Reviews from

in the past

This changed so much about the game but for the worse. The multiplayer being character based and having super long time to kill was annoying. Also they made zombies worse its so boring now.

Probably my favorite Black Ops, but I'm biased since it came out when I was young.

Très bon, bon multi et zombie trop bien

meh multiplayer, suffered from lootboxes.

The zombies package was great, however the zombie chronicles edition did not include all dlc, which was refarted af.

Campaign: Train go boom. I will not be elaborating any further at this time

This was easily the best futuristic multiplayer CoD made and its not up for debate. The slide and thrust movement, along with wallrunning, allowed for fluid combinations and player expression. The gunplay was also great, as usual from Treyarch. This was also one of the best set of launch maps I've seen in this franchise. Aside from a couple of duds, there was much more strength than weakness in this regard

This is the best zombies mode CoD has ever gotten. Full stop. Outside of Zetsubou No Shima, every map in this game has something to offer. Even Revelations, despite it being a "copy and paste" map, still offers tons of easter eggs and map flow. Top that off with Zombies Chronicles, and there's almost no contest. Weapon kits are also a welcome addition, rewarding dedicated players with more attachments for wall/random box weapons and is the gold standard for outside management for Zombies: Minimal but still impactful

It should speak volumes that despite having one of the worst campaigns in the franchise that this game is still regarded as one of the best in the franchise, and it has every right too. We will probably never see a game get as much post launch support as this one did

Los mejores zombies de la saga gracias a los remakes de los mapas clásicos y la workshop que tiene mapas buenísimos.

While the campaign has a mediocre and convoluted story, the gameplay and zombies mode make the experience enjoyable enough.

campaign was terrible and unforgettable, multiplayer was good, probably the best zombies since black ops 1 and 2

Jetpacks were just too fun. Some dislike the jetpack era but I loved it. Made everything more exciting. Increased the skill gap.
Sniping with jetpacks was ridiculous. Hitting a wall run into a jump and getting a quick scope was 🐐. Possibly had the 3 best snipers in any cod. SVG, Locus, P06
Again Zombies absolutely cooked. The storyline was just continuing in the greatest way. Der eisendrache bows 🐐🐐🐐🐐
My four goats cooking. Getting to play the WAW zombies maps was the greatest nostalgic feeling. Best DLC experiences.

Only rating the zombie mode

You know, 1 outta 3 aint bad

melhor zombies de todos, sem comparações

Des heures à passer sur le mode multi-joueur et le monde zombie mais la campagne est un peu faignante et manque de bonnes idées.

Modo historia de mierda, multijugador divertido y EL MEJOR zombies lets go

Le tengo muchisimo cariño a black ops 3, jugué miles de horas a sus zombies y multiplayer (pero claro que esta lejos de ser el mejor)

one of the best campaigns in cod history

Good Bang bang but black ops 2 was unbeatable.

Nine whole years without a good Call of Duty zombies mode. Think about what that does to a man.

Best Zombies OAT, everything else- mid

Score is mostly based on zombis


Campaign got way too much hate. "Train go boom" is a little goofy but it was still fun!
Multiplayer is fantastic, being the only COD I got the dark matter skin on.
Zombies is phenomenal.