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I am mostly the kinda girl who plays Call of Duty for the campaign so for a CoD game to not include a campaign the multiplayer must be really good. Well, its not really. Blackout is awful, probably one of the worst battle royale games ive played and the zombies mode seems okay but I never really played them because they are hard and I'm a pussy. So that leaves us with the normal multiplayer. Which well, isnt really good either. The TTK is awful and you basically gotta play in hardcore for it to feel remotely right. Gone is also the mobility of Bo3 and its replaced with uninteresting specialists, forgettable maps and boring guns. Probably one of the worst multiplayer modes simply for how just unmemorable it is, but its at least not as insultingly awful as Infinite Warfare or Vanguard. So now that I've left a mostly negative review i have to admit that outside of blackout I really didnt have a bad time. Sure the multiplayer is nothing special but I still had fun with it because hey its call of duty and its always a mostly good time

Nancymeter - 64/100

Cadê meu jogo?

Multiplayer com pouco destaque, com os modos clássicos, porém o avanço e customização de classes não é tão divertido como em outros títulos. Já no outro modo, o zombies, é onde a diversão é um pouco mais acentuada, com destaque para o mapa do titanic. Entretanto, esse modo só é divertido MESMO, quando você joga com amigos, pois jogar com aleatórios que seguem uma estratégia particular e bots que não agregam em nada, não é lá tão legal.

My brother got this for 20 bucks and then it was revealed to be free for PS plus a few days later.

It had nothing to do with Black Ops 1 nor 2

the supply drops were better. the maps were mostly 3 lanes maps and remakes

it's mid

and zombies was okay. still sucked

Only played it at a friend’s house, but why the fuck was this $60, especially considering the lack of a campaign.

This is definitely a contender for the worst in the Black Ops series, no question. No campaign, HUGE mis-steps in Zombies, and a Battle Royale mode. However, it isn't all bad. I actually prefer this multiplayer to BO3, and the Zombies is certainly inferior to the rest of the Treyarch games before it, but it isn't complete shit in my opinion. It has MAJOR problems, but I can still have a lot of fun with it. Also, Blackout is better than Warzone, there I said it.

Sorry, I didn't pay $60 for a battle royale that barely works when others that work completely fine are free

Such a horrible follow up to BOIII. The only mode I would’ve cared about (zombies) didn’t even interest me.

gunplay is actually pretty good. Wish i played more before the op lootbox guns ruined everything

not good at all and definitely the worst from the black ops series. didnt even have much fun playing zombies

Just call of duty. Better multiplayer than most games in the series but I couldn't play more than a couple day's worth of matches.

bu oyuna hiikaye getirmeyenin amk kodumun malları

I love to hate Black Ops 4. And I hate to love Black Ops 4.

Arguably one of the games I'm the most split over. Growing up, I despised this game, and for good reason. This game made MOB OF THE DEAD BAD. Like how can you fuck that up??

Then Vanguard came out.

The lack of campaign I could care less about, and the multiplayer Blackout was fun when it was around and I do miss it, I wish I could still play it.

But Zombies is the biggest thing. As a Zombies title, it does so much wrong. As its own thing, its...a good experience, honestly. The best way to treat BO4 is as it's own experience.

It's got some really good maps I've come to love! Like Tag Der Toten, Ancient Evil, IX, and Classified! Though its bad maps are...really bad, like the aforementioned Blood of the Dead as well as Voyage of Despair and Alpha Omega.

Overall, BO4 is a game that exists. I find myself coming back to it like a dog to an abusive owner, and I'd be lying if I didnt say I have fun with it. But theres so much wrong with it that causes me to just be sad about it's existence.

This is the first Call of Duty to not have a single-player campaign (BO3 on PS3 and 360 doesn't count). A shame because Treyarch and the Black Ops sub-series as a whole have been known for having the best storytelling in the entire franchise. You can find a plot hidden in the game's tutorial missions, but it doesn't go anywhere. Feeling more like a teaser for something better coming in the next Black Ops game as opposed to a truly satisfactory use of it's great looking cutscenes.

