Reviews from

in the past

This is genuinely one of the best, if not the best, digital versions of Carcassonne. Back when we were still dating, my wife and I lived apart for a few years and we would just play round after round of asymmetric Carcassonne games. The UI was great and it made playing and scoring so easy that it spoiled me into never wanting to play the physical version anymore. It was just such an incredibly well-made digital adaptation of a board game.
It's too bad Asmodee Digital acquired the rights to this, shut this down, and released their own shitty version.

The Coding Monkey's version of Carcassonne is one of the great golden-era iOS games - sadly they eventually lost the rights to the board game, and this was removed from the app store and replaced with another developer's version. I'll admit I haven't played that version but nothing i've seen of it makes me believe it'll be a patch on this thoughtful interpretation.

No doubt eventually an iOS update will render this version unplayable on modern devices, and that will be a very sad day indeed.