Reviews from

in the past

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The open combat missions are awful, the game is way too short, and it ends halfway through what feels like a natural story. Farah is kinda pushed to the side again, Alex returning is dumb, and no Alejandro feels like the wrong move. None of the villains are strong in this series and Makarov is no exception.

Also the new series playing the same beats as the original make this one kinda redundant. Makarov the big bad guy, Shepherd being bad, Soap dying in 3, etc... I wish I was more I vested, but im just not

Mi puntuación es única y exclusivamente del multiplayer, los zombies y la campaña son un insulto.
Y volviendo al multi, si le quitan el SBMM es el mejor MP desde Infinite Warfare
(537+ horas totales)

we need makarov!!!!, who the hell is this guy

Campaign is average. OCS missions are a decent concept but are clearly here due to the rushed nature of the game. Story itself feels like the first half of a full game that was made into one game.
If the matchmaking system wasn't as strict as it was, the multiplayer could be so much better. At times it feels like a WWE match: Its all scripted and the ending is predetermined. Aside from that the weapons and overall feel of the game are much better than MWII. The remastered MW2 maps generally play the same, which exemplifies the issues with some of them due to the faster nature of the game. Ground War needs attention as its the best place to avoid the matchmaking algorithm but due to lack of maps and the EMP extended play sessions can become tiring
Zombies surprised me in the sense that I expected this to be a complete disaster but instead was overall slightly above average. Server instability continues to be a problem for the mode to this day and due to the extraction mechanics of the mode can become a big pain point. Post launch support has been odd since they continue to try and evolve the endgame but most of the playerbase has not even finished act 3. More midgame content needs to be added (contracts, ways to lower cooldown timers, etc.)

This game could've been an 4 or even 4.5 if it had more time but overall enjoyed my time more than I hated it

This game is 100% dooky and I hate most of it.
It's a microtransaction store with a game attached to it, said game is plagued with glitches, the character skins from Homelander to Cheech and Chong are irritating, and the plot has gone from somewhat harrowing to the fucking MCU in terms of storytelling.
It's a terrible game I would not recommend... so why do I keep playing it? The looter shooter take on Zombies, that's really it. And even then I'd still recommend MWII's DMZ mode over this shit.

Finally hit my 2.0 k/d for MP, took a hot minute cause it plummeted immensely when camo-grinding as well as deliberately reverse-boosting just to see how bad it could possibly get at low-elo (example: )

The MP this year is made for the sweatiest of tryhards (i.e. people who spend time in-between games optimizing the shit out of a loadout to create something absolutely bullshit to play against)
This means if you also like to take the game little too seriously, be prepared to play against iron sight/1x sight "quickscopers" as well as people who abuse the hell out of peeker's advantage who will laser you in sub-300ms.
That's not to say that these are the only types of players you'll come across but if you strive to be decent at this game, there is a lot of corny behavior you will come across.

Netcode being mediocre and SBMM being strict are still the same old, it is what it is.

Generally, I like it. The MP is made pretty reactionary to MWII's where the meta there was to either camp or dropshot every kill. I enjoy what SHG's doing with the MP aside from making snipers OP as shit.

one of my favorite games but its dogshit

You have to love this game because it got the latest update :(

esse jogo não merecia nem nota pra começo de conversa, de longe uma das piores campanhas já feitas da franquia as missões se resumem no modo coop do 2019 em mundo aberto com alguns objetivos a serem cumpridos, não tenho nem o que falar mais pq é uma merda.

O makarov aqui é um pau mole do caralho o price é um pica murcha e o Soap foi humilhado sem necessidade no final, não contentes o jogo acaba do nada IGUAL A MERDA DO GEARS 4 eu te odeio infinity ward, vai pro caralho vocês e esse sheperd come bosta também.

I don’t hate this game. I hate that it’s mw2.5 and they’re charging 70 dollars for it. I only play multiplayer in cods now a days and i’m not hating it so far (i’ve only had it for a week). What mw2 should’ve been imo.

mataro meu mano sabão 😔👎
campanha de 00:54 segundos

Dogshit poopoo. Nobody wants warzone in the campaign

I legitimately don't understand why people think this new rebooted MW trilogy is any good. This is the worst one and honestly, it's probably the worst COD I've played up to this point.

Campaign - Why? Just Why? This campaign is literally half typical COD missions, and the other half is single-player Warzone maps that, might I add, are recycled from Warzone itself!!! The story is horrible too. They reuse the missile plot device again and they kill off two of the main characters in two different horrendous ways. Also, Makarov is nowhere near as compelling in this new trilogy compared to the OG trilogy. Literally nothing is done well in this campaign. This is bottom 3 COD campaigns, next to Vanguard and BO3.

Multiplayer - This is just the same shitty MW rebooted trilogy multiplayer, except with faster movement. The matches still frequently hit time limits in spite of this. I can't for the life of me understand why people like these new MW multiplayer modes. Mostly horrible maps, super thick SBMM, and mostly horrible streaks are the key to a terrible match every time I play this game. Also, I believe that there is such a thing as too much content. This game has WAY too many guns, attachments, etc. All of it is recycled as well, which is amazing. Also, I hate that over half of the shit you have to unlock in this game is through completing daily challenges and by using shit you don't want to use to unlock things for the stuff you do want to use. Did they do this just to pad out the progression system? Also, $20 skins is and will always be ridiculous for a $70 game.

