the best COD developer to me and I hope thier next game is something great.

I really wanted it to be good. God

should've stopped at 3 this is so awful it hurt. the zombies was so easy, the multiplayer was bad and the campaign.. oh wait there was none.

"no more crutch perks" says the ONE PERSON who hated the old perk system, yet still decided to make dying wish and bring PHD back... curious...

4.5 for the multiplayer alone. Severely underrated. The best multiplayer since og MW2. My best k/d was 76/2 :p

zombies sucked, but better than any modern zombies iteration.

Blood of the Dead made me learn morse code. This game has actually forced me to develop a skill which will likely never prove useful to me, but a skill none the less. Fuck you Jason Blundell.

Activision malaisant qui pond la même merde depuis Black Ops 3

loses points for having no campaign, the battle royale mode was shite, multiplayer was unforgettable - was a disappointing year for call of duty

One of the worse CoDs I’ve played. No campaign and an unmemorable MP. But I spent some time with Blackout. For about a year, it was the best battle Royale, feeling much faster and more arcadey than PUBG. The guns felt nicely overpowered, you could easily snipe or AR someone far away, but this also leads to frustrating deaths.

I remember playing BO3 back then and feeling it was a step in the wrong direction, then, BO4 released and now i regard BO3 as a masterpiece. This game is straight ass and was pretty much a test of what could CoD/Actiblizz could get away with before people would stop playing their game.

First, they scrapped the whole campaign, and although they tried to run a story with the FortniteIsTotallyNotEatingOurMarketShare™ gamemode, the inherently chaotic and non-linear nature of a battle royale doesn't work and delivered a very vague, ridiculous story.

Then, they added a live service-esque system to the game, locking very competitive weapons behind a paywall or a 300 hour investment, after that the gun was either nerfed to the ground or the next shiny broken weapon was already available in the next battlepass.

Gameplay felt... off? While playing this game there was this weird feel to the aiming, like it was delayed or the input lag was very high, I don't really know how to describe it. Also, the aim assist would constantly bug out and push the reticle outside of the hitbox.

Multiplayer was very unbalanced, at some point of the game's life cycle the first crash to get the first killstreak-ultimate-ability thingy in a match would chain poinstreaks from their team and absolutely dominate the other team, no way of coming back.

Finally, zombies came out in a very weird state, with many technical problems (Every zombies match would disconnect for at least one of my friends by round 20) and a very fragmented story because leadership wouldn't know what to do with the old lore while creating a new story, giving the players a half assed end to the main zombies timeline while creating a new timeline that got no end.

I hate this game and this was the worst $60 I have ever spent.

Jamais vu une telle merde, cette chose a été pondue sans amour, ce jeu est vide, ce jeu n'est pas un jeu, c'est un antijeu, ne rien faire est une activité plus distrayante.

This game didn't have a campaign and even then the multiplayer was still one of the worst.

Gostei muito do Zombies e queria um dia fazer todos os easter eggs