Reviews from

in the past

This changed so much about the game but for the worse. The multiplayer being character based and having super long time to kill was annoying. Also they made zombies worse its so boring now.

Probably my favorite Black Ops, but I'm biased since it came out when I was young.

Très bon, bon multi et zombie trop bien

meh multiplayer, suffered from lootboxes.

The zombies package was great, however the zombie chronicles edition did not include all dlc, which was refarted af.

Des heures à passer sur le mode multi-joueur et le monde zombie mais la campagne est un peu faignante et manque de bonnes idées.

Modo historia de mierda, multijugador divertido y EL MEJOR zombies lets go

Le tengo muchisimo cariño a black ops 3, jugué miles de horas a sus zombies y multiplayer (pero claro que esta lejos de ser el mejor)