In place of the campaign we get the new "Blackout" mode. Call of Duty's spin on the battle royale genre. It doesn't really do anything new, but still manages to be one of, if not THE, best offerings currently on the market thanks to the series always excellent shooting mechanics, an exciting map filled with familiar locales, and a strong progression system (an area where I found Fortnite to be lacking). It's still got the same irritations you can always find in these kind of games, it can suck to have a match prematurely ended for you because you got shot in the back shortly after landing, but if the genre is your thing then Blackout really should be on your radar.

The signature multiplayer is the surprising low point of the package. It just feels so barebones. Treyarch's model of regularly cycling various game modes in and out isn't a good one. The few stable options that do stick around don't include fan favorites like Infected. Want to play a match of that? You'll just have to wait until it comes back. The map selection also gets old fast. I do appreciate that there were efforts made to change up the experience though, such as the removal of automatically recharging health in favor of manual healing and shooting feels smoother than ever.

The cooperative Zombies mode has just enough additions to entice new players, but is largely more of the same. Difficultly levels and the option to play with bots finally allows solo players to make some progress while coming off as less intimidating to the inexperienced. There's a new score-based, competitve "Rush" game type, but it ultimately doesn't do much to spice up this series staple that is in dire need of some reinvention.

Overall, this is still a content rich package that can keep you coming back for many hours. It's just the first time I've ever really been disappointed with a Treyarch Call of Duty title. There simply isn't enough content in the main multiplayer offering and zombies, while still solid, is beginning to feel a little too familiar. Blackout is easily the highlight of the experience and a genuinely good battle royale game however. It's also worth noting that the monetization scheme is far more aggressive here than it was in WWII.


Vonderharr and the team decided that an unpolished and half assed battle royale would be the focus of the game's budget and have mutliplayer, zombies, and any other post launch plans get botched because of it. And all the while multiplayer becomes over reliant on specialists and plagued with boring three lane map design. And then zombies suffers most of all with awful changes to the perk, point, pack a punch, and health systems, god awful UI that covers half the screen, replacing BO3's fun gobblegum system with shitty elixirs, and having all the Aether maps be reused assets instead of anything truly innovative. Not to mention the chaos story was so forgettable and got cancelled half way through and the conclusion to Aether story was relegated to a anti climatic and dissapointing slide show that makes Revelations' ending look satisfying.

Blood of the Dead made me learn morse code. This game has actually forced me to develop a skill which will likely never prove useful to me, but a skill none the less. Fuck you Jason Blundell.

Played it when it was free for a weekend. I also single handedly carried two of my friends to a W in blackout

The kind of multiplayer game where I just feel like I'm wasting time and rotting away while I play it

Only with a little minor annoyance that I have to press a button to heal in this one. Why did they add that?

The zombies was lame and not including a campaign was a baffling decision. I guess the multiplayer was alright at least.

We as human beings have so little time on this earth. So much of our lives can be spent doing things we love. Spending time with friends or family, working on our hobbies, learning new skills. I urge you, the reader, to not waste your precious hard earned time on this game.

I preordered the $100 digital deluxe edition and played for a week before I got tired of it. The single worst purchasing decision I’ve ever made in my entire life, I think.

This may actually be the worst COD game of all time. Around this time is where COD really started to die off. The reason I hate this game so much is because of the lack of... well everything. This feels like a bad spinoff, not a main title. I enjoyed the blackout mode for what it is but the multiplayer is horrendous and the lack of campaign is embarrassing. What does this game do to earn the title of Black ops 4? Nothing. One thing I will say is that Zombies is pretty good, but that's all this game has going for it

THIS. IS. IT. The worst game that I've ever played!
I know I still have a whole world to discover of games that are legitimately broken and unplayable, but this game will nonetheless hold a place in my heart as the embidoment of everything wrong with modern gaming. The only value it had is that it started the definitive dying cycle of a franchise that has lost all relevance over a decade ago.

Blackout actually wasn't that bad but other than that this game is just painfully average.

I'm running out of things to say. Despite loving Treyarch's CoD's, I just didn't stick around with this one for long. It was fine. I did like the Battle Royale mode, though.

A massive disappointment for a Zombies fan