Zombies - To be fair, I only played about two matches of zombies, but this ain't it. It literally just feels like Warzone, but with zombies. It just feels so soulless and lacks any charm from previous zombies experiences.

COD keeps declining in quality at a steady rate ever since MW 2019 was released. The only COD I've enjoyed since then was Cold War, and even that game wasn't that great. This is the most soulless, cash-grab game I've seen in COD. And I still bought it, along with everyone else. I keep hoping that one day we will return back to the glory days of COD, but maybe it's just time for me to move on from this franchise. Wouldn't recommend at all. 3/10

Uninspired, stupid but fun and took me more than 4 hours. I have nothing else to say lol

Best MW reboot campaign (first one with actual geographic and political understanding, and no racism!) Multilayer is the only playable reboot, and zombies is… fine? It’s weird and different but kind of fun.

>Graves and the rest of Shadow Company shoots up a town in Mexico in Modern Warfare II.
>Comes back in MWIII despite blowing him up in a tank.
>Doesn't get punished for shooting up innocent civilians in a different country.
>The Mexican government doesn't kick up a fuss.

>General Shepard gets kidnaped despite him being a well known General that the US would pick up real quick.

>Makarov being a genetic Saturday morning cartoon villain that has zero character motivation outside from "I am bad man that just blows random building up. Can you tell that I am a bad human being because I like to shoot at my own people?

A fuckin 13 year old wrote this storyline

Also fuck Open-Combat missions.

that's why there's modern warfare 3 and III

Enough bang bang please stop

after loving the first 2 installments of the reboot universe, i was very excited for this.
Campaign was to short for me but still great, the open combat mission were an interesting change from the usual campaign mission set up.
Multiplayer is at the minute good especially with the old maps coming back into the game
I actually cried when Soap died and still get upset everything i see it

Having greatly enjoyed the first two installments, I was beyond surprised for the third to have come out so soon after its predecessor.

The PvP playlists are pretty fun with a lot of weapons and skins to unlock and Warzone is Warzone so I can't really complain about the multiplayer side of things.

I didn't play Warzone or the other online modes for MW19 nor did I play much of MWII's multiplayer but apparently, the campaign for this one reuses a lot of assets from those games, which I don't exactly mind on its face except that this game introduced open combat missions and the story is all over the place, as if operating around those older locations sometimes.

And what were they thinking with open combat missions, by the way? The maps are too big and each level would have been near-drastically improved had it been presented as a standard, linear story mission. Taking a gamble like this was, in my opinion anyway, a mistake that harms the gameplay, an issue that's exacerbated by the characters and overall plot in MWIII being far weaker than its previous installments.

I'll play MWIV whenever it comes out but my expectations for the campaign have been greatly tempered.

Downgrade from mw2, just like the original mw3. Seems like they rushed this one out of the frying pan to cash out. Definitely could have been dlc. The story wasn’t even bad, it was just too short and wasn’t really satisfying as a the last two. Majority of the campaign are these “open missions” where you have to complete goals within a map but if you die, you gotta start the whole thing over. It’s frustrating as hell on veteran but they let you keep whatever weapons and upgrades you find throughout the map. A neat concept but no bueno for a classic cod campaign, just seems like a rushed mission structure, especially compared to the last game. The stakes are high in the story, something I love in the reboot story; this one just leaves a bit to be desired. It’s honestly an edging simulator until the next game comes out. Last game I got every campaign trophy but I didn’t even try for this game. It’s not bad and it’s a must play if you’re into the story, just wish they didn’t rush it.

Honestly, have three different opinions on this game all at once:
1) The campaign wasn't that great and the ending was terrible in my opinion. The intro mission got me hyped, but I hated the new open combat missions structure and it killed my experience. Made me feel like I was playing DMZ/Warzone, which I don't want in the campaigns.
2) The multiplayer is a blast - I absolutely love the Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps and the gameplay feels rather nice. It is extremely enjoyable and the reason I keep playing.
3) Zombies is....okay. Not really vibing with it and would rather play something round based.

Originally had a score of 7/10 but dropping it down 2 points for one of the campaign missions bugging out, causing my PS5 to crash repeatedly and forcing me to start all over again. I almost gave up on it - but that was a few hours of agony try to fix things (I wiped the game from my SSD multiple times for example).


Time played is a rough estimate because of the horrendous Call of Duty hub having a combined playtime with MWII

I was told not to buy this game, time and time again. I play COD games for the multiplayer and zombies, so this review won't go into detail about the god-awful campaign as I haven't played it (partially because I'm aware of how much of an insult it is). I bought this game for the multiplayer, and in that regard I wasn't disappointed at all. I really really love MWIII's multiplayer, and while it's not groundbreaking, innovative, or even that original (almost all of the maps are remakes of maps from older Modern Warfare games), it's fun as shit. I love the movement, I love how every weapon in this game (barring the melee weapons) is viable and fun to use, I love how much feedback you get with every kill. MWIII's multiplayer is a step-up from MWII, which I really fucking hated. If you play COD for the multiplayer, then I honestly can't recommend this game enough, this is the best multiplayer since Cold War.

generally was not a fan of open combat missions

i am suffering with the tonfa, i am god's strongest